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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 240

Cinderella Quest

No.33994695 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:

"Fine, I'll take care of them." You tell Kuromine. You knew very well you were enabling him but what could you do? He was your best friend after all.

"Thanks! thank you so much!" He bows over and over. When the two of you get back to the table he excuses himself. "I'm sorry, Haruhi, Hikaru, something urgent came up at the office don't worry though, he will take care of both of you."

You smile at Haruhi and Hikaru as Kuromine tries to make you sound good. "I guess the two of you are stuck with me huh?"

"I guess so." Haruhi says with a smile, while Hikaru scoots down closer to you. The night goes on and drinks are poured. You made sure that Haruhi and Hikaru had a good time. However it seemed like the three of you had too much of a good time as you black out.

The next morning you wake up with a splitting headache. "Augh... what happened to me..." You look around and you felt surprised when you realized that you were not in your room. Immediately your mind goes into overdrive to try and remember what had happened but it was no good. You couldn't remember at all what happened after the three of you left the club. You didn't even know how you got to this room or if your two companions got home safely.

Then to your surprise you see Hikaru right beside you, still sleeping soundly beside you. You noticed that Hikaru was still naked. "W-what am I doing with Hikaru naked on the bed?!" Suddenly your heart sinks. "I hope Hikaru isn't mad..." Hikaru has always had the philosophy of no lewdness before marriage.
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No.33994555 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well /tg/ I got into a knife fight with a hobo and after I killed him I stole this from his raggedy clothes, Im sure none of you are interested anyhow.
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No.33952913 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Some people on the Paizo forums already have their copies.
Wonder how long it will take for it to get uploaded?
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No.33972948 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Quest Thread General

No.33968538 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links and FAQ, read them (especially you, potential QM):


QM Question: Have you ever gone anon in your own quest? Would you ever vote in your own quest?

Player Question: Should the QM be allowed to vote in their own quest? If there's a tie, can they have the tiebreaker vote?

Seriously, read the links.
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No.33954732 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: cards that are ridiculously overpriced still for no good reason
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No.33972082 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how does /tg/ handle time travel?
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!!7fb3j+Ac+pZ No.33938486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's late afternoon by the time you and your squabbling siblings have finished your meals. The leaf-filtered sunlight and warm forest air combine with your full stomachs and fuller afternoon, and it isn't long at all before you've all curled and compressed yourselves as best you can, drifting off to sleep surrounded by family high in the trees.

You're standing at the terminal again, the cool breeze mussing your shortened hair, snatching at the strands and carrying it into your eyes. The electronic sign blinks above you, displaying the tine for anyone who cares to look. 5:45. And as you look across the tracks, bending out to see the incoming train, your breath catches and a chill not at all from the weather slides through your veins. You can see yourself, your human self, standing idly at the edge of the platform, loose windbreaker wrapped around her shoulders and pulled tight to keep out the chill. Her hand delves into her pocket and flips free with a phone, a message from a close friend bringing a smile to her face.

The nearing trains horn calls through the evening air, and she looks up, sliding the phone back into her jeans, hiking a bag further up her back with a free hand. You try yelling, catching her attention, but she's facing the train. A dark mist is rolling into the station, the distant glare of a solitary light rushing ever closer.

You're screaming now, throat hoarse. The crowd is shuffling closer, blocking your efforts as you frantically try to reach the doomed woman. You shove and sob, throwing the shadows of people out of your way as you try to reach through the crush of human bodies. 5:47. You can't even form a warning, choked gasps drawing air through your ravaged throat. Your fingers close on your windbreaker at the last second, but the slick material slides through your grasp as she pitches of the platform into the howling light.

You have a perfect view of the last expression she will ever make before the light consumes every thought.

No.31554200 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have You heard the good news?
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Using Horus Heresy Models in 40k games for a DIY warband

No.33918146 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, whats chillin?
You see, I've been thinking about maybe getting into Warhammer 40k eventually, and I have been
rather indecisive over a color scheme.
I'm a big fan of the original traitor legions yet none of their colors particularity appear interesting to me.
I loved the Space Marine game and the Chosen of Nemeroth have a pretty sick scheme of Dark Grey, Gold, and Red.
Being the dreamfag wallet burner that I am, I'd love to see my CSM's packing heresy gear along with 41M stuff.
However, If I ever do end up playing, I'm not sure how I would justify them carrying HH era relics in their armories.
Technically, they are not a DIY chapter as Relic dictates they are led by a Terminator Lord Nemeroth (Obviously) who is Undivided, and use cultists and Daemons in their assaults.
For all other intents and purposes, I have to make up fluff as I go along. So /tg/, do you have any suggestions or similar experiences with a DIY warband?

Also one last unrelated question, not very important if anybody knows but just curious:

Does anybody know any gaming clubs that play Warhammer 40k in either Brooklyn or Manhattan?,(Preferably in Brooklyn)
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