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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
D&D-type fantasy tabletop rpg. The PCs agree to enter 1v1 duels to the death with powerful assholes. Assholes beat PCs around and eventually have them dead to rights, next attack is guaranteed kill. Assholes decide instead to give them a chance to live by offering each PC a cruel, inventive surrender condition that makes it a legitimate decision between it and death.
So, why do daemons bother lying that the Emperor is dead and his soul's been destroyed a long time ago when
1. The astronomicon couldn't work if the Emperor was dead. 2. Holy things still cause them to be harmed, and they're still scared enough to call him "the anathema"?
I know they're daemons so they're immoral dicks by nature, but couldn't they come up with better fucking lies or incentives to follow chaos than "lol the emprahs totes dead guys!"?
Also, does the Emperor actually look like pic related or what? I always assumed he looked the same way he did when he first "died". They'd really just let him rot and not try to preserve him at all?
Theme: Evil MC with superpowers conquering the world. Evil MC = actually evil and cruel things. No “being a dick to random people because reasons” and more “sending children to labor camps when parents can’t pay taxes”. Torturing people and absorbing their soul is how you gain insight. Expect rape, mutilation, torture, etc.
Roll Rules: Each option will have an Xd4 after it. Choose an option and put "dice+1d4" in the email field. The winning option will be combined with the higher of the first X rolls. 1=Great Failure, 2=Failure, 3=Success, 4=Great Success. Posts that come with a relevant image attached will break ties.
>This is the main thread for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition. Starting off with the original prompt...
Surprise! Let's see how well you sons of bitches do at playing a CYOA...TOGETHER. That's right, motherfuckers, ain't no lone-wolf horseshit anymore.
Present day. You know the drill. You're at your computer, fapping and drinking a sludge that slightly resembles mountain dew mixed with nacho cheese dust. Or maybe you aren't. But what matters is the fact that your ass is sat down, sitting on /tg/ being generally.../tg/y.
However, as you browse, you come upon some stupid thread with some piece of shit that's posting in all caps. People keep replying with the Ron Paul "it's happening" image, and you reckon that you're bored enough to investigate some shitposting today.
The post, frenzied in writing and written in all caps (presumably with shift from the excessive amount of exclamation marks and < marks), details some stupid warning about Tumblr users getting power suits across the globe. That's stupid. Stupid shitposters. If it was true, you'd assume that it would be on the news or maybe-
A loud bang echoes through the room, no doubt from somewhere outside. Hesitantly, you turn around. Nothing seems out of place. You look back at the thread. People are still replying with Ron Paul. It's gotta be just a coincidence, right? Right.
You assure yourself. There's no way! The warning is already stupid in it's construction. "Tumblr users get suits?" What? Did they ask nicely? Did the gods above decide that Tumblr users specifically needed them? Stupid, stupid, stupi-
Another loud bang. Far off rumbling and low pops. Sirens. It's odd, for certain. But it couldn't be serious. Really. Surely...
To assure yourself, you fire up the news website of your choice. As expected, the news is normal and-
Oh god. The headline stares you dead in the eyes.
Ughhhh. “Oi, don’t drop out on me now; do your thing so I can get my fatebreakers back.” You command as you get pulled island over island away from the squad zero member. Should have called in today, I knew I should have called in and I didn’t. This place is just awful and is really making me feel my age as a multidimensional something or other. “Have a nice cuppa and then march on. For the Empire.”
Fine. You are Risa Schrodinger, lead singer for the band ‘The Grumpy Cats’ and you are currently being carried through the remains of what was once soul society. Last time you fought Raijin, ate Raijin, went back to your shrine, decided your plant was too adorable for words, then asked Ryoko nicely if she would take you into the gaping wound that is Soul Society. She did and the entire place stunk of rotten time and crazy pants. Like a very angry strawberry trying to juice all over your senses in your brain parts.
You told them it was cook and that you could deal with it and then went off to explore. You met the Captain Monster fella and found he has been partially taken over by old one parts. You then got dragged away after he ceroed the island you were standing on. Also you threw up a little, it was pretty bad.
You let Monster lead you where you need to go and start to feel the strange energy fading. You open your eyes and see you are in the white tower from before, the one made to stop energy. You cough as Monster shuts the door behind you and you take a deep breath in relief. Monster sets you down, and you look around the hall. The Visored, the ones who held the line against the Soul King and all that madness, are gathered in the tower. You see their numbers have dwindled some, but the ones left all radiate a high level of power.
“Seriously, you have all been stuck here? This whole time?” Jager asks. (1/2?)
Do you think that world of darkness is appropriative? Do you think it is exoticizing of minorities? I mean, on the one hand, it tends to cite culturally where it gets most of its ideas, and makes white people just as magical and supernatural as any other group, but idk. In addition, it may be structured in a way that can become massively problematic because it becomes easier to use appropriative characters.