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>>34386848You are Sireyi Valyenya, 19 years old, you have just completed your first quest.
You have been made into a Baroness, and given lands on the border of the kingdom.
You’re busy solving the problems only a ruler can solve.
You, Matthias and Shahulzer attend the meeting, you use Aspect of the Dragon to appear as a human with a little dragon blood in them – you’ll save the full transformation for when you pretend to be a demon.
Matthias can look like a dangerous thug when he wants to, and Shahulzers human form is demonic enough that no one will question his presence.
You join the gathering of townsfolk in the graveyard, there’s about 30 people here, a cross-section of the towns populace, men and women, merchants, townsfolk and beggers.
A few robed cultists circulate through the crowd, soliciting donations and reassuring peole that *The Master* will be there shortly.
About an hour before midnight a flash of light and a cloud of smoke heralds the arrival of a tall man in a black cloak wearing a skull mask over his face. It looks like he used a minor spell for a theatrical entrance rather than a true teleport spell.
“Brothers and sisters” he calls out “friends, and free-thinkers, welcome!”
He then gives what sounds like a prepared speech on the ills of society: nobles pushing people around, corrupt guards, greedy merchants – the merchants in the crowd look a little upset at this.
And....wait for it....yup there it is: an undeserving overlord who spends all her time in the bedchamber with werewolves, dragons and giants.
He’s got the crowd pretty worked up.
>Wait, no demon summoning yet>Call in the troops>Drop disguise, debate him>Keep disguise on, debate him>Other