>Previous threadshttp://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=%20Heroic%20Liner>Day 3, late afternoon After a rather short trip home, taking care to not bleed all over my casual clothes, I wince as I park my bike and stagger to the door.
And fall through as Liz pulls it open, landing on my face.
GAH that hurts.
Liz seems somewhat surprised, and helps me to my feet with surprising strength.
"Sella is in your room with bandages. Though you probably need to be healed from the looks of that..." She says, helping me to the stairs before heading back to the couch.
Staggering up, I remove my jacket when I get to my door, and step in to see Sella pacing, box of medical supplies on my bed. Immediately upon seeing me, her expression turns concerned, and from there to worried when she sees my side.
"What happened to you?" She asks hurriedly, rushing over and helping me to my bed.
I grunt, and feel... Something moving through my body. Magic?
A glance at her shows her to be concentrating, so that's most likely.
"You were punctured? Then ripped the weapon through your side?" She asks, tone halfway between worried and angry. "This will take quite a bit of magic to heal. You're lucky to even have-"
She pauses, looking at my hand where mom left that spell. I glance down as well, and see a crimson glow on the back, in the shape of some stylized sword.
"...Lady Irisviel certainly plans ahead." Sella says, shaking her head. "I'll start healing you, and you should be fully healed by tomorrow night."
I nod, barely restraining the wince, as she sets to work.