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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 234

No.34059585 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's /tg/'s take on sculpting minis from scratch? I've got a little bit of sculpting experience, but I've never really done anything in this scale before.
Do you guys have any pointers or advice?
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!!Zh7ehFXOW/p No.33629276 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Null Gene, a former patriot experimental super-weapon, with no code name designation as of yet.
Employed by Desperado Enforcement LLC, armed with an Exoskeleton engineered for CQC, now enhanced by HF claws, and a multi-purpose rifle.

Last session you had been stared at disapprovingly by Monsoon and Sundowner, however received words of praise from the latter and Mistral after a battle with the Dwarf Gekkou woman.

To get ready for deployment, you attempted to recruit more forces. After recruiting Mel, Lycaon and X-S2 you were finally ready for deployment.

Now only time would tell if you were truly the weapon the Patriots built you to be.
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Mutants&Masterminds General

No.33891787 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup /tg/,

So got pulled into possibly DMing an M&M game for my group, got any pointers for running it third ed?

Also M&M general.
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No.33535555 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw wanting to play a constantine-like trickster, but not clever enough to do it well

Is there worse suffering than not being able to roleplay a character type? I think not.
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Legacy General

No.33655636 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How's that burn
>Questions about what you're playing

I need help with a sideboard for this deck, next post.
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Character deaths

No.33738019 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So it's our first RP, Only War, and we were 5k xp in with only 1 lost Fate Point and no deaths, until now, when we finally suffered a casualty. Our Storm Trooper get bisected by a nob in 2 turns of melee. It wasn't a grand ext how we all probably thought a death would be, he was there, then splat. And it only took 2 turns because we forgot the Power Klaw profile (2d10+13) and decided to use one of a Power Fist (2d10+2xSB). Up until this point we've only really fought ork boyz, some traitor guards, and under a dozen Storm Troopers (this is due to the DM being somewhat affraid to have killed us before). I mean damn, this was also the mission we started to get our shit together. The only other Nob we might have had to fight in melee we cheesed by obliterating with thrown demo charges. Up until now the scariest thing on the field would be a loota for us. It's definitely a reality splash on how we can still die really easy and really fast.

Anyway /tg/, care to share some of your PC deaths (or DMs share how they killed PCs)? Any system's welcome.
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X-Wing General

No.33713755 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
X-Wing General: Flying is for Droids Edition

>List Building

>Full Card List

>Youtube Channels for X-Wing
Team Covenant

Post lists, discuss upcoming releases, complain about Echo and so on.
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Rogue Trader: The Intern

!E1yyNEjdEc No.33783535 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Halfax Dynasty: A proud and noble lineage of Rogue Traders, seeking wealth on the edge of the Imperium since time immemorial. Its newest Scion, Lord Trader Samuel Mcwilliams Magnusson the Fourth, goes forth in his mighty ship to claim new worlds and riches for the Emperor. Truly, his fate is great, to rise up above the teeming masses of humanity, the unwashed crowds whose chief concern is affording their next meal and avoiding some kind of horrible death.

Like you.

Who are you? Fucking no one. You are a conscript. A redshirt. Gang-Pressed off a shitty, polluted world to go and die under the light of a strange sun clutching a lasgun you barely know how to use, most likely atop piles of others just like you. And that's assuming you don't run afoul of the Dynasty Commissars, eaten by the Explorators pets, or eviscerated by the psychotic Arch-Militant because someone told him that you were looking at the Felinid assassin girl he's obsessed with.

Good morning, it's a great fuckin' day to be you.

>Enter your name here
Don't take too long thinking up a good one, you'll most likely have to pick another in a short while.
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Infinity General

No.33725173 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Operation icestorm is 5000 copies. Preorders up (at CB site and some vendors)
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Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest #105 Part Two

!!059cRXVD+M1 No.33661051 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> “You have to tell me more.”

“Weiss, this is a very dangerous trick. I’m not doing this unless you tell me more.”

Weiss sighs. “Okay, fine.” She rubs her nose a bit. “Here’s how it will work, Gertrude. I will be on one end of the stage, you will be on the other, okay? The gun is loaded with blanks, but I will have a bullet underneath my tongue. It’s like you described actually.”

You nod. “Okay, that’s fine. You got that cleared with the school, right?” She nods. “Great. Good. Okay, yeah, that’s fine.”

“Great!” says Weiss. She and the other Magicians quickly push you out the door. “Anyway! You should get going! We got plans! Plans that involve people actually adept at Magic and sleight-of-hand! Now go!”


“Go!” She shuts the door on you.

You narrow your eyes open the door again, only to find them stripping out of their dresses. They notice you, and immediately scream. “AH! WE SAID GO!” squeals Weiss.

You sigh, closing the door. Welp, you might as well head to Bernadette’s place now. You actually receive a call.

> Bernadette F. Fairless (Senior VP)

Welp. You might as well answer.

“Hey, Gertrude.”

“Hey, Bernadette-“ Your stomach growls.


“How did you guess?”

“Well, I like to think I have good hearing. You coming by my place or do you have anything else to do?”

“Nah, I’m think I’m done with most things.”

“Oh, good. That’s good… um… wow, didn’t think I’d get this far. Um. You’re fine with watching a movie right?”

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
> Write in
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