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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 247

Tome of Decay thread #2 - now 30% more heretical!

No.33361079 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fuck yeah, Nurgle.

Old thread: >>33338372
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How come 40k is the most popular?

No.33257534 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/Tg/, i don't fucking get it. How is it that the shit stain of 40k is the most popular game on the market, while better games like malifaux, bolt action, infinity, drop zone commander, warpath and warmahordes are shoved to the side?
Its rules are crap
Its setting is crap and never moves while, every other games does
Its models range from okay to crap
Its owner, gw, is crap

Help me understand how this fuck pile is still popular?
299 posts and 21 images omitted

No.33371953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we have a d&d monster thread? I need some creative ones.

One im looking for in particular is a flaming green floating skull, covered in runes, if anyone has it.

No.33373093 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/ is there a druid-like class that changes race instead of changing into animals? Becoming a dwarf underground and an orc in battle sounds fun

What does the tavern keep keep?

No.33374883 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, what does the tavern keeper stuff away in the basement which he doesn't want people to find out?

Dungeon World Thread

No.33374997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm planning on running Dungeon World one on one for my girlfriend, does /tg/ have any advice? We'll be using fan created playbook The Mage as her character.

The game seems built for groups of large adventurers. Even if I give her the stupidly lucky stat array I rolled up (+3,+2,+1 for everything else), it looks like a group of 8 Cave Rats will overwhelm and kill her.

7HP 1 Armor, 1d6 damage + Piercing, versus The Mage's 1d8 Battle Magic attack and 20 HP.

Honestly after giving a good read through of the rules and the GM Moves, I'm this close to ditching the rules for HP and damage and running it freeform. Dungeon World seems that it could be run like that fairly easily as long as you keep the Player Moves, and GM Moves.
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No.32636432 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi guys, sorry it took so long. Here's our current progress on the Log Horizon TRPG. All combat rules and important character creation stuff are translated, and we think it's playable at this point (for a loose definition of the word 'playable' that involves not much dice rolling happening outside of combat and the GM statting every enemy themselves.)!wd5h2CYJ!KZ1JIgmdfPf2n53S4aWF4LsUaUjUbker4BWMQRJokEQ

At this point we're going to take our time and work on a nice PDF containing the rest of the rules like I did for Night Wizard. Don't expect to see that for a few months though.
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Hero Quest: Chapter 48

!!Rwb9FVRKTbG No.33340468 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter: @HeroRena

>Last time on HERO QUEST!
>We joined Bridgette as she took her sister out to try and be less of a bitch.
>The plan seems to have worked as the girl was able to socialize with a few people and not scare them away. One of those people turned out to be Alternate Magical Girl Sparkle who is now going by the name Hex. The former Magical Girl told Cynthia the secret to the woman's alternate self's happiness.

>Just be more caring.

>Bridgette them went to receive head pats.
>We join her the next morning, still on the lap of a slumbering Rena.
808 posts and 60 images omitted

No.33355244 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What might a fantasy analogue of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict look like?
259 posts and 15 images omitted

Sanctus reach

No.33345054 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sorry, who was it that said that it was going to be blood angels and orks that get the new box set?
2 posts omitted