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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 249

No.30477830 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So let's say you are in charge of re-booting the squats and bringing them as a new army into 40k, how would you make them?

They can have a different name, a different style, a different look, etc. as long as they are dwarves in space.
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Elder Scrolls Tabletop/Lore discussion

No.33243994 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets get an Elder Scrolls general up!

>Tabletop/P&P RPGs
[Scrollhammer - Tabletop Wargame]
[UESRPG 1e + other TES RPGs]

>Lore Resources
[The Imperial Library]
[Pocket Guide to the Lore] goo gl / 8b78MW
[Elder Lore Podcast]

>General Rules
No waifus please.
Keep the MK related squabbling to a minimum.
For mod or game questions go to /v/ or /vg/, this thread is about the table top games and lore.

Wrath of Ashardalon

No.17273229 View ViewReplyOriginalReport This is a scan of all the Wrath of Ashardalon content. Enjoy.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's a D&D themed dungeon crawler. Google it. It took me a bit of searching to find this, and eventually got it from some Russian forum and download site. I repacked it into a rar (previously was a passworded 7z file), and uploaded it to MediaFire instead of some virus laden Russian RS equivilant.
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Hero Quest: Chapter 47

!!Rwb9FVRKTbG No.33211575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Twitter: @HeroRena

>Last time on HERO QUEST!
>We joined Rena as she went to the newest cool spot in the dome, the Hot Spring of the Nile.
>All was not as it seemed, however, as Queen of the World was murdered!

>Then it all turned out to be a ruse. Rena and her friends were not amused and ended up spending the rest of the day simply hanging out.

>We now join one of the attendees of this party as she deals with an annoying older sister.
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Quest thread general

No.33217629 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Links, read them (especially YOU who is thinking about running a quest about X, we know who you are):

QMs: How do you make your antagonists?
Players: Has there ever been a character in a quest that you disliked or even outright hated but appreciated their role in the story?
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Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest #98

!!059cRXVD+M1 No.33208069 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> Thursday, December 5th, 2013


You are Gertrude Pool, Sophomore Class President and new commander of Lafayette Girls Academy’s revived Tankery Team.

> From: Piper Blancbois
> To: Gertrude Pool LGA, Oryola Kuznetsov KGB, Miho Nishizumi OGA

> You are invited to dinner on this Friday, December 6th, at 6:00 PM aboard Konigsberg Academy! As the Elite Four of the tournament, I will be looking forward to seeing you all come aboard and discuss the affairs of tanks, education, and in general get to know each other better. As Panzerfahren demands, we make war without hate! Feel free to invite your crews and bring any dates if you would like!

> I look forward to seeing you there! Please write back if you are unable to attend, we understand!

> Good luck and goodbye!

You read the email off as you serve dinner to the two girls. They appear to be very out of it today, but you suppose you can beat them out of it with Tankery Practice. You’ll have to consider her invite, this Blancbois character certainly seems like a person to know.

Kitten lazily eats her pancake. “So, dinner with the Germans, huh?” Fairless simply nods off at the table.

> “They seem nice enough.”
> “We might learn something.”
> “Eat or you’ll never get as big as either of us.”
> Write in
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No.33186816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We have an elf thread going, but how about a minotaur thread.
I've always liked them, but I don't have too many ideas about how to use them.

What are your thoughts on minotaurs?
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FUCK QUEST episode 10 part 10.2

!!gJwhmPB7G+T No.32815368 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Continuing part 10, so let's just hop right into it. Previous thread:


Whitney and Rose devour their helpings of roast pork and taro, tearing at the food with their bare fingers like animals, washing it down with gallons of kava. Ms. Carte merely picks at her serving. And poor Vivian is still too much of a mess to eat at all. She lies slumped against the table, drooling.

"I think we fingerbanged her retarded," Whitney says between bites.

"Oh, she'll be fine," Rose says. She prods Vivian's shoulder and receives no intelligible response but the word "cum" slurred over again.

"...She'll be fine, *probably*," Rose qualifies.

Watching that spectacle has left you in need of release too. But even you're not as crazy as Rose and Whitney were to do something so outlandish in such a public space. At the bar there were shadows to hide in; here, the beach is lit by hundreds of paper lanterns and you sit shoulder-to-shoulder with over a thousand Palauans. Whipping your dick out is just asking for trouble, isn't it?

A man at the galley table adjacent to yours flags down one of the cart-pushing food vendors. "Can I get some coconut pie?" he asks.

"Nnn," grunts the vendor, shaking his head. "Problem in the kitchen. Dessert won't be out for a while."

"Problem? What problem?"

"Some crazy woman." The vendor shrugs and wipes his grubby hands on his apron. "American tourist is raising hell back there. Thinks she owns the place."

"That's ridiculous!" the man cries. "I want my food--"

"Tell someone who cares," the vendor says, taking up his cart again and strolling away.

You tug at the man's apron as he passes. "Excuse me, sir. Where is the kitchen?"

The vendor points to a squat brick building on a hill overlooking the beach. He continues on his way.

You think you'd better go see what shitstorm your dear sweet mother is brewing now.
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Ghaz Codex thread - GO!

No.33188964 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I just got my LE Ork codex and scanned the important stuff from the Ghaz sup.
59 posts and 20 images omitted

13th age true ways

No.33197851 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone hate the true ways pdf to share? =) I would be very grateful