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"And you are sure you are willing to go through this right?" The young doctor asks you one more time.
"Yes, I am sure." You tell him. "I, Miki am willing to go through the operation."
The doctor smiles. "Good! I can't believe we can finally get Rina the life-saving operation she needs." Right beside you, your husband smiles at you.
"Thank you Miki." Although you only met him four days ago, he has already become your husband. Furthermore he still has a fiancee studying in France.
"It's my pleasure to save Rina honey." You fake a smile towards him. This was all a show, you are pretending to be in love with this man so he could save his little sister. Without you, Rina would've been likely to end up in the donor waiting list forever.
"Great, we will examine you tomorrow okay?" The young doctor, Kamiya tells you.
"Yes Doctor." You bow gracefully to him. It felt unnatural to you, acting like a good girl has never been your strong point even when you worked at the Health Club at the nearby red light district. Although you didn't really anything as strong as love towards Kira he was still the one that gave you the 10 million yen for your kidney. To him it was just the desperate move of a desperate man to save his sister, but to you he freed you from the debt your good-for-nothing brother has earned and has passed onto you. A debt that has chained you to the life of pleasuring other men for money for half of your life.
Hey people me and my friends are in a little village in the mountains with nothing to do, can you suggest me some group games? Maybe something like lupus in tabula (without cards)?
Havent seen one of these here in ages. Eternal Crusade general?
Ask any question and ill try to and respond to them. For anyone unaware they started streaming gameplay and Q&A every single Friday. Its starting to shape up into a plethora of info spam.
Mike Brown chose to play as a barbarian 4th level. On his way to the local shop keep, he wanted some rillos so he could imbibe grass, which would give him a plus to WIS but a negative in INT. He had very little in gold pieces to purchase the rillos (used to be a silver back in the day) and found himself short.
Foolishly, our barbarian hero attempted to use his Diplomacy skill to try and negotiate with the shopkeep to get more rillos for less money. However, with a -9 in his CHA stat, the barbarian easily failed his roll against the NPC shopkeep's Sense Motive stat. Having failed this, he agitates the clerk who proceeds to argue with Brown the Barbarian for some reason. Brown chooses a wiser roll stat in Intimidate. Flexing his swole on the shopkeep, the shop keep fails his Will save and lets Mike Brown pass.
On his journey to his base of operations with a new traveling companion, he spoke perhaps of smoking fat blunts and throwing dice (a common theme amongst D&D players) when Darron Wilson rolled Perception and passed his check to spot Brown. In doing so, he saw that something way awry and he must investigate.
The Cleric cruised up to Brown the Barbarian and spoke "What art thou Moorish cutpurses plotting?" Our barbarian hero was not a dumb brute, but still was confused as to the Cleric's inquiry. He approached the Cleric and began to shout, confused as to why the Cleric was bothering him in the first place. Apparently an altercation took place.
Rolling a Grapple check, Brown reached into the vehicle and began to wrestle the Cleric. However, Brown the Barbarian failed his next grapple check and Cleric Wilson wriggled one arm free. Grabbing his holy Pistol of St. Cuthbert, he declared "Stop! You've violated the law!" Cleric Wilson then proceeded to fumble his d20, which made him shoot off a round in the vehicle. (check part 2)