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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 256


No.32524229 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We're gonna have to get political my friends.

Smar/tg/uys, this has probably been mentioned before, but we need to really mount up on the FCC for their bullshit attempt to violate net neutrality.

There has been one constant throughout the internet and that it is a level field for everyone. Each one of you bastards has as much right to it, and to say whatever the fuck you want, as I do. Whether you're fat, bold, neckbearded, naked, wasted or not. We all have equal opportunity here.

New companies and big companies all had equal shot here, we could embrace whichever ones we want, and told whichever ones we don't want, to go fuck off. Now the FCC wants to charge service providers and hosters, a premium for the bandwidth they use.

To put it in simple terms: Netflix right now, is one of the biggest streaming providers on the planet. In the internet's current state, if I start up a smaller streaming service, as long as I have good bandwidth that I can afford, I can provide equal quality to my customers. I may be smaller, but I can somewhat compete.

The FCC's new premium shit means that Netflix will have to pay tons of cashy monies to maintain the quality of their service. While they have become huge now and can afford it, the hypothetical tiny company I started will have to fold, since I can only afford to give people Dial up speed connection.

This concerns all of us, every single internet user will be impacted by the bullshit of this law. The main reason it's happening is because the cable providers are lobbying for this bullshit act, since it will boost their current monopolies and screw all of us over.

For crying out loud, right now we're all paying out the wazoo to have internet connections that other countries (read: not full of assholes in power, and more reasonable) get for a lot less. Cable companies have monopolies on the market, but they don't get penalized on them because they claim that nationally they're not the biggest.
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Quest Thread General

No.32506322 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
[QM Starter Guide] (YMMV, read at your own discretion)
[How to English]
[QuestMaster Directory]
[Stuff About Dice]
[Self-Editing Tips]
[Refining your prose]
[Writer's Quick Reference]

>Can I run [quest]?

>Should I run [quest]?
Probably not, but don't listen to us.

>Give me advice on [quest idea].
That's a dumb idea. You should totally run it and see what kind of interest it gets.

>Run times?
A chunk of at least 4 hours, preferably more like 8. Any time works, but you'll have more luck if people aren't at school, work, or the Dream Realm (i.e. American evenings).

>My QM is a faggot!
You should tell him so. Don't complain about it in /qtg/.

>Players are shit.
You should tell them that. Don't complain about it in /qtg/.

QM Question:
Your quest gets scouted for some form of off-board adaptation. What suits it best, given an unlimited budget? Miniseries, movie, rock opera, whatever.

Player Question:
What's the single worst vote you've ever cast?

>Bonus Question for both: Have you been in a quest that ended?
391 posts and 33 images omitted

Best recaster sites.

No.31438415 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am looking to make a list of sources for procuring warhammer recasts.

the notable ones o have are,
yoymart (very little variety but quality from what i saw)
aliexpress (wide range good prices quality can be hit and miss.)
coolcastornot (supposedly the best from what people say, not the cheapest and has limited range on fantasy)
wardreamworkshop (not bad range decent quality not the cheapest by far uses neo resin)

im hoping some people have some other sites that have a good range and prices.
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Painting guides

No.29705687 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone have any more of these?

Lizardmen one :!SctR1SLJ!USg9nytFwMduDXvw31TAUntjwX1_xwq4MMFtDp5J8gM

In particular the Warriors of Chaos or Space marine one?
14 posts omitted

Starship Thread 2: FTL Boogaloo

No.32462520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Other thread hit image limit.
>Post your favorite starships.
>Explain why other people's favorite starships are crap.
>Argue about shuttlebays.
Original thread: >>32455008
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No.27643034 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I make all of my characters true Neutral so the DM/other players can't screw with it. Rogue, monk, bard, paladin, sorcerer, everything. Alignment is an arbitration that just creates drama within the group and distracts from the narrative at hand. My character will do things for himself, or for others. But regardless, it shouldn't have an impact on the game.
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Quest Thread General -- Beginning of a Weekend Cycle Edtion

No.32458466 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Players: Tell us what makes you pick up a new quest.
Bonus question: [THING] a quest does well that you'd like other quests to emulate.

QM: What inspired you to make your current quest?
Bonus question: QM you'd trust to run your quest.
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Monsterhearts Quest 57

!k8C5uWf90c No.32395306 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Christopher Phillips, previously just another teenage nerd living in a small English town, and a lot of things have changed in your life since you died.

You’ve got some time to reflect on these changes as you walk down Barrellton’s empty high street, heading for the south side of town, following... someone. You’re not quite sure what the appropriate sobriquet is. The Man in White? The Woman in White? Your boss? The asshole who’s been fucking with your life (and death) for the past month or so for his own ends? All of the above, maybe. And now you’re marching off to battle against enemies you don’t understand, didn’t ask for, and don’t really have any weapons against.

Well. Maybe scratch that last one, actually. You haven’t had a good chance to cut loose with your new powers. You’re not even sure if the Man in White knows you have them. Maybe you should show him. It feels good, brimming with power like this. It’s just waiting for you to give it form, direction, a task. Any task you can imagine. With this power, you could rule the world in a heartbeat. You just need to...

[]Focus. You need to focus. Not getting wiped out of existence takes priority.
[]Cut loose. The power of miracles is at your fingertips, the power of the universe itself, why aren’t you using it? It would take such a small effort, just a brief expenditure of power, to bend the area around you to your whim.
[]Plot. You’re not going to get your way while your boss is looking over your shoulder. There must be something you can do during the battle ahead to make sure all three of the pains in your neck get kicked out of reality.

((Archives are located at
and also at
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Quest Thread General - I Was Going to Ask a Question Edition

No.32390649 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
[QM Starter Guide] (YMMV, read at your own discretion)
[How to English]
[QuestMaster Directory]
[Stuff About Dice]
[Self-Editing Tips]
[Refining your prose]
[Writer's Quick Reference]

>Can I run [quest]?

>Should I run [quest]?

>Give me advice on [quest idea].
Make all the characters into loli monsters and have them love each other.

>Run times?
A chunk of at least 4 hours, preferably more like 8. Any time works, but you'll have more luck if people aren't at school, work, or the Dream Realm (i.e. American evenings).

>My QM is a faggot!
Leave the quest.

>Players are shit.
They sure are.

Player Question: Do you prefer that a quest move quickly with choices pre-written that you select, or that quests take the time to write individual posts based on player input?

QM Question: Why not just link Foolz instead of sup/tg/ archives?
585 posts and 40 images omitted

No.27378707 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When looking at art in RPG rulebooks, does anyone besides me get irritated at characters being portrayed in outfits no sane person would ever use? Either insanely ornate or insanely skimpy, all this art depicts "clothes" and "armor" that make no sense whatsoever.

Who would ever choose to look like a D&D character over a nice chainmail shirt, pants and a proper helmet?
359 posts and 60 images omitted