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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 259


!!JXBy03rxbrE No.32222929 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Help me with my homebrew SJW game. So far players have to roll for their sexual identity, sexual orientation, body type, and disabilities. There's no race b/c race is a social construct.
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Hellborn Quest VII

!!A7S2CyAwEVW No.32189808 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QM Twitter:
The Story So Far:
Character Sheet: (picture included)

Stress: Exhausted.
HP: 3/12
PP: 4/12

You wake up again. The sky is a shade darker than it was before. You roll to your side and rub the side of your head. You have the worst headache right now. You crack open your eyes and see a bloody corpse.

Oh yeah. That’s right. You’re on the roof of some multi-storied building with a de-throated dead body. You’re splattered with dried blood, and your clothes hardly qualify as such, given the damage they’ve sustained. You don’t know how long you’ve been here, or what time it is now. You don’t even know where ‘here’ is. You guess you’re somewhere near the abandoned strip mall where you met Nabuth’shazzar.

One thing you do know, however. You have to move. The police could already be on their way.

And uh… while you’re at it, you probably need to find some new duds. And a shower. And a phone. And a phonebook, you guess? You don’t actually know any phone numbers.

Struggling, you manage to get yourself on your feet. Your shoes are gone, and the gravelly roofing crap pokes against your red-stained toes. You have some weird bruises on your limbs, and everywhere you take a second to look, you discover more scrapes and cuts. You put them out of mind for the time being and start limping toward the roof access.
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FUCK QUEST episode 10 part 4

!!gJwhmPB7G+T No.32174300 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Song of Swords: MC Hammerpants edition

No.32178314 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time on SoS: A sneak peek at 2.0, magic metallurgy, historically accurate mythologic fetishes >>32148222

Song of Swords is an upcoming roleplaying game designed to replicate realistic historical combat while remaining quick, easy to learn, and fun. Right now, the game has a solid core of historical things to work with, up to and including multi-barrel firearms, but ultimately will include historical settings, magic, giant monster hunting rules, and a fantasy setting that's turning pretty kickass and that you can read about here:
Beta's currently 1.9, but 2.0 is coming out soon, followed (hopefully) by a kickstarter.

Custom Horse Rules, hot off the presses from Jimmy:

Jimmy posted the 1.91 preview here: >>32171193 , I'll rehost it once the old thread sinks.

The Legend survives, and will never die.
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PDF Share & Request Thread

No.32155672 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
113 posts and 56 images omitted

Quest Thread Generals -- Beginning of a Weekend Cycle edition

No.32160704 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Players: Think of a PC. Now try to assign them a place on the MTG colour pie.

QM: How often do you write outside of your quest(s)?
Bonus question for both: Which OC quest settings do you like the most?
Use your own definition of OC, not mine or anyone else's.
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FUCK QUEST episode 10 part 3

!!gJwhmPB7G+T No.32155354 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Alabaster Soliloquy, anime imouto seduction specialist and hardcore motherfucker. Your first day on Fantasy Island went... surprisingly well.

Complete set of episodes from /a/:
Episode 9.1:
Episode 9.2:
Episode 9.3: | |
Interlewd 5:
Episode 10: |

-Waking up in Palau, you dealt with the aftermath of your death and resurrection.
-You have a new body. Better. Faster. Stronger.
-You dry humped your mom in the backseat of a truck. YOUR OWN MOM. Sick freak.
-You admitted your assholery to your harem and pledged your love to them. They pledged love back, each in their own ways.
-You and your augmented loli quiz buddy Vivian were examined by Gustav, the man who offered you safe harbor in this nation.
-You had a threesome with your tomboy girlfriend Whitney and Christmas keeki sensei Ms. Carte.
-You went into town with Whitney, met your domineering student council girlfriend Rose, and bought a gift for mom's birthday.
-You hung out with your big sister Cerise before going beach combing with Vivian.
-You fucked Vivian in the ocean. Verdict: loli wombs are the best!
-You helped Rose with an injury, and she revealed that she gave you a blood transfusion while you were dead.
-You gave your Mom the gift you bought, and she liked it enough to go to bed with you.
-You fucked her. YOUR OWN MOM. What is WRONG with you?

Thanks to Deculture for the OP.

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!eE2mC8OcBE No.24471098 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.32117584 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I know I already did this but screw it. I am tired of being used and lied to.

Kevin: You are a fucking asshole, a traitor and a piece of shit. You knew well how much I liked her and that I invited her to your game to get closer to her. It was too much to ask for some respect??? I know you spend here a lot of time, so if you see this, fuck you. I saw the emails you wrote her, how you asked her to send you naked photos and how you two are already dating behind my back. Well, lets see what your new beaner gf thinks when she knows I figured out your password.

Carmen: You are a fucking wetback whore and a lying, heartless bitch. You TOLD ME you did wanted a relationship at the time, and yet you go on dates with him? WTF. I INTRODUCED YOU TO HIM you fucking spic. You wouldn't even let me close to you and yet you send him naked photos? Fuck you, you disgusting wetback whore. I hope you find out all of the Internet has seen your nudes and maybe realize how much of an evil bitch you were to me.
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No.32090578 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been trying to make a new game system, and I've come up with a set of rules for magic that allows players to create their own spells out of a set of established "spell seeds" (pic related) to allow for more creativity with magic. The system is going to be pretty rules-light, so the player has to combine the seeds to make their spell and get it approved by the GM before actually using it.

What are some interesting magic systems I can look at for inspiration? Also, are their any spell seeds you don't see that should definitely be on this list?

If you guys are interested, I can tell you a bit more about how magic works in this system or just how my system works in general. It's all still a work in progress, though.
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