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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 257

30k General

No.32318620 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread died.

Which-legion-has-the-best-troops edition.

Who has best bang for their buck when it comes to their compulsory troops?
106 posts and 9 images omitted

CYOA Thread

No.30217930 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Nothing in the catalog, so here's a new one.

Keep the OC flowing, but don't be afraid to post old stuff. Especially if you haven't seen it in a while.
336 posts and 67 images omitted

Adapting mechanics into a game.

No.32316248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's up, pha/tg/uys and pha/tg/irls?

I've been chatting around with a group of friends about a setting that we'd like to turn into a tabletop game. What we have in mind is a sort of urban-fantasy/sci-fi/horror setting that has elements of "World Of Darkness", "Delta Green", "Unknown Armies", and whatever fantasy-based creatures we can work into the mix.

I looked up information on how to create game mechanics that work for a setting on this board's wiki (1d4Chan), but I wasn't able to find anything other than details on homebrew games. What I'm wondering, then, is how to make the mechanics for the setting from the ground-up.

Should I use something like GURPS as a template, or should I look more deeply into the settings I've already mentioned to gain inspiration? Or is there something important that I've been missing in trying to figure all this out?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
13 posts and 1 image omitted

No.32376941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you guys know about mind flayers?
37 posts and 8 images omitted

No.32370419 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
[QM Starter Guide] (YMMV, read at your own discretion)
[How to English]
[QuestMaster Directory]
[Stuff About Dice]
[Self-Editing Tips]
[Refining your prose]
[Writer's Quick Reference]

>Can I run [quest]?

>Should I run [quest]?

>Give me advice on [quest idea].
Make all the characters into milfs and have them box each other.

>Run times?
A chunk of at least 4 hours, preferably more like 8. Any time works, but you'll have more luck if people aren't at school, work, or the Dream Realm (i.e. American evenings).

>My QM is a faggot!
Leave the quest.

>Players are shit.
They sure are.

Player Question: Do you prefer reading quests in first, second or third person?

QM Question: What's what your preferred number of active players to QM for?

No.32337601 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT realistic female armor.

Post what you got, /tg/
363 posts and 130 images omitted

7th edition digital rulebook

No.32332579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, anyone want to share his Mobi or Epub of 7th edition 40k rulebook ?
5 posts omitted

Quest Thread General -- Chill edition

No.32329602 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Players: Things your QM has recently done that made you happy.

QM: You very best scene/thread/arc. What made them good?
414 posts and 18 images omitted

7th ED

No.32309288 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I bought 7th ED this morning...and i kinda liked it.
Ask me anything.
(O, and fucking codex SoB confirmed)
319 posts and 36 images omitted

Urban Combat?

No.32306536 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, /tg/; In my recent Dark Heresy game, the Acolytes are in deep shit. An Alpha-level Psyker has driven the inhabitants of a Hive insane with paranoia and rage, and they're doing their best to massacre any 'outsiders' as the Acolytes make an end-run for their target. (They have what's basically a psyk-out bomb that they plan to detonate once they reach his compound.)

Now, I want this to be a very chaotic, Black Hawk Down-style sequence; Sort of like when an enraged mob of Somalis are literally running parallel to the US Marines in the film. My problem, however, is this:

How do I describe this? It feels that having an in-depth description of each part of the city would be pointless; The whole thing is supposed to be a frantic, running gun battle through the streets as they fight packs of insane civilians and PDF elements.

What's a good way to do a frantic urban battle sequence?