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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 224


Pokemang Quest Episode 32: It's OK to say no kids

!DGim1Grf7. No.34673958 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome back six badge trainers, five badge round heels, four badge luddites, three badge plebeians two badge jobbers and one badge chodes.
mechanics for this quest and party info can be found here

Last time on Pokemang Quest:
>Movie night
>Presents for all
>Deep sea rescue
>Broken noso getto
>Girl pile
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Infinity General - Pirate Pink Edition

No.34599888 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Infinity is a 28mm skirmish game by Corvus Belli in which every turn is your turn.

Official site:
Their youtube channel:
Quickstart Guide:

All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff.
Downloads, including the rules:
Rules wiki:
Official Armybuilder:
Most commonly used Armybuilder:
Reverse Unit search:


Terrain Review:
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New test rules revision for Mini Dungeon Adventures

No.19375943 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Here's the fourth revision of the test rules. A lot of things have been tinkered with for better balance and faster game play. Fighters can now use two handed weaponry with one hand. This means you can grab a spear and a shield and a helmet and go full spartan. There's new footwear too. Boots of Haste grant an extra speed while pegasus boots grant the flight ability (ignores enemies and level changes while moving). There's a hammer that deals extra damage on crits which was fun as hell in the last round of playtesting.
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No.34348664 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>there will never be another Goblins
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No.34609023 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You, yes YOU, Anon, are a geomancer of untold power. So tell me:
What terrestrial compound is your wizard tower primarily composed of, and what tops your staff?

Feel free to go full Dorf Fortress in your descriptions. Use this to help, but remember some stuff looks cooler when uncut:

As for me, I'd go with a tower made of opal, with Malachite interiors and an uncut amethyst formation topping my staff.
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Quest Thread General

No.34595282 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/QTG/ - Are Quest thread generals dying? edition

>Have you ever written yourself into a corner or accidentally contradicted yourself

>Have you ever noticed a contradiction before? Did it bother you?

If you could pick one QM to take over your work, who would it be and why?

Fuck the Pastebin, nobody uses it, and if you can all be lazy and not make a /qtg/ I can be lazy and not find the link.
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Game Finder Thread

No.34585306 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The Game Finder Thread for Finding Games.

>System Preferred
Labyrinth Lord
>Times Available/Time Zone
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll2, IRC
>Contact Info
Skype: madandjelly
IRC: #labyrinthlord on
>Additional Notes
Gonna see if I can get a labyrinth lord channel going in which I will run a few games semi regularily.
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.28663444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

It's all come to a head. In Exelion, the players are a Tau / Dark Eldar deniable asset mercenary team hired to perform a very important job - secure an archeotech Atomantic Arc Reactor, a reactor capable of producing unlimited power, for a very rich third party so they can further pad their bank accounts by selling it to the Inquisition.

Zaill Kralic, Kabalite Warrior
Fio'El Fal'Shia Kais (Kais), Combat Engineer
Shas'Nel Sa'Cea Vash'Ya Sha'Is (Spacewind), House Fireblade

Travel to exotic planets, meet interesting people, kill them, and make mad money on the side. This is the final episode of Exelion: Anarchy Reigns.
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.28220134 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Old grudges never go away. This applies to both games and reality. In Exelion, the players are a Tau / Dark Eldar deniable asset mercenary team hired to perform a very important job - secure an archeotech Atomantic Arc Reactor, a reactor capable of producing unlimited power, for a very rich third party so they can further pad their bank accounts by selling it to the Inquisition.

Zaill Kralic, Kabalite Warrior
Fio'El Fal'Shia Kais (Kais), Combat Engineer
Shas'Nel Sa'Cea Vash'Ya Sha'Is (Spacewind), House Fireblade

Travel to exotic planets, meet interesting people, kill them, and make mad money on the side. Welcome to Exelion.
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No.34593740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sexy minotaur women initiate ruthless takeover of kingdom dairy business, putting hundreds of farmers out of job. Royal vizier has commented: "This' all just gone completely magical realm, and I'm married to a goddamn fire elemental."
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