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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 222

No.34872346 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rabbit goddess of luck/prosperity, beauty, and lust/pleasure.

Her temples are lavishly adorned and luxurious casinos (with all of the usual auxiliary facilities like food, drinks, and lodging) staffed by pretty girls and cute traps dressed in bunnysuits (bunny ears, leotard, detached collar and cuffs, pantyhose, stiletto high heels, etc.).

Her faith started off when gamblers (some of the most superstitious people in the world) kept on praying to "Lady Luck" while distracted by beautiful bunnygirl attendants all around them. They manifested the god through sheer superstition.

She represents the desperate, horny gambler's dream: fortune, money, and pretty girls and maybe traps.

Nobody knows how it happens, but through some divine miracle possibly involving multiplication of gold, both the house and the patrons win and come out smiling.

Does this goddess have a place in a fantasy setting?
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No.34825783 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Making a thread to voice my complaints against the present state of affairs; namely the excessive and overzealous banning and deleting going on right now.
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Pokemon Bonding Quest

!!w54qby8eGz/ No.34822241 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Pokemon Bonding Quest.


You are Sylvia, an aspiring Pokemon trainer. Donning a backpack, a cute skirt, and a short-sleeved shirt, you've steeled yourself to take on the world with your future Growlithe.

Last episode, you hugged your mother goodbye and cuddled the family Flareon half to death. You left home with a pack full of necessities and a flier from the strange Professor Lamarck. Entering her laboratory, you agreed to sign a weird contract that will change your life...

Note to the mods: Quests, smut quests, and Pokemon quests are all allowed on /tg/. Please remember this before you get too hasty with your decisions.
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Quest thread General - Everybody's getting deleted!

No.34825547 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mods - Is this the end for questing as we know it?

Players / QMs - Have we overstayed our welcome?

Quest Thread General - WHEN HEAVENS DIVIDE edition

No.34825291 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
GMs: How do you feel when you're banned and your quest is deleted?

Players: How do you feel when a mod/QM doesn't connect with you?

Mods: Why does indecision about Quests in your ranks always plague us?

Links, contains dicks:
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Pokemon Fucker Quest

!!w54qby8eGz/ No.34794667 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the world of Pokemon.

Today you became 16 and have finally become old enough to explore the world on your own.

Professor Lamarck is a rich, generous professor, but she's also somewhat of an eccentric. Although the trainers who've met her don't talk about the work that she asks them to do, she DOES have a large variety of Pokemon for trainers to choose from. Hell, she even gave you a list to parse through.

But first...

>Are you a young man, or are you a young woman?
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No.27377177 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright /tg/ I have a question for you.
So, my players want to play Final Fantasy for a campaign. But before anyone complains or tells me "use FFd6", they specified that they want it to be more like Tactics. They said that they wanted to play Final Fantasy Tactics as a tabletop, and want it to be like the game in feel, fluff, and crunch (they said that they'd also enjoy me including some Tactics Ogre, and would be fine with a tiny smattering of the later Tactics games for lighter moments).

So my question, /tg/, is this: what system would be best to emulate Final Fantasy Tactics, especially the combat? Until then, I'll dump some pictures.
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For House and Dominion: Neeran War

!!cAsGzl185mF No.34750338 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For House and Dominion: Neeran War Quest

You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! You command the Third and Fifth Attack Wings along with other elite units of the House military while on campaign.

You've returned to the front lines to help the Shallan people repel the Neeran invaders. With signs that the Neeran are preparing to renew their offensive you've been staging large scale raids behind enemy lines. Towards that end the Republic Heavy Carrier "Millennial Host" has become the mobile base for your fleet operations, able to repair more than two dozen attack ships in the time it would take your repair barge to work on a pair of light cruisers.

The heavy carrier also allows you to support a much larger force in the field for longer periods of time thanks to their supply reserves. This is essential as more allies and damaged ships are encountered and recovered. It does have limitations however and is unable to properly repair Medium cruisers in the field, forcing you to scavenge for equipment to repair salvage Medium cruisers.

Between the allies you've encountered and ships your people have salvaged your force has grown to become formidable, though your core strength remains your elite attack wings. Thanks to the repair teams another allied attack squadron and an under strength light cruiser squadron have just been added to your reserves.
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How would a jaeger fare in the warhammer 40k universe?

No.26801525 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /tg I'm curious, how would a Jaeger fare in a typical warhammer 40k battle?
They're approximately 250 feet high and weigh a few thousand tonnes, they're also flexible enough to fist fight and wrestle and have plasma weaponry attached to both arms (although the plasma seems to take a while to charge up).
Also this model is nuclear powered so EMP doesn't really phase it much.
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Princess Guard Quest 192

!!hfLsaVJrWbQ No.34659254 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Reinhold, master swordsman and victor of the Royal Swordsmanship Tournament. The King was so impressed with your skill, he personally requested that you be transferred out of the army and into the Royal Guard! Not bad for an orphan who was raised in a brothel in a poor fishing village.

The only issue at this point is your assignment... you've been charged to be the personal guard of the King's only daughter Marianne. While she is the vision of loveliness that you'd expect from a Princess, her personality is... well... she seems to have some issues.

This restaurant trip has been both good and bad. On the good side, you got to eat a DELICIOUS meal. And on the bad side, you kind of pissed Luciana off with a joke you made.

But she doesn't seem to be holding it against you... right?

>Congratulations, you are now a timid LLAMA!
>Llamas are strong and hardy... but also rather skittish.
>The Princess considers you to be her friend!
>But while llamas may be majestic, they still don't count as people.

Thread archive:

Character list + descriptions (in progress):

List and descriptions of the spells shown thus far:

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