>>33740057The real point is fuck the button. Period.
There dosen't need to be a further elaboration on how badly it could go, or how many there could be, or whether it could be better/worse under certain circumstances.
The button is always bad. This is a simple fact of the universe, like gravity.
>>33740112And I'll bet you were one of the gibbering retards that squeals with glee every time the opportunity arises to do something fucking retarded.
I get ignored or outvoted a lot. I don't get angry at being in the minority. I don't get upset when people, like you, make unfounded claims about other people in a ad hominem attack on their position to feel smug and superior.
I get upset when people dogpile the obviously stupid choice with no possible upside for the simple fact that it exists. I get angry over the shiny red button and all it implies on both sides of the player/QM divide.
>>33740179The thing is, you can trace the logic of the Embassy attack, even if it seemed extreme. It's the kind of thing that might occur to someone who runs black-ops and doesn't really care much for the political arena. I can't really see the same connection for trying to make out with your pissed off superior officer who's currently trying to come up with a reason to have you fired, possibly out of a canon.
Normally I would say 'maybe that's just me' but enough people were angry over it that it's clear that I'm not the only one with that kind of intellectual disconnect with your assumptions. Might still be in a minority or something, but I'm clearly not completely alone.
And I didn't accuse you of railroading. What I said was if you're putting a red button down, you might as well not offer a choice. I've been in all kinda of quests with different readers on different sites all the way back since Ruby. I've never, once, the entire time, seen a Red Button option lose. Even when labeled with details like 'this is a terrible idea don't pick it'. It just doesn't happen.