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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 245


MGR PMC Quest 3

!!Zh7ehFXOW/p No.33587234 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Null Gene, a former patriot experimental super-weapon, with no code name designation as of yet.
Employed by Desperado Enforcement LLC, armed with an Exoskeleton engineered for CQC, and a multi-purpose rifle.

After breaking a man named Jet Stream Sam's jaw, you were accepted very warmly by your superior, a large bald man named Sundowner.

You had talked with Exy about the past and found a strange memory there. Monsoon had warned you of a spy in the Desperado base.

Currently you are with Sundowner, as he continues his torture of a (estimated) 13 year old girl.

>Things to do
Plan next mission.
Spend Money/RP
Improve relations

Thread 1:
Thread 2:

The smell of burning flesh, urine and sweat dominated the room. And it all game from the now crippled girl in front of you. Sundowner laughs as he electrocutes her into conciousness again.

Her screaming soon began to drown out Sundowner's laughing, he turned to you and began to speak, but you couldn't quite hear him. An expression of annoyance passed over his head, as he turned to the girl and slammed his fist her throat.

She made a few choking sounds as she could no longer breath, but Sundowner smiled and turned to you "A beauty isn't she?" He asked "That was the VIP we brought back, we were supposed to randsom her for money... but hell, I think it's far more fun just to take the money, AND take the girl."

>How do you respond?
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No.33551620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are any of the forgotten realms books worth reading?
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4th of July Gaming Celebration

No.33176738 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so, Murrika day is here!

Any USA flavored games being planned from /tg/? i don't care if it's Civil War, 1776, or WW2, or some crazy jacked up version of your favorite game,
if you murrika, let's yell about it here!

>bonus points for Historical Wargaming involving USA, Flames of War Included.
>extra bonus for an ACW or 1776 style wargame
>epic win if it's fully painted re-enactment on a table top

at the very least, have fun Murrika style!

Anaru Quest: Epilogue

!!2otPsJrxIww No.33523108 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Future. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured."

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No.33321306 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

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Looking for 5e starter set (lost mine of Phandelver) pdf/scan

No.33425564 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone have it? mine arrives on the 24th and my group wants to play that very day. could use the pdf first to read rules/plan the session. if you have it pls just scan it. ill be naming an npc in honor to you.

No.10439760 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Humanity Fuck Yeah thread, with a twist!

"Fellow members of the council, I am here today to present my findings from the Diplomatic mission to the newly discovered planet of Earth. Even as I hold the proof in holodisk form in my hands, I can scarcely believe what I am about to tell you."

"As we all know, the monstrous creatures known as Eldritch Abominations have slept on many worlds since the dawn of civilization, even in their sleep causing destruction and chaos through their mortal agents, we tiptoe around them carefully for awakening even one would result in a catastrophe on a massive scale."

"But today I tell you that there is hope, someday we will no longer fear the Cyclopean cities that lie in the buried in the mantel or sunk in the deepest seas of many worlds"

"Today I tell you the story of a man named Johansen and a primitive steamboat Christened simply "Emma"..."
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Hero Quest: Chapter 49

!!Rwb9FVRKTbG No.33496421 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter: @HeroRena

>Last time on HERO QUEST!
>We joined the Villain Monster Maestro as she attends a meeting of S-Class Villains. When she arrives she finds out that they plan on bringing her to the prestigious S-Class! After a brief moment of panic Bridgette was able to regain her composure and meet most of the Villain's S-Class. She met terrible people like Legoman, Blythe, Madam Galaxy, Blast, and others.

>She then had a fight with the S-Class Hero, Rena, which ended in her favor.

>We now join Rena as she chats with her biggest fan.
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MTG Chinese "Proxies" Cont.

No.29376178 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Chinese Print Companies are producing very good and cheap MTG "proxies".


This thread is for discussion of Chinese Proxies, their effects on mtg, and etc.
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No.33508530 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to turn my bard into a lycanthrope, but can't decide what kind.
Do you guys have a favorite lycanthrope, or one you think it'd be funny for a scantily clad, female half-elf bard to become?
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