Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>If we want to be treated equally with male players then the solution is not to separate ourselves, it is to get in their faces even more as the only way to rid them of their socially awkwardness toward woman is to surround them with more woman in hope they learn how to interact and not fear anymore.
Continuation of last night's homebrew 40k faction, the Dominion of the Iron Watchers.
Faction Name: The Dominion of the Watchers Faction Leader: The Electric Eye / The Iron Eye / The Calculator / Deus Est Machina / The Knowing One / Permutation. An AI that regularly recompiles itself into a slightly different being (Doctor Succession). Objectives: Technological advancement and Knowledge accumulation, by any and all means necessary. >Escape will make me God. Military: Legions of cybernetic monstrosities, augmented organic troops, and nanotechnological horrors. Created through genetic engineering, cybernetics, and nanotechnology. Playstyle: Assault and CC. Emphasis on power per unit, with an array of support units to create extremely adaptable units. Teleportation and per-unit buffs allow extreme precision. Worlds: Fewer than the Tau, but not by much. Located in the galactic core. Size: Much less than the Tau, but they make up for it in tech and industry.
I'm doing some custom races for DnD campaign and I'm having a bitch of a time coming up with names for them. I got this one race, deer people, and I can't come up with anything that doesn't make me want to kill myself. Any of you gentleman and ladies have suggestions? Would really appreciate it.
Storytime, /tg/. >Low level, low magic campaign. Players spend early sessions helping resolve a civil war between rivals for a throne. In gratitude, one of their native business partners offers the services of his niece and nephew (18 and 17 years old, both NPCs) to guide them through the desert. >The niece, Rajae, is primarily a translator that proves incredibly useful since the PCs don't speak the native trade language. >While exploring, wheeling and dealing in a large walled trading city, the city is placed under siege and the players are arrested under suspicion of spying for the invading army. >Players break out of prison, hide in the thieve's lair beneath town. Some of their gear is still up top locked in the safe of their city contacts, though. They decide to sneak out and retrieve these items despite martial law and frequent military patrols. They take Rajae along to talk their way out of things if necessary. >Magus fails his stealth check in a big way, patrol of guards grabs him. Rest of party appears and attacks to free him while Rajae watches from the shadows. >Soldier lands a lucky blow on an already-wounded player, making things look tense. Rajae jumps out of the shadows with a shortsword and flanks the guard, giving sneak attack to the party rogue. >Guard has one turn left. He picks a target at random: Rajae. He hits. Threatens. Confirms. Max damage. Over her CON in neg HP. She's dead. Low magic world, no way to bring her back. >TFW players try so hard to bring her back, but everything fails >TFW they bring her body back to her brother and explain what happened >TFW he says he needs to bring her body back to their uncle for burial so the gnolls dont eat it. >TFW they abandon current quest, travel all the way back to the native city and attend the funeral >TFW they wallow in self doubt and Magus blames himself for her death >Uncle says his niece knew the risks and would have had no regrets, but players are unconvinced...
Elegan/tg/entlemen, I need your help hammering out my opening hook.
A team of dwarve PC's see their loved ones raped to death by some elfdingos. Before they can castrate themselves, the mystical dwarfdingo appears and tasks them with fucking every elf babe and cuckolding the elven nation.