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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 239

5e Scans Done Thread

No.34067643 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Scans go here.
386 posts and 51 images omitted

No.29205763 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Star Trek forum game, low time commitment necessary:
6 posts omitted

Champions of Fenris

No.34007034 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, didn't see a topic about this. Space Wolves supplement Champions of Fenris.
I didn't get formations, since the blackshirt who ownes the LE codex came back from the toilet; thus I only have the general rules/warlord traits, the relics and the detatchement pages.
43 posts and 4 images omitted

Cinderella Quest

!!aFev4Nl71m2 No.34023051 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread 1:
Thread 2:

Haruhi realizes she was being too angry. She then turns to the receptionist and apologizes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell... it's just I don't understand why you couldn't test Eri one more time?"

"I'm sorry ma'm but the doctors already confirmed she isn't pregnant, we can't do anything more from her, maybe it was a false positive."

Just then, a kid eating mango passes by the receptionist table. The moment Haruhi gets a whiff of the mango her eyes widen with shock. "Excuse me!" She then runs towards the hallway that had the restrooms in it while holding her hand to her mouth.

"Ah!" Eri yells out. "No wonder your name sounded so familiar! You were the guy Haruhi said she slept with!" Eri starts to smile. "She was so nervous about it you know... she immediately called me the morning after telling me that you took her first time! I'm worried about her though, the last few days that she lived with me she has been always sick in the morning."

"Sick?" You ask Eri.

"Yeah... I usually come home early in the mornings because I work at a hostess club to find Haruhichi in the bathroom throwing up..."

"Is that so?" Could it be that your mistake with Haruhi is bearing fruit? It can't be... it's impossible! Then, Eri grabs your face and turns it towards her.

"You... you will take responsibility for Haruhichi right?"

[ ] Custom
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black elves / half elves

No.34000734 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Evening /tg/, I can't seem to find pictures of black elves. I'm not talking about drows or shit like that, I'm talking about straight up african american elfs. Or halfelfs for that matter.
180 posts and 55 images omitted

No.34027620 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Waiting on OP edition.

>From last thread

Any questions? Will scan ASAP, but for now this will have to do.
438 posts and 90 images omitted

looking for ideas for RT 'random attackers'

No.34023631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As the title of the thread implies, I was looking for ideas for opponents that could be thrown in the party's way to complicate missions and/or endeavors that wouldn't need much explanation for why they are in the area, or why they would start attacking the Rogue Trader's ship without provocation.

I know orks are good for this role, obviously.
as are Dark Eldar,
but I was looking more for options than a single, definitive choice.

and I would prefer a reasonable option, as, while Craftworld Eldar are assholes and have attacked the Imperium from time-to-time their background would lead even me to question why, as they generally would keep to themselves and feel less like the 'bandit' type, and more the 'condesending deus-ex' type.

Tyranids could work but... if there is enough bioships in a sector that random bioship raids are a common occurrence, its time to get the hell out of the sector.

chaos raiders can work if the party happens to be operating near a warp storm or similar anomaly, but without that it would raise a few questions as to where they were coming from.

I don't know what are some of your opinions /tg/

I can run enemies from
>Rogue Trader Core
>Rogue Trader: The Navis Primer
>Black Crusade core
>Dark Heresy Core
>Dark Heresy: Creatures Anathema

No.34015225 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any questions? Will scan ASAP, but for now this will have to do.
370 posts and 56 images omitted

Dead Gods Quest 20

!!Qb2aRW+wCPO No.33991230 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This may be a minithread, but I hope not!

For old threads, look here!
For updates, check twitter! @Someone_else___
Elsa's Character Sheet! (fresh and updated!)
Resident artist: Eversor_ (with random pieces by other artists)
Welcome to Dead Gods Quest! In this quest, you play Elsa Ledren, a young Skirmish Sergeant in the Cenderian Royal Auxiliaries. Your homeland, Cender, is rent by bandits and secessionists, but now it has a far larger problem: a cabal of criminals has activated some ancient superweapons, and secreted them into two cities, including your home city of Clen, the capital of Cender.

In the origins of the world, there were fourteen gods, and each created a race in their image. Yours, the elves, were created by Mai’te, who then created two demigods, a man and a woman, to liaise with the people, and also created the Heralds. These were normal mortals endowed with some of the powers of the demigods, and able to telepathically communicate with Maite, her children, and each other.

A cataclysmic war, referred to hereafter as the Collapse, erupted about one thousand years into creation, and all but three demigods, all but two races, and all the gods died off. The tattered remnants of the world held together through the power of the three surviving demigods, including yours; the female demigod of the elves, named Asa. Three huge alchemic weather machines keep the world habitable, while the demigods have dispensed with the use of Heralds in favor of Avatars: physical projections of themselves that can walk and talk like people.
152 posts and 5 images omitted

Cinderella Quest

No.33994695 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:

"Fine, I'll take care of them." You tell Kuromine. You knew very well you were enabling him but what could you do? He was your best friend after all.

"Thanks! thank you so much!" He bows over and over. When the two of you get back to the table he excuses himself. "I'm sorry, Haruhi, Hikaru, something urgent came up at the office don't worry though, he will take care of both of you."

You smile at Haruhi and Hikaru as Kuromine tries to make you sound good. "I guess the two of you are stuck with me huh?"

"I guess so." Haruhi says with a smile, while Hikaru scoots down closer to you. The night goes on and drinks are poured. You made sure that Haruhi and Hikaru had a good time. However it seemed like the three of you had too much of a good time as you black out.

The next morning you wake up with a splitting headache. "Augh... what happened to me..." You look around and you felt surprised when you realized that you were not in your room. Immediately your mind goes into overdrive to try and remember what had happened but it was no good. You couldn't remember at all what happened after the three of you left the club. You didn't even know how you got to this room or if your two companions got home safely.

Then to your surprise you see Hikaru right beside you, still sleeping soundly beside you. You noticed that Hikaru was still naked. "W-what am I doing with Hikaru naked on the bed?!" Suddenly your heart sinks. "I hope Hikaru isn't mad..." Hikaru has always had the philosophy of no lewdness before marriage.
196 posts and 15 images omitted