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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 231

No.33809834 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you have a frequently played character archetype in RPG's?
Is it your favorite character archetype? Or is there a different reason for your frequent play of it?

I play wizards pretty often, with a few exceptions. I enjoy the strategy in creating potions and scrolls and preparing spells. Also magic is awesome, bro. It's also the class my gaming group and I determined was my IRL class. If the setting isn't fantasy of some flavor, then I play the closest thing to it like psychics or whatnot.
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No.34028198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT novelty dice

No.33459450 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this what the anti-Tumblr looks like?

Here is an organization I am thinking of using in my games. I'd appreciate some feedback on it.

Knights of the Scarlet Woman.

When we hear of knights, we think of men who are dedicated to the ideals of duty, self-sacrifice, honor and who esteem chastity as a virtue in women. We do not think of knights as those who seek to liberate women sexually; such men we think of as scoundrels. Men who seek to liberate women sexually are known as the corrupters of innocence, as devils from the underworld not as heroes. Therefore, when we hear of an order of knights who see it as their duty to fight sexual suppression and liberate women from the prison of chastity we cannot help but be struck by disbelief. Well, I am here to tell you about an order of knights who see just this as their duty: The Knights of the Scarlet Woman.

This order was founded by three men who saw it as their sacred duty to liberate women from the bonds of chastity. The first was a rebel, poet and warrior by the name of Aleister Crowley. The second was a philosopher and sage by the name of Wilhelm Reich. And the third was a painter and bard by the Luis Royo. These men came together, approximately three hundred years ago and swore an oath that they would never rest until every woman on the face of the earth had been liberated sexually. Surrounded by hostility, these men at first resolved to keep their activities a secret until such time as they had the strength and the numbers to fight an open war against the dominant power of those days The Knights of the Virgin.

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Dataslate - Helbrutes

No.30986538 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

This is my repository.

Still haven't uploaded a lot of stuff. If you want something that isn't there, just ask and I'll see if I've got it floating around somewhere.
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Quest Thread General

No.34220392 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links and FAQ, read them (required reading for starting a quest):

>How much do you edit and proofread your updates in your Quest? How much do you sacrifice to update faster?

>Who's your favorite antagonist in the Quests you follow?
477 posts and 18 images omitted

Standard deckbuilding thread

No.34116307 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /tg/! building a bant deck for FNM this week. its almost ready but somethings not quite right. I think it needs more counterspells. But what should i change for them? is it even worth putting more in?
also any advice for sideboarding against monoblack and U/W/x control?
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Big Number RPG

No.33924010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's an RPG that supports big numbers?
1 post omitted

No.34135953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why hasn't anyone successfully recreated SS13?

Why did every single attempt fail?

Why can't we just play the most fun idea with an even above average execution?
5 posts omitted

No.33418603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should a LG character approve of guilds?
7 posts omitted

No.34213486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Move to new town
>Trying to get into the local RPG community
>Go to FLGS
>Talk to the only group
>Homebrew PF
>Characters at different levels, party leader (gm's friend) and his gf are at level 18 while everyone else is level 12.
>Characters are all edgy monster races and custom classes
>PvP is funny, specially when "She didn't expect me to kill her, lol"

/tg/ how the fuck do I find a group to play with that's not this bad?
Pic not related
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