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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 235

No.33869992 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine Planescape is still alive. Now remove Sigil from it.

It dies another death. Multiverse must have a focal point from which gibberish flows.

No.33550235 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would you fuck a dragon /tg/?
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Exalted General

No.33460400 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw your waifu finally redeems
>tfw you can hug her once more

>Exalted, what is that?
Read this article to get a hang of the setting.

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Play this tutorial: It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Pray. But seriously, Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/ are both places where games could be found. Still, they tend to be rare since no one wants to ST.

>Wow, this book is confusing as hell. How the fuck am I supposed to generate a character from this mess?
Anathema. This is a godly character generator. It has all the charms in nice little skill-trees and does all the math for you making it very easy to experiment with builds and create character sheets easily

>Corebook with embedded errata
>Most other books
>Archive with Errata notes:
>Fanmade crossbook indexes:
>Bookmarked 3E Alpha Leak!UlRiEbRR!FaeCdqa3hsHn-iyhHtD-IBjgH_8Ks30Wtu6rDL9_mrE
>Some mechanics reference sheets: social combat
>Infernal Bandaid:

Redemption stories today, /tg/, since I'm part of a game where an infernal is actually trying one. Any interesting stories or thoughts about it? Do you like the idea of them or should 3E remove redemption quests as such a large focus?
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No.33629837 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post creatures you like or just like the concept of.

Starting things off with a cool owlbear.
56 posts and 18 images omitted

Neon Genesis Evangelion Quest 12: You Can (Not) Operate

!HGeBbzqNao No.33725820 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A woman's hand trails down your face, gently, lovingly, and you wonder what the Hell's going on. Opening your eyes, you see the woman from your dreams, twenty-something, dark hair, almost like a younger version of your mother- you blink.

Now you've got your back pressed against a metal wall as someone in the distance is firing a Type 89 at you. Your hands tighten around an M4A1, and for a moment you almost know what's going on. You close your eyes and take a breath, and open them again.

The woman is curled up on you, now, running a finger down your neck.

“Declan, love,” she says against your chest. “You've come so close, so, so many times, Dec. This isn't the last roll of the dice or the last draw of your cards, darling, but it's so near.” You take a breath to respond, but she lays a finger on your lips, and then you're suddenly elsewhere.

Something's ripped into your stomach and you can feel the life draining out of you. You look down and you're holding your guts in your hands, desperately trying to shove them back inside where they belong and it's pointless it's all so pointless you don't know why you keep trying if you're just going to end up failing and-

“Shush now, dearest one, shush,” she quiets your harsh gasps with a kiss, soft and slow and warm and she's delightful and heavenly and then she pulls away and gives you one long look. “Things might work out for the better, here and now, and then we'll always be together.”

You jerk awake, sweating bullets and wishing you could just stop having dreams altogether. After that delightfully insane experience, you don't want breakfast. Your morning routine sees you slowly manage to reassemble some grasp of the here and now, and you manage to remember what day it is and what's going on-

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D&D 5e General

No.34050914 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
D&D 5e General: Trinket Edition

What's your favorite trinket?

Mine would have to be #98. A glass jar containing lard with a label that reads, "Griffon Grease"

I have an image of a banjo playing halfling bard who waits patiently for any opportunity to use this...

>Setting up an ambush at the bottom on the stairs...
Just a smear of griffon grease right here at the top step - should make for some spectacular results.
>About to open a door with rusty hinges
A dab of griffon grease here... and here and we should have no problems with that.
>Fighter is grappled by a giant constrictor
Slather him up with some griffon grease and he should come shooting out of there in no time.
>Encounter an actual griffon...
I rub the griffon grease on his majestic beak to make it even more shiny and luxurious.
338 posts and 69 images omitted

No.33658959 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could a NEXT mecha from the armored core series take on an ADmech titan?
64 posts and 4 images omitted

No.33531270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am new to tabletop games overall, and would like to start a club at the boarding school I will be going to next year (it required high academic achievement to go into, and the orientation confirmed that it will be absolutely full of nerds). So, which game should i start with? What will I need? How much do you think it will cost? What preperation will be required? Just a general start up guide to tabletop RPG's would be really neat, as I'd love to get started! pic unrelated, of course
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Battletech General

No.33782095 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The old general is dead! Long live the new general!

>/btg/ will not disappear while you're sleeping Edition

Old thread: >>33722666

/btg/ does a TRO.

Never heard of Battletech?
>Read this to get a brief overview of the game and the fluff

What is Alpha Strike?
>BT too slow for you? AS has simplified rules based on Quick-Strike and Battleforce. Aimed for miniature play, fast games and newcomers.
Note that the AS Companion just came out and fixed several of its issues.

How Battletech works?
>A summary with a little of everything. Read this if you stopped playing a long time ago or if you are a newcomer,7783.0.html
>Battletech Wiki

>computer version of Battletech. Play with AI or other players

SSW Mech Designer
>create almost any mech you want. Useful to print existing mechs RS too

Battletech IRC
>come chat with whoever is online!
#battletech on

Rookie guides
>strategy and tactics

PDF links
>we are back! accepting requests and all that jazz
298 posts and 49 images omitted

No.33754049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>New GM
>second game session after finally getting all the PCs on the same page, in the same map location, with hooks relevant to their interests
>they descend into a dungeon in a race against time to get the mcguffin while a war goes on overhead
>receive mcguffin, have a fuckload of fun doing so
>half the party tells me that they had SO much fun, their characters' new goals are to go off and explore the world and find more dungeons without any regard to their subplots anymore
>ask me to be a good GM and find a way to keep them together in the same team while they all want to split off and have solo adventures because the one adventure they had together was fun
>all of my WTF
1 post omitted