>>33425491- "Well I made a bit of a bet on you so that's your rightful prize. I recommend to buy some weapons and armor with it, they'll be handy in your next mission. The best smithy is not far from here. As soon as you leave the Arena go all the way left, you won't miss it. And from there go right back to me, we'll discuss the details of our further partnership. You won't get lost, I hope.
You didn't really like the priestess's tone. And the incident with not-so-successful blessing wouldn't come out of your head.
- "Lady, aren't you afraid I'll deem our further partnership disadvantageous for me?"
- "What? A noble knight will leave a girl in trouble and run away with her money? How can I think of something like that? - Archia pathetically pressed her hands against her chest.
- "You know, lady, according to the last amendment to the Codex of the Order, all agreements with Dark forces are not to be fulfilled."
- "Oh, highly rational. But you, my knight, should have remembered this amendment hen you were fooling little Grysha." - smile in elf's voice turned into a venomous hiss. - "We signed a contract and you will fulfil it. If your conscience won't make you be fair, my collar will."
- "Collar?" - you tugged the hoop around your neck. Well of course it doesn't come off, - "Interesting. When you handed me this trinket you didn't mention such features."
- "Well, a girl must have her some secrets." - the priestess smiled - "Although I did say the collar will protect you from many dangers. And one of the most dangerous things to do in Labirintown is trying to fool me. But don't worry, I fulfil my obligations. Almost always.
What do you do now?
1. Ravage the scum with a knife.
2. Go to the smithy for the equipment as ordered.
3. Find a tavern and get drunk.
4. Try to flee from the city.