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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 232

No.33559834 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I ran a combat test with some friends to test out GURPS WW2, and it seems to be quite brutal. Not that I've got a problem with that, but it's the intention, I presume? One of our party got shot with a Mosin-Nagant and died instantly. Seems realistic.
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Evil? PreCure Quest 73

!!9sr6U5dy4Eb No.33410005 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Momoko Nakajima, otherwise known as the "Cure Blade, Warrior of Justice" not like you're complaining about the title you got from one of the many fan groups that have cropped up ever since you got dragged into this whole mess. But you sort of got something like a little twin sister out of this. Said little twin sister is technically your evil clone, but she got better! Really! Even if she is foul mouthed, selfish, violent and stubborn she is a good person deep down inside!

She has been doing something lately, she calls it training but won't tell anyone about it. Worst of all she didn't care to tell anyone where or when she does it in case she needed a sparring partner! She tries hard, unfortunately she doesn't know how to ask for help.

Either way! You needed to talk to Lubu about your bracelet, last time it was acting up this much was Masako showed up. It, along with Misa, yelled at you that she was going to kill you if she saw you, hugs or not! Thankfully no one else can hear it's voice but the other Precure and that's a secret you'll keep from Masako~.

You step into the seal chamber and are immediately greeted by the sound of metal against stone and of glass shattering.

"Ooooh so this is where Masako was training." You mutter to yourself as your twin fights against an imaginary opponent with some attack you haven't seen before. She hasn't noticed you. Meanwhile Akari and Lubu are sitting on the super comfy couches.

[]Boldly announce yourself!
[]You really need to talk to Lubu, leave Masako for now.
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13th Age multiclassing question?

No.33360380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Using the new multiclassing rules in 13 True Ways:

What is stopping someone from just making an occultist/wizard, a sorcerer/wizard, or basically anything else/wizard, and then using all of their wizard spell slots for utility?

I mean, that gets you a LOT of utility. You have at-will cantrips (which are actually stronger than cantrips in 3.X), you can use 3rd-level slots for super-cantrips, you can take Utility Spell and the feats to upgrade it, and you even have ritual casting.

You can use everything from your other class for combat, being only one level behind for progression.

It just seems a bit cheesy to me.
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Degenesis General

No.34207325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the best post apocalyptic setting and why is it Degenesis and why don't you have a copy of this and since Sigh Press no longer offers it in English PDF or Print why don't we as a community keep translating the material?
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No.33905560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/ I have a situation I need your help with. How do I get a Lich to drink a potion? Like, lets say, just as a example, a Philter of Love. The Philter is a no save potion that would make him fall in love with the next person he sees. Help /tg/
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Metroid Game

No.33856588 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I've come to the possibly disastrous idea that I might enjoy running a scifi game for my group set in the Metroid universe. They players will be newbie hunters enlisted to do _____.

Figure it'll be a series of visitations to different locales for operations, one of them being the party called in to guard a group of archeologists looking into chozo (or other aliens) ruins as they try to recapture and unlock the secrets to the great power of the suit Samus uses. They'd have translation chips (just developed) implanted into their own suits so they'd be able to translate some of the ruins and operate a rudimentary scan visor. I'm looking to model this off of Metroid Prime and maybe the party is also to look into phazon and its ridiculously monster-making properties.

My quandry is this: what system? My group is a bit familiar with GURPS, DND, HERO system, but that's about it. I am personally inexperienced with the first and have only a rudimentary understanding of the third's mechanics.
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No.33874149 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I plan to eventually move into a tiny house, so I'm getting rid of a lot of RPG books I own.

It's hard though. I have a stack of Werewolf: the Apocalypse books about a yard high. It's my favorite RPG (old Word of Darkness is superior), and I'm conflicted about letting them go. Especially knowing White Wolf probably won't ever reprint all of them.
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No.33804391 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is how I paladin.
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warmacine/hordes general

No.33367197 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let me sing to you the song of my people edition.
Link some music appropriate to your faction, bitches.

Books, No Quarter, IKRPG:
List buildan
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No.33961312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
revolvers on a high fantasy setting; y or n?
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