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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 250

No.33045825 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could the God-Emperor of Mankind in his prime defeat Asura?
209 posts and 39 images omitted

Yet another Missing Primarch(s) theory

No.33180352 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, I know there's like a billion of these, but I've never seen this theory before, so I figured I'd throw it out there and see what everybody thinks.

First off, what do we know about the Lost Primarchs? According to the Horus Heresy books, they were killed by the Space Wolves for unspecified mutations and/or deviations that the Emperor declared unacceptable, all records of them were erased and their remaining marines who were deemed fit for service were rolled into the Ultramarines.

Now, what could have happened that was bad enough that they'd be expunged from all records? Not even the Traitor Primarchs got that treatment. Granted, these were two isolated incidents that happened early on, whereas the Horus Heresy was simply too big to hush up, but then why bother keeping the first two Traitor Primarchs (if that's what they were) secret even after the general public was aware Space Marines could go bad?

I guess it could be just the Imperium trying to save face. If there had been early warnings as big as two Legions going rogue before the Horus Heresy, the Emperor would look pretty bad for failing to prevent it. On the other hand, if the Lost Primarchs HAD fallen to Chaos or something similar, why DID the Heresy come as such a shock, even to people who knew the truth? And the few times it comes up post-Heresy, they're still the implication that whatever happened was still "worse" in some way than what Horus did. No, I think it's something else entirely.

Moreover, since at least some of the Missing Legions' marines were still considered fit for service, we know it's not a problem that affects their geneseed. Maybe the Missing Primarchs' "deviation" wasn't <i>physical</i> at all. Maybe it was an ideological difference. The Emperor found something unacceptable about their beliefs, something not all of their space marines agreed with and thus some were spared, on the condition they not talk about what happened.

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No.32349954 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>Necrons often strike without warning, issuing forth silently from tombs far beneath a planet’s surface or teleporting directly into battle with their target. They are implacable foes, remorseless in advance and virtually impervious to enemy fire. Marching in silent phalanxes, they unleash precision volleys of crackling green gauss energy that reduce flesh, armour and bone down to its constituent atoms. Amidst the phalanxes stalk eldritch machines and vehicles of strange, macabre design. Looming over all are the Monoliths, Obelisks and Tesseract Vaults, great floating ziggurats of destruction.

>Victory against this unforgiving and unstoppable force will require the lesser races to stand united, and time for them to do so is swiftly running out. With every world the Necrons reconquer, the ancient empire comes ever closer to rebirth...

Divided they will fall, united they still will FALL. What once was, shall be again. Glory to the Phaerons! Glory to the Necrontyr Empire!

Since you lesser races need all the help you could get I present you a gift.

Warhammer 40K 7th ED Rulebook,
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CYOA Thread

No.33143429 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
CYOA Thread
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No.33136699 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


No.25543179 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup /tg/. My group just recently ran through the Sunless Citadel adventure, and we all immediately fell in love with Meepo the Kobold. Unfortunately, our DM is new and prefers fighting over story so he skipped over some stuff and kind of left Meepo out of the conclusion, and we don't really know what happened to him. So, I've got a two-part thread for you guys:

First off, after doing some brief googling, apparently Meepo became sort of a celebrity among D&D players, and his story has expanded beyond SC. Can any of you detail this?

Second, Meepo has inspired me to make a Kobold character next, and I was hoping for stories/tips/info/pictures relating to Kobold PC's.
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No.33111964 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So 13 True Ways is supposed to be out today, has anyone gotten their copy yet?

Also 13th Age General
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Emprah and the Primarchs

No.33107683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I've been thinking. In Horus Rising, Horus is described as being as big to a normal Space Marine as a Space Marine is to a normal man. Well assuming a Space Marine is 7'6 and a normal man is 5'9, a Space Marine is about 130% as tall.

That would make Horus around about 9'9 feet all. I think it's safe to say that's probably about what the other Primarchs are. Even if Horus is tall for a Primarch, it still begs the question "Just how big is the Emprah?"

Since the Primarchs are basically (at least from a genetic point of view) more or less the sons and even sort of clones of the Emprah, that would mean the Emprah is one seriously huge fuckin' dude. Which then begs the question of how the fuck did that guy hide on Earth for like ten thousand fucking years unnoticed.

Am I missing something?
49 posts and 11 images omitted

No.8404362 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pics of funny themed 40k armies?
158 posts and 69 images omitted