>>32316248First up, Gurps is an inspiration, a detailed compendium of genre ideas and concepts, for FLUFF! Don't touch the 3d6. Any game as OCD about nailing details to the wall as Gurps is doomed from the get go.
Play UA or DG, then adapt rules as seems fitting as you go along.
It's the quick way, because:
You could dream up a system, write it out, get your friends to play it, and have them critique the work. Then you go back to writing, test that, adjust, and so on. Chances are your players will quit before it is any good and tell other players not to play your fetish project that doesn't work (yet).
Or you can just skip all that, play the game you want to play, and when you run into something you want but the crunch doesn't offer, amend that. Tell your players what you want the mechanic to do, collect their ideas, and think up a workable solution until the next session. You'll have fun playing and everyone will be part of making the game. But it won't be a chore because you know what game situation you are working towards. And it won't be a pain to play because you start with working balanced crunch.
Of course in the end you will have to have one work session where you decide what is not needed and can be trimmed. But that is one session, not 20. And it's the finish line.
Now before you go and do all that you have to explain why Dark ORE doesn't work.