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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 237

Historical Wargames General

No.34166586 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
311 posts and 139 images omitted

FLGS Thread

No.34151126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Post your FLGS, see if anyone else goes there
>Post stories

Pic related.

>Sacramento, California, USA
>Great Escape Games
>Has around 20 tables for wargaming, as many for card games, and a quieter, walled-off area for board games and RPGs
>Community is extremely bro tier for whatever game you go to
>Most popular FLGs in Northern California, draws a huge crowd, generally good prices.
>Once hosted a wedding
99 posts and 15 images omitted


No.34165490 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Corruption still bork edition.
329 posts and 77 images omitted

Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 4

!!1o9L173Kwih No.34182807 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is still a thing.
Past threads:
Related Steam group worth checking out:
210 posts and 80 images omitted

CYOA THREAD: I'm going to bed addition.

No.34118823 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
388 posts and 59 images omitted

Tribal RPG

No.24094369 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am creating a tribal-styled rpg and could use anything to get the creative juices flowing. Primitive warriours, witchdoctors, creatures, monsters. Not necessarily jungle-themed, anything simple and primal works. The world will be filled with all sorts of environments and cultures. Will be uploading a few to get this started. I may be a bit slow since I haven't properly categorised my pics and it's my first time dumping shit.
53 posts and 44 images omitted

Hero Quest: Chapter 52

!!Rwb9FVRKTbG No.34116291 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter: @HeroRena

>Last time on HERO QUEST!
>We joined Rider as she went around the dome fulfilling the last requests of those who fell in the battle against AltRena. Goodbyes were said and the fallen heroes were able to leave peacefully. A new member was added to the Hero roster, Lady R-18, to take the spot of FCC-Man.

>We now join the most important character as they ponder their next action
483 posts and 51 images omitted

Scan Thread - Codex Orks

No.33204952 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
45 posts and 8 images omitted

Cinderella Quest

!!aFev4Nl71m2 No.34090572 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread 1:
Thread 2:
Thread 3:

When you arrive home you found your sister, mother and grandmother all together in the living room. "Finally! you are here! please talk some sense into your grandmother!" Your mother looked relieved to see you.

"Why? whats going on?"

Your sister stands up to protests. "Grandma has gone crazy! She has been brainwashed by that stupid maid!"

"What?" You ask them to explain exactly what was going on. "Just start from the beggining."

In unison, both your sister and mother tells you. "Grandmother has named Haruhi as the sole inheritor of the company after she passes away!"

"That's enough from both of you!" Your grandmother silences both your sister and mother. "I told you that until the two of you learn how to manage money and not just spend it, Haruhi will be taking your part in the company, that's all." Your mother takes a deep breath. "I made this company with my son so my family won't have to go through hardships again... but I was too lenient and I've spoiled you two rotten. In order for me to pass away peacefully I need to know that I've righted my wrongs!"

She stands up to reiterate her point. "Until you two can prove to me that you have changed, I'm cutting you off from the family wealth!" That was when Haruhi walks into the door. "From now on, Haruhi will inherit the company with my grandson until the two of you can get your act together."

Haruhi looked like a deer caught in a car's headlights. "What? what's going on?"

"You thief!" Your sister starts to call her names. "You are the worst kind of scum poisoning my own grandmother against me!"

"What? what is happening grandmother?"
312 posts and 10 images omitted

D&D 5e/Next Non-Caster Houserules

No.34090473 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
5e has been leaked for all of two days, and it's already apparent how much WotC likes Caster Edition. But instead of trying to nerf casters, I'd rather think of ways to make non-casters more viable.

For example, the monk. It's obvious that their damage is shit, but I don't think that's a concern. I've always pictured that, in the time it takes for a barbarian to cleave someone in half, a monk should be able to dart around and trip up a half-dozen opponents to set them up for the barbarian bro. So, to increase their maneuverability and give them more options:

>Elemental class monks, when having at least a handful of said element on hand (lit torch, waterskin), can use it as a reach weapon at all times, with additional elemental damage on a critical (fire burns, water freezes, earth knocks prone, etc.). If the monk is knocked prone, caught flat-footed, disarmed, or is caught in a critical within one turn of using an element as a reach weapon, that element is dispersed (flame goes out, water gets soaked into the ground, etc.) and can no longer be used.

>Furthermore, elements can be used as a one-use ranged weapon at the cost of a few Ki, treated mechanically as a crossbow.

>Whenever element is lost, it takes one standard action to collect more element and imbue it with chi or whateverthefuck.

>Empty Hand monks get a free disarm, trip, or knockback attempt on every critical, and every successful attack period upon reaching level 12.

>All monks can change direction during charge at will upon reaching level 12, and with a DC 15 Tumble check will not evoke Attacks of Opportunity (yes, ripped straight out of 3.5's Drunken Master).

>All monks can use whirlwind as a full attack at level 5, limited number by DEX bonus. Limit removed at level 15.

>For fuck's sake, d10 health and more additional moves (since everything is apparently only useable as an extra option). Maybe two extra moves at level 8, three at 12, and four at 20, or something.
347 posts and 13 images omitted