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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 225


!!J5+vjygjQuK No.28093884 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Ever experienced a Cultural Enrichment Exercise For The Benefit Of Lesser Races? In Exelion, the players are a Tau / Dark Eldar deniable asset mercenary team hired to perform a very important job - secure an archeotech Atomantic Arc Reactor, a reactor capable of producing unlimited power, for a very rich third party so they can further pad their bank accounts by selling it to the Inquisition.

Zaill Kralic, Kabalite Warrior
Fio'El Fal'Shia Kais (Kais), Combat Engineer
Shas'Nel Sa'Cea Vash'Ya Sha'Is (Spacewind), House Fireblade

Travel to exotic planets, meet interesting people, kill them, and make mad money on the side. Welcome to Exelion.
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.22590436 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sometimes you can't simply shoot your way out of trouble. In Squat Crusade: The Musical, the players are some of the last Squats in the galaxy, having narrowly escaped the destruction of the Homeworlds. Their objective is to rebuild their race (because 6e says it's okay), but they must deal with a hostile galaxy, enemies who would see them burn, and their own ineptitude.

Philip Ragebeard, Warlord
Mortimer the Lazy, Hearthguard
Kim Il Sung, Guild Aeronaut
Engineer Velm, Guild Engineer

Welcome to Squat Crusade: The Musical.

Today you learn why it is bad to let only one person talk.
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.20965984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let this be a cautionary tale to always carry some Detox on you. It's the simple things that make the difference. In Squat Crusade: The Musical, the players are some of the last Squats in the galaxy, having narrowly escaped the destruction of the Homeworlds. Their objective is to rebuild their race (because 6e says it's okay), but they must deal with a hostile galaxy, enemies who would see them burn, and their own ineptitude.

Philip Ragebeard, Warlord
Mortimer the Lazy, Hearthguard
Kim Il Sung, Guild Pilot
Engineer Velm, Guild Engineer

Welcome to Squat Crusade: The Musical.
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No.19572443 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any dedicated systems for this, /tg/?
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Kroots in Rogue Trader

No.34558378 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My friend will be running a Rogue Trader game soon and I want to play a kroot.Specifically a redneck aussie kroot from planet Australia. Y'all got any advice on what I should look at for kroot inspiration and Aussie inspiration? Also Rogue Trader general I guess.
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!!J5+vjygjQuK No.18519535 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I originally wasn't going to post this, rather combine it with next session, the final session. But overall I decided against it, and here it is. As you know, in Deffwotch, the players are Orks who trick the Imperium into thinking they are Spess Mehreens. They fly around looking for fights, loot, and a right good larf.

Kroz Rubbykonzes - Mekboy
Grimslag 'Eadmangla - Kommando
Wazgor Shakbag - Stormboy
Grakgut Grumwizzlewot - Painboy
Wurrza Zzappar - Weirdboy

Of course, not every fight ends with fun in the end.

'Ere we go.
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Neckbeard Quest/Yotsube life #26

!!CBf2dkZ8M4N No.34523638 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm back! I hope we haven't all forgotten what time it is~
You guessed it! Also, I cleaned out my history and cookies, trip may come out different.
Previous threads
If you wish to switch character files, even number must simply suggest PAUSE, FILE SELECT. You may second even numbers in hopes your post lands an even number.


>Cousin Garush will you stop!
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A Tale Of Witches: Chapter Eleven (Quest)

!0JnhV/MfcY No.34487515 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Character Sheet:
[[Please excuse any above-average weirdness, the quest is being written while listening to Goa]]

"In the beginning there was sound. At the beginning there was song. At the beginning, all the heavens were but a melody in the Great One's mind" -- Excerpt from the Vadenaya fragments, dated around 4000 Sun Turns before the end of the Age of Desolation and the beginning of the current -also known as the Enlightened- Era. Inscribed over the great Dragonheart Library and all of Athra's temples.

"What is and was,
what shall and may,
be one and and now,
be goal and path..."

I am Maria of House Antioch. I'm bland and not very bright, but at least I know how to give my all! Right now I'm practicing a new spell, and even though I'm probably way slower than everyone else here I'm already making progress.

Or so I think.

It's really quite interesting to feel the power shift and weave down from eternity into the now, its path at once clear and completely impossible to guess at. ...well, that made no sense and I don't even know half these words. Alright, time for another try.

"...lay claim to all that's been given since the foundation of the world!"

There it is again. The thundering joy, the ocean of mad jubilation as every fiber of my being feels like it's been awakened for the first time in forever.

It feels as if I can see every fiber in my mentor's simple black dress, and the colours in the room all have a shine all of their own.

"Oh before I forget, don't overuse it. It won't do you any good to force your body to work four, five times as hard as it's supposed to. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Hmm, yes that makes sense.
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Warhammer Fantasy Battle WHFB

No.34520810 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Warhammer Fantasy Battle General

No.34508936 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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