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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 246

DH 1-on-1

No.33509857 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greeting /tg/

I've been talking to a friend of mine and out of the blue we came up with doing a 1-on-1 in Dark Heresy, with me DM'ing.

Now, we agreed that I'd come up with a few different backgrounds/starting situations with different extra bonusses, and after writing a few I found that they were fairly lacklustre. If any of you elegan/tg/entlemen would help me with some (better) ideas, I'd be much obliged.
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Dark Elves general

No.14118424 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you make a playable dark elf /tg/ with a good story? Zaknafein and Jarlaxe had interesting story but I wish to hear something more original than them.
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/btg/ - Battletech General

No.33449605 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The old general is dead! Long live the new general!

btg TRO discussions EDITION!

Old thread: >>33403003

/btg/ does a TRO.

Never heard of Battletech?
>Read this to get a brief overview of the game and the fluff

What is Alpha Strike?
>BT too slow for you? AS has simplified rules based on Quick-Strike and Battleforce. Aimed for miniature play, fast games and newcomers.
Note that the AS Companion just came out and fixed several of its issues.

How Battletech works?
>A summary with a little of everything. Read this if you stopped playing a long time ago or if you are a newcomer,7783.0.html
>Battletech Wiki

>computer version of Battletech. Play with AI or other players

SSW Mech Designer
>create almost any mech you want. Useful to print existing mechs RS too

Battletech IRC
>come chat with whoever is online!
#battletech on

Rookie guides
>strategy and tactics

PDF links
>we are back! accepting requests and all that jazz
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No.29904337 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Congrats /tg/, the Ruinus Powers want to thank you for staying on 4chan, where you fap, rage, lie and do nothing productive

You have earned your choice of Loyal Daemon Bride, each comes with it's own chaos boon for you two.

For the Choice, pick one assuming A) They are only marginally like their god and reasonably sane, and B) full chaos mind, attributes of their god

With each pick you also get the following boons
Khorne: Mega endurance, you can run, fight for hours on end

Slaanesh: Fancy Appendage, your choice of 3' extending tongue, strong crab claw or slimy moist tentical.

Nurgle: You have accepted life for what it is, and have moved on. You care little for pain as it's just apart of life, and don't get depressed

Tzeench: Limited Magic of Change: You can change small/mundane objects into small mundane objects of similar value, I.e. A pen to pencil. 1 dollar to 4 quarters, apples to oranges
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PACYOA: Teamwork Edition #12

No.33474370 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the Power Armor CYOA: Teamwork Edition thread. This is for general discussion and recruitment. If you would like to join, read the premise here:
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No.33429157 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New starter set released today

How many of you nerds have got it?
How many are getting it?
And most importantly

Is there a hero amongst /tg/ that can provide us with a torrent / mediafire?
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Avalon quest/RPG

No.33424698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are a Paladin of the Order of the Holy Light, sent to eradicate evil on the cursed island Avalon, where forces of Darkness have been ruling for centuries. Of course, you weren't sent alone, but with a whole squad of knights, squires, legal mages, archers, priests, grooms, blacksmiths (lies, there were only one each of the last three), servants, horses, dogs and even a pair of griffins. Alas, cursed island confirmed it's notoriety. Your ship was caught in a terrible storm and overturned. Now you are standing on your knees in the midst of a desert beach and are praying for the souls of your fallen comrades. And most of all, for your faithful mare Marguerite.

This is however not the time to grieve for the dead, it's time to take care of the living. That is, about yourself and people of this island, who still need to be saved from evil. It will not be easy, given that your armor rests on the seabed, along with the ship, and the only weapon you have left is a knife.

Suspicious noise in the bushes. Maybe just an animal, maybe something worse. You carefully sneak into the bushes, and prepare your knife. You're ready for any surprises. You are sure about that. Vainly. In the bushes you discover ...

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Radio Animu/Bizarre Slime: Extra Episode 7

!NXN9N9potk No.20284110 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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False Dendrite Quest 17

!!hfLsaVJrWbQ No.33411979 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My name is Cecile, and I'm sixteen years old. Though I'd like to think that my upbringing was pretty normal, my parents got a really good job offer last year that would force them to move to the opposite end of the country... and that was the end of my "normal childhood." And after reading that weird book that my best friend Mina had sent to my house, I myself can't even be called "normal" anymore.

I finally got Theresa to apologize to Mina... though Mina was the problem this time around. I definitely understand WHY she's mad, but... ugh. It's still a massive pain to deal with.

After that particular bit of drama was dealt with, I ended up eating lunch with Theresa and then we went to gym class.

And I got called out for checking out Theresa while she was changing. ...and I kind of do this all the time.

So it's not that a pervert-switch was flipped, it's just that I was made aware of the things that I'd already been doing this whole time.

Sure as hell doesn't make it any better, though.

>Thread archive:

>Branches known thus far:


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No.33120646 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>player has rolled up a lizard with 30 HP and a hide bonus of 27

/tg/, you're behind this
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