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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 243

Quest Thread General: Destroyed General edition

No.33818390 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links and FAQ, read them:

QM question: Do you have any GMing/DMing experience?

Player question: Which vault/suggestions box quests you want to play?
503 posts and 21 images omitted

No.33806550 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links and FAQ, read them:

QM question: Do you prefer more realistic NPCs, or caricatures?

Player question: How do you feel about NPCs moving outside of the scope of the protagonist?
529 posts and 31 images omitted

Hellborn Quest 36 (Part 2)

!!A7S2CyAwEVW No.33403440 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>> 33397547

The curtain of fire blocks your line of sight, but if Meckor hasn’t moved, you don’t need eyes on target. You drop Waldric and step forward in front of Ro, and aim your gun at about where you remember Meckor being when you last saw him, and start shooting. After a few shots, you feel more or less like now’s the time to rip his throat out, so you drop the gun.

Rowan senses what you’re about to do before you do it. “No!” you hear her say from behind you. and sprint forward under the guidance of blind instinct, directly into the heart of the inferno.

It’s like running up a waterfall. The fire envelopes, singing off the condapede blood that’s splattered on you. Your clothes smoke and burn against your skin, though they don’t disintegrate like they should. You feel some other kind of power, not your own, resisting the destruction meant for you. You lean forward into the blaze and force forward.

It’s hotter than you thought it would be, and your skin tingles painfully. You feel that weird, otherworldly energy around you contest actively against the incredible heat, but it’s weakening. You can feel the power fracturing around you.

But then your head comes out of the fire, and you find yourself face to face with Meckor, his boney visage contorting into one of detestation at your surprise appearance. He has no time to react.
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No.24969556 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have a pdf of the Saga expansion The Ravens Shadow?
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DoW: FoK fantastic new release

No.33797141 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /tg/, today I would like to invite you to try out what is possibly the most entertaining mod for Dawn of War - Firestorm over Kronus.

Before you ask: "how is this /tg/ related?" let me assure you: this mod is as close to TT as it is possible for an RTS. All unit costs, abilities and options are in line with their respective codex entry.
The game currently runs on 5th edition crunch.
I will post some screenshots now. For those of you who would like to try it out here's the link:
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No.31349471 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Scannon here, the hero /tg30/ doesn't really deserve, but got anyway. I saw there was a bit of arguing in the last thread, apologise if by my actions I caused anyone grief. I'll start off with the fluff for the Battle of Paramar, and we'll see from there who wants what. I'll have the entire book scanned by the end of the day, and then I'll ask who wants what done next, Visions or one of the other two Isstvan Army books.
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No.10919343 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you fuck a female dragon? No, I don't mean some anime girl with a tail tacked on. I mean a dragon dragon. Like Deathwing but as a chick, in full dragon form. With lava spewing from her vagina.
31 posts and 4 images omitted

World of Darkness/Werewolf

No.33039537 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thinkin' of starting a World of Darkness/Werewolf game with some fags, need some ideas for a plot.

Throw some stories in as well.

Dungeons & Werewolves

No.24214404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I just infected one of my PCs with lycanthropy today. Druid got bit by a werewolf leader, failed the Fort save.

My question is: what should I do to them? I mean, randomly murdering townsfolk is an option, but it's kind of standard. You guys know any good shit to do to PCs who aren't totally in control of themselves anymore?

What should the call of the wild say for itself?

Quest Thread General -- READ THE PASTEBIN Edition

No.33790212 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links and FAQ, read them (especially you, potential QM):
No really, read them.

QM: How do you work on improving your prose?

Players: Would you play a quest in which the MC switches regularily, be it through death, timeskips or just rotating out?
551 posts and 28 images omitted