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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 229

The Worst Dark Heresy Group Ever

No.34212373 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let me preface this by saying to all Warhammer 40 000 fans: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. There is going to be some shit in here that is going to make you have an aneurism due to either inaccuracy, lore defilement or just outright sheer stupidity. This is not a story of winning against the odds like, say, Henderson (Although I would argue that this story has just as much utter derailment). No, this isn't a story of's about how a group of 7 acolytes single handedly eviscerated the 40k universe in a series of events that would do Matt Ward Proud (And without the constant fellating of Ultramarines either).

There were seven of us (Excluding our GM): Frak, a voidborn imperial psyker on a quest for greater power. Wolgang, Arbitrator and arguably the unofficial leader of this ragtag group as well as one of the primary reasons shit hits the fan. Drix, a Scum from a hiveworld who had a penchant for violence, Sniper rifles and talking to himself. Nina, A corrupt Cleric motivated solely by profit and nothing else. Marlon, a tech priest who just flat out gave no fucks and had a bad habit of ALWAYS failing his auspex rolls. Garl, our old man Henderson for this beloved misadventure and essentially all the worst parts of a chaos worshipper rolled into one person. Anora, our second and slightly more moral psyker who still had a bad habit of mindraping most everything we came across. And, at last we had my character...Arla. She was the Adepta Sororitas (From the Inquisitors handbook), who I had basically managed to convince my GM to be allowed to play because Space Marines were restricted to Death Watch. She had dark skin, green eyes, white hair in a pixie cut and a tribal tattoo on the side of her face. She was also the least respected person In the entire party by the rest of her group.
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Power Armor CYOA: Teamwork Edition #27

No.34102884 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the PACYOA: TE thread. If you're interested in joining, make a suit, post it in the thread, and join us in the IRC chat under #suits.

News: New missions coming very soon GM'd by none other than Zipline.
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Fantasy Noble Colony 4

No.33631723 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rolled 25

Thanks to the mighty snowstorm that happened during winter a gigantic snow drift has occurred along our rocky outcropping up to our very keep on top and even beyond. Now a barbaric warband has come stomping through seemingly intent to take advantage. While their primary warhost seems intent on our keep a few war parties have branched off to go after our other holdings.

The warband as a whole seems to be mostly humans but we noticed a few orcish forces, some gobbs, and ogre support as well.

Our own ogres seem to be gone.

The attack seemed to have been well timed only taking right after we had some competitions and festivities for surviving this especially harsh winter. At least it wasn't long but now were having to deal with this.

What shall you do?

D&D 5E: Hoard of the Dragon Queen

No.34257429 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I know the big release of the day is the PHB coming out, but did anyone here pick up this as well? How is it?
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Civ thread Quest

No.34013223 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Civ thread everybody! Get in here!

Okay, we're gonna be some thing a little different today. I'm sure that people are getting tired of the same old games, so we're not gonna be in the middle ages. Saddle up, it's time to go west young man.

There are three different types of people in the west:
>Natives: These people have been here since the beginning. Sadly, they never really progressed past the bronze age. They are however adapt at living here. (Penalty to tech, bonuses to farming, hunting and gathering)

>Mountain men: Some of the first people to journey to the west, these are hardy men and women that abandoned civilized life to search for their fortune. The years in wilderness has worn down their social skills a bit though.(Bonus to survival, penalty to diplomacy)

>Settlers: The newest wave of people, they brought all the comforts of home with them. As the newest members of the west, they are still trying to adapt to their new lives.(bonus to tech, penalty to survival)

Post race and location along with your choice of people ie
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itt: Awesome /tg/ related moments

No.33406514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start us off.
>in class
>break comes up
>instructor from other class comes running up
>tells me he has something for me
>less than happy tone
>follow him as he leaves the class
>he leads me... outside?
>to his truck
>opens the doors while I'm sweating uncomfortably
>keep wondering what i did wrong
>suddenly something heavy and cube shaped lands in my hands
>pic related
>just fucking what
>my teacher just handed me a fuckton of AD&D books, and other D&D books including 3E DMG + PHB, and basic rules for original D&D
>like half the books have Gary Gygax on them
>to be continued
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No.33885851 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Deadpool is transported to Commorragh, What happens?
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No.33974400 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welp /tg/ I might be in a pickle.
I built a batshit insane wizard that, like all good aspiring BBEGs, began to grow a god complex, and pretty much used animation and constructs to deal with whatever problem went his way, he even went so far as to turn his individual limbs into constructs to reduce damage done unto him and attack in a variety of ways. There's just one problem I overlooked, how the fuck is he going to cast Somatic spells now?

The limbs float, and support his weight of course, they only "detach" whenever needed, but they aren't really connected to him and are kind of each their own entity, I guess what I'm asking is what's the leeway when it comes to gesturing for Somatic incantations

Pic related, but I swear he wasn't the inspiration.

Origin of half elf booms

No.33429177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where the f&%k are all these half elves coming from?

Over time I have observed there to be a huge number of half elves. And that preceding every surge in half elves there is usually a lot of heated debate between dwarf and elf. This has led to an interesting theory. First I say, that the perceived hatred the races have for each other is not genuine hatred but a kind of suppressed sexual attraction. Yet at the same time there are social taboos that keep each side from exploring these urges. Instead this mounts into frustration that bubbles up as pointless debate and fighting. Why doesn’t this lead to full blown war? Well introduce the humans.
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No.26714006 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For a long time now, I've been wanting to run a game that involves an alternative history of Earth.

One of the things that troubles me, however, is flags. A country's flag often has meaning, and when radical regime changes happen, the flag tends to be changed along side it.

Does anyone have any alternative history flags they care to share?
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