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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 251

No.18092644 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dear /tg/. I'm scanning SAGA for you.

It's a Dark Ages skirmish game.

Here's a list of Historical Miniatures makers -
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[spoiler]ERP General[/spoiler]

No.33065242 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Posting threads on /tg/
>having your threads deleted
>pointing out that >>33057683 is still around and therefore mods cannot justify deleting threads

To get started
>Pick F-List or IRC or both as your preferred method

>Go to #1001Lewd_Nights on Rizon for IRC
>Make a character and jump into /tg/ chat under "Private Channels" for F-list

>Go to
>Create a username.
>Create a character profile on that username.
>Click chat -> chat now and enter the chat (Experimental chat slightly advised). You'll be on the frontpage.
>Click "channels" on the bar up the top and click "private rooms" and navigate down to /tg/ chat.

>Post contact info
>Get help from friendly old hands
>Be chill
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No.33030624 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Whos ready for some gubbinz!

They look smashing.
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No.29025662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone here had the issue of your group playing a tabletop more from a third person perspective than first? Players saying things like 'I'll ask the old women if she knows anything about the Orcs' to the GM ooc instead of something like 'Do you know anything about the Orcs'
How do you solve stuff like this?
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No.32989114 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread is here: >>32947354

Thread music:
New codex soon™

>how ye run yer boyz
>wot yer workin' on
>stories n that
>seventh edishun roolz diskushun
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No.32765026 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Exalted, what is that?
Read this article to get a hang of the setting.

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Play this tutorial: It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Pray. But seriously, Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/ are both places where games could be found. Still, they tend to be rare since no one wants to ST.

>Wow, this book is confusing as hell. How the fuck am I supposed to generate a character from this mess?
Anathema. This is a godly character generator. It has all the charms in nice little skill-trees, a soothing sight for anyone who's ever played an RPG before. It also does all of the math for you, making it very easy to experiment with builds and create character sheets easily

>Corebook with embedded errata
>Most other books
>Archive with Errata notes:
>Fanmade crossbook indexes:
>Some mechanics reference sheets: social combat
>Infernal Bandaid:

The playtest document has been leaked edition.

Threadstarter that will likely be ignored due to discussion of leaks: Are you a bad enough dude to have taken Epic Zeal of Conviction AND make Conviction your Flawed Virtue?
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Eternal Crusade General

No.33005698 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.33005153 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Suddenly you find yourself teleported to an unknown location, where you are greeted by a demon, who has chosen you as her champion, and in order to fight against other champions you will need special equipment, crafted after your fortune in life, and will be created in stages.

>Select the weapon on the last number of the year you were born:

1) short sword
2) long sword
3) axe
4) flail
5) spear
6) halberd
7) katana
8) club
9) pata
0) warhammer

>Select your armor on the month you were born:

1) lamellar
2) chainmail
3) full plate armor
4) bracers
5) scutum
6) jousting armor
7) kendo suit
8) kite shield
9) parrying dagger
10) buckler
11) sabatons and greaves
12) Circlet

>Chose the material of your weapon and armor based on the last number of the day you were born

1) Iron
2) Silver
3) Steel
4) Gold
5) Obsidian
6) Damascus steel
7) Stone
8) Lead
9) Brass
0) Wood

Now add all three numbers and use the last number to decide the material of your armor.

1) Iron
2) Bone
3) Steel
4) Gold
5) Ceramic
6) Straw
7) Stone
8) Diamond
9) Leather
0) Wood
Depending on your luck you could have a great weapon or a completely useless one, but the demon promises a great reward should you succeed.

How fortunate you are, /tg/?
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No.13763165 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm making a character for a M&M 2e game, and decided to play the Finnish Avenger.

>The Finnish Avenger: Once the simple reindeer poacher and moonshine bootlegger Hannele Hämäläinen, an accidental run-in with a magical reindeer has given her the powers of the entire Finnish people. She is capable of drinking more vodka than though be possible, can justify the use of sauna no matter the weather, survive cold that no human being should be able to put up with, and can cause a deep sense of melancholy in her foes.

How do I convert this into actual M&M powers? Especially the last one, I'm not sure what in the rules would fit. I'm allowed to use the core book and the Ultimate Powers book.

Help, /tg/?
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No.29639962 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey, there's a Baneblade over there. I must say that I have always had a special place in my heart for cute little anachronisms like that. Even so, it's crew should take it out of harm's way. This is a warzone afterall. Anywho back to repelling this Kezdai incursion. It won't sort it self out after all.
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