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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 253

War Zone Valedor

No.32732293 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So extremely sorry for being so late.!CdARVDjb!-_wjDreVyb1GUasrSruU97dlHElNZpNC5jfZhKmoTRo

Scans of other requests to follow.
85 posts and 41 images omitted

Exalted General: Of Virtue and Vice

No.30839308 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Virtues. Supposedly defining characteristics of your character. At least one of the four will govern how your character will act in certain situations and what he's likely to do when he's put under so much stress that he simply snaps.

Which is your favourite Virtue and why? Have you ever played a charcter with all of his Virtues at 3+ or having learned one of the Epic Zeal charms? How do you feel about them being all but removed in Ex3? Do you have any good stories about high or low virtue, or Limit Breaks? Do you think any of the four CMAs based on the four virtues are any good?

>tfw no something something
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No.14288873 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey, I want to create a Rape Factory for my PCs to explore.

Let's hammer out some details on exactly how the Rape Factory works.

Important questions:
- What's the bottomline? How does one make a profit out of having hundreds of men and women raped in a factory? Do the owners of the factory run a kidnapping service that people can hire and say "I hate Jenny from the Doctor's office. Kidnap and have her raped over 4 months and I'll give you <insert amount of money>"?
- How much do the rapists get paid? Or is it just like 10 dedicated rapists and the rest are just interns/volunteers/hobbyists? What's the career progression like for a professional rapist?
- What kind of healthcare plans are offered to employees of the Rape Factory?
- How long should a "client" of the Rape Factory get raped for? Are we talking a single session of involuntary vaginal penetration or weeks and weeks of several daily sessions of sustained and brutal penetration of multiple orifices?
- Oh wait, what if there are different plans? Like a certain cost for a quick-emergency-rape and more comprehensive (read: expensive) plans for something a bit more long term?

Let's figure this shit out. I've got to have all sorts of answers when my PCs realise they've stumbled into their local franchise of the Rape Factory.
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Quest thread general

No.32744747 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>Can I run [quest]?

>Should I run [quest]?
Probably not, but that didn't stop anyone else.

>Give me advice on [quest idea].
Street fighter but you're all lesbian little girls

>Run times?
A chunk of at least 4 hours, preferably more like 8. Any time works, but you'll have more luck if people aren't at school, work, or the Dream Realm (i.e. American evenings).

>My QM is a faggot!
Leave the quest.

>Players are shit.
They sure are.

Player question: If you can go back and change a quest changing vote, what is it?

QM question: If you can go back and change something about your quest, what is it?
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No.32722969 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What made Hasbro/Wizards axe 4e and decide to make Next instead?
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No.32723860 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dare you enter my grimdark realm, /tg/? Roll if you dare!
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No.17171414 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Now that the closed beta is happening, and we have an idea of class mechanics, how about a Wakfu/Dofus homebrew?

Sexy Iop commands it.
68 posts and 15 images omitted

Log Horizon Quest #16

!!l7rl6RhNWZl No.32698178 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QM's Twitter:
Previous Threads:

You are Ambrosis, the level 31 cleric, captain of the Big Red One, and leader of the First Panzer Division. You had fallen behind TopCat and decided setting the boiler on fire was a good idea. Now that you have returned to the deck, you realize this idea was, in fact, not a good one.

Fire rages on the deck, the heavy wind from the BRO's speed only feeds the flames.

“Someone do something!” Aideen shouts over the wind.

You scrolled through your ability list. Nothing seemed to be able to help, except maybe Energy Protection.

“I know how to fix this.” Takeshi says to you. Before you have a chance to stop him, he is already in the air, sword drawn. His arms swing down, dragging the massive sword with it. The blade cuts just in front of you, slicing the deck port to starboard. The assassin spins with the momentum and makes another cut, just in front of the stairs.

Takeshi lands on the deck next to you. He sheathes his sword and, as if on cue, the burning part of the deck crashes down into the boiler room below.

“Now the boiler room's on fire!” You shout.

“Fire is speed.” He responds.

You wanted to slap him, but he had a point. With all this fire on the boiler, there is no possible way you will be out done by that cat!

Then the ship begins to slow down.

“We're out of water again!” Tabula says over the wind.

“How the hell are we out of water already!?” You reply.

The summoner leaps from the stairs all the way to where you are. “More heat, more steam, less water.” he explains. “The hotter we run, the faster we go, but the more water we lose with each pump of the engine.”

You didn't really need the explanation, so you shout, “Just get the boiler filled up before the fire goes out!”
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Cripple La Kill CYOA Quest: 8

!!2KU3MjY1hIh No.32691751 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pastebin (Previous threads and basic info):

"Every day I am astounded by the sheer energy that Mako radiates. In fact, her whole family is livelier than the entire city, especially when food is involved. I can't figure out where they pack it all, with the exception of Barazo Mankanshoku."
-Journal de Courtmanche, compiled at centuries end.
172 posts and 21 images omitted

No.32710024 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone know whatever happened to Crazy Hassan?
169 posts and 16 images omitted