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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 241


Prisoner Quest 10

!4L5OKu2vMs No.33919217 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous threads here:

Previously on Prisoner Quest, you listened to a bunch of stuff and fought a double-evil mannequin. It was very scary, I assure you.

You are currently balancing atop the very end of the rainbow bridge, jumping to the side as Justice swings her sword at you. What's her deal? Wasn't this what she wanted?

[ ]Flee
[ ]Beat the shit out of her
[ ]Try to placate her peacefully
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False Dendrite Quest 25

!!hfLsaVJrWbQ No.33902724 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My name is Cecile, and I'm sixteen years old. Though I'd like to think that my upbringing was pretty normal, my parents got a really good job offer last year that would force them to move to the opposite end of the country... and that was the end of my "normal childhood." And after reading that weird book that my best friend Mina had sent to my house, I myself can't even be called "normal" anymore.

After an entire horrible traumatic fight where I nearly murdered a girl and then Charlotte almost did the same, I ended up walking Theresa home and we hung out for a while.

...and then I sprung the idea of me sleeping over on her. Despite this being a school day, she said that I could, and now it looks like this'll be two nights in a row that I won't be sleeping at home.

>Thread archive:

>Branches known thus far:


270 posts and 21 images omitted

Joker Quest - Episode 101.5

!lDZfmmdTWM No.33882636 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:


Equipment FAQ:

Player List:

Episode Guide (All credit to Watashiwa):

Yui IF scene (Adult content):


Recap: You are ANON, the RED JOKER. In our last instalment, you explored the DIADEM with the THIEF - Entering the PANOPTICON, the core of the DIADEM.
430 posts and 21 images omitted

Only War Shield of Humanity

No.32169758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So.. any word of it yet? Any crazy russians scanned it?
99 posts and 10 images omitted

FUCK QUEST interlewd 6

!!gJwhmPB7G+T No.33221648 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Alabaster Soliloquy, faceless MC and ugly American.

Complete set of episodes from /a/:
Episodes 9-10:

-You spent a whole lot of time in the island nation of Palau.
-You fucked a loli.
-You fucked your mother.
-You fucked your sister.
-All in all, you were pretty busy!

1260 posts and 107 images omitted

Gryphon Thread

No.33809585 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can we get a gryphon/griffin thread going, /tg/? I feel like these creatures are underrated these days. Heck, you can even post monstergrill gryphons if you want.
287 posts and 105 images omitted

Waaagh! General/Scan Thread

No.33084775 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ghaz Scannon here from last night. I will be slowly photo scanning Waaagh! Ghazghkull in this thread, before moving on to photo scan the base 'dex rather than letting all you elegan/tg/entlemen have to live with the mobi/epub format.

While I slowly do this, anyone is welcome to ask questions. Also, Ork general I guess, to keep this thread alive so more people can get the scan.
97 posts and 29 images omitted

No.33863415 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>You are the court necromancer
>The Queen orders you to have her recently deceased son impregnate his widow

wat do
118 posts and 23 images omitted


No.30334769 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ever since I sat down with my copy of Ogre: DE, I was reminded of all the unofficial units and rules I'd gleaned off the internet when I was a kid playing the combo edition OGRE/GEV in middle school.

As such, I have begun a quest to document them. All of them, if possible, as well as making tokens suitable for use on Roll20, where I've been playing games of it for several months.

Focusing for the moment solely on units, here is my current list of compiled information.

Do any of you guys know of any other locations of materials, or materials I'm missing? I've collected everything from the official site articles, the blog of a guy that goes by Toltrin, and CP Gamma via the wayback machine.

Hell, if you've got your own relatively balanced homebrew units, tell me about them.

TL;DR: OGRE/GEV Unofficial Content General

Leonidas And... "Collin"

No.24447789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thread from a couple days ago detailed a story shared by a Deathwatch GM about a couple of That Guys in his group.

Calls were made to get this up on, and lo those calls were answered. The thread may be dead, but the story lives on.

For those interested, the story has been compiled and archived for your reading pleasure here:
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