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Elsa's Character Sheet! (fresh and updated!)
Resident artist: Eversor_ (with random pieces by other artists)
Welcome to Dead Gods Quest! In this quest, you play Elsa Ledren, a young Skirmish Sergeant in the Cenderian Royal Auxiliaries. Your homeland, Cender, is rent by bandits and secessionists, but now it has a far larger problem: a cabal of criminals has activated some ancient superweapons, and secreted them into two cities, including your home city of Clen, the capital of Cender.
In the origins of the world, there were fourteen gods, and each created a race in their image. Yours, the elves, were created by Mai’te, who then created two demigods, a man and a woman, to liaise with the people, and also created the Heralds. These were normal mortals endowed with some of the powers of the demigods, and able to telepathically communicate with Maite, her children, and each other.
A cataclysmic war, referred to hereafter as the Collapse, erupted about one thousand years into creation, and all but three demigods, all but two races, and all the gods died off. The tattered remnants of the world held together through the power of the three surviving demigods, including yours; the female demigod of the elves, named Asa. Three huge alchemic weather machines keep the world habitable, while the demigods have dispensed with the use of Heralds in favor of Avatars: physical projections of themselves that can walk and talk like people.