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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 228

The Elder Scrolls

No.34231129 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is Ulfric right? Is Skyrim better off Nord run rather than being ran by the Empire? The Empire is gonna fall whether or not the Nords are there to back it.
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Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest. One

!2Oi2z8J5l2 No.34331215 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You sit in your car. Chain smoking and watching people walk by, the lights are off in this dark alley way.
You feel invisible. At home in the dark. The true boogyman.

Vampires, Werewolves, Necromancers. They think they rule the roost at night. There wrong. You rule.

And you're going to prove it. Make all of these fuckers learn their better.

Honestly you just want to kill.

So you sit in your car, in the dank dark alley ways of New New York. Waiting, this is where it all begins.

Night 1.
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Coolcastornot are back

No.21711480 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
looks like coolcast are back and selling via email

Because GW complained us some days ago,we have no choice but to close our web store before the end of this month.We can't sell any models through our web store.
But we will still do businese through email in the future.
I have some new items come to stock.They are:
Bitz:Necron Catacomb Command Barge/Annihilation Barge
Tyranid Tyrannofex/Tervigon
Dark Vengeance
Necron Catacomb
FW-165 Death Korps Of Krieg Command Bust
FW-166 Skaven Bust
FW-167 Dwarf Bust
FW-168 Elysian Tauros Assault Vehicle
FW-169 Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine(Only Body)
FW-170 Dreadnought Drop Pod
And some flying base was listed in my store.
Pleaes check my photo album:
When you open this link,just click on the catalogue of the album.And then key the password.
OK, you will get in the album of thi catalogue.
The password is : cool123
From the photo album,you can find what items are in stock and the price of the model(please check photo's title).
If you want to make an order,please let me know the information like blow:
1.Order list:
FW-XX x 1
WB-0XXX x 3
2.Your paypal account : [email protected]
3.Your shipping information(include tel number)
When i confirm your order,i will send an invoice to you and then tell you the order's number.
When order is sent out you will get tracking number.
Thank you"

Might place a small order to see how they go
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!2TlaRARhhA No.9527605 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, running a mostly improv super hero game based upon AD&D rules. The party i'm playing with can't seem to find a balance between silly and serious, with an odd man out everytime they decide to switch from silly to serious. The problem has been too much silly so far so I need to ask some questions.
How do you control your party or how has your party been controlled in the past? (control referring to keep them in line instead of killing children and punching buildings and non-stop references)
How do you make characters respect locked doors? Whenever the party is presented with a locked door and subtle notes to leave it alone, they stop everything they are doing to try and knock it down or get around it. They'll start throwing each other into it, casting spells on it, etc.

Final Testament pdf 2.0

No.22972431 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So /tg/, last night, during a Only War thread about Final Testament, I made a number of fell oaths of service and vowed to deliver a copy of said adventure book to the various regiments of the Tegeeum Segmentum. After a long and excruciating journey though the world of Adobe and the Sea of Souls, I eventually delivered. But there were a number of problems with that copy, not least of which was the fact that it was over 400 mb because of the malicious password cracker my cogitator was employing. And after some sleep and a nice breakfast, I decided "I can do better." So here I am to inform you that in a hour or so I will be delivering a brand new, slimmed down version of the pdf, once I get it de-watermarked and uploaded on Mediafire. Plus you know, have more then 50 of you actually get it this time around.

In the meantime, Only War general/ask someone who has the PDF anything.
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On Dark Heresy and Railroadan

No.9515877 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Following Contains Spoilers for the "Red Wake" Adventure from Dark Heresy: Ascension. Fairly Warned Be Ye.

So I'm running said adventure, and I've noticed one thing... it essentially requires me to railroad the players into the assassination of the Archimandrite. Not only that, but after the assassination the entire situation appears to go from sort-of-problematic to shit for shit to HELL ON EARTH just for the fuck of it. It's almost like the intent of the adventure was for the players to stop the assassination, and they're being punished for not having done so... why railroad them and punish them for something they didn't do?

I'm now torn as a GM. I'm already a few sessions in. Does the adventure really require the Archimandrite be killed? And if so, how can I prepare the encounter to be plausible and not suspension-of-disbelief-y? What could the players do to fuck up the "Red Wake" and pre-empt most of the plot before it happens?

Also, how the fuck do six shapeshifted daemons and a MASTER SORCERER not set off the "CRAZY AMOUNTS OF PSYKER/DAEMON" alerts that any Ecclesiarchal temple should have? More than that, how do I explain away them not being detected by Psyniscience? As far as I can tell, any decent psyker walks into that "Feast of Welcome" bit, notices the GLOWING RED DAEMON/PSYKER people, and freaks the fuck out and sics the Inquisition on their ass. Am I wrong here?
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Quest Thread General

No.34306605 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Players: Quests you unexpectedly came to like.

QM: What quest of yours do you want to bring back?

Ex-QM: Do you want to start again?

Links, updated as of 21.08.2014:
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Pokemang Quest Episode 21: Kasai soshite Umi

!DGim1Grf7. No.34271074 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome back four badge trainers, three badge plebeians two badge jobbers and one badge chodes.
mechanics for this quest and party info can be found here

Last time on Pokemang Quest:
>Say it Frenchie! (shou-dere)
>A Pineco, aw shit
>Tensions rising
>Suck shit Timmy
>Night time training
>Got the horns, torn clothes
>Dancing in the dark
>Towering Inferno (1974)
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New Cyoa Thread: RP preferred

No.34275985 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The old thread is on page 9, so I'm starting a new one.

Also, let's have some fun with the Avatar cyoa this time. All the techniques you pick are your starting techniques and you can learn more later at a rate of about 1 per year.

Also, if your post ends in 3333, and you're a waterbender, then you're the new Avatar.
413 posts and 67 images omitted

No.34276860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As someone relatively new to GMing (I've run one long campaign and a couple one off games) are there any common mistakes I should be making sure to avoid when writing my own campaigns?
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