Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
"Welcome to Traveller, a universe of crime, money, portable nuke launchers and potatoes leading you to your doom."
"Wait....w-what? NO POTATO NO!!!"
>What is Traveller? Traveller is a sci-fi RPG my Marc Miller. It was designed to be the sci-fi counterpart to D&D which in a way it did, and did well. Its main features includes fun-as-fuck anything generation (Weapons, Ships, Player Character, Solar Systems, Quest etc) as well as a gritty, realistic combat system. It is hallmarked as one of the "Big 3" of RPGS, namely D&D, Traveller and Runequest.
>Is it fun Very
>How do I get started? Right here citizen.
> Tonnes of supplements as well as the core rulebooks (Highly recommend using Mongoose Traveller).
>Running a Pathfinder game in skype/irc >Players are in a seedy inn full of thugs >Three guys and girl >Couple of them waving weapons around making threats >One of the thugs stands up, drawing a dagger, and says "Maybe we will kill YOU instead and take the girl for our trouble!" >Party explodes in OOC chat telling me I cant make comments like that/rape isnt funny >The player of the female character is trying to get them to shut up so we can get playing >Two of them rage quit saying for us to "Enjoy our rape fantasy"
Having played DE for the last couple of years I thought I'd give the new eldar dex a go. Here's the 1st list I've written that I'm happy with, was looking for any opinions or critiques on it (local meta is a mix of marines, guard, tgrey knights and chaos, few guys are starting Tau)
-Farseer (singing spear, spirit stone of anath'lan) 120 -Spiritseer 70 -2 Warlocks (1 singing spear, 1 witch blade) 75
-10 Dire Avengers in a Wave Serpent (scatter laser, holofields) 265 -10 Guardian Defenders (bright lance) in a Wave Serpent (scatter laser, holofields) 245 -10 Guardian Defenders (Starcannon) in a Wave Serpent (scatter laser, holofields) 245 -5 Rangers 60 -3 Jetbikes (shuriken cannon) 61 -3 Jetbikes (shuriken cannon) 61
-10 Warp Spiders (Exarch with spinneret rifle, fast shot and marksman's eye) 235
Spiritseer deploys with the dire avengers (taking conceal and another power from runes of battle) Farseer and a conceal warlock sit with the brightlance guardians behind the aegis line.
PREVIOUSLY: -You let your mom in on the conspiracy swirling around you. In light of the news, she became a little overprotective. -You met with David Darkbloom again at a quiz bowl competition. He invited you to his home in Palo Alto for dinner next week. -Your biology teacher/lover Ms. Carte was savagely beaten by agents of Darkbloom. To protect her, you let her take shelter in your home. She wants you and your harem to flee for the island nation of Palau. -You broke student council president/femdom enthusiast Rose's mind with tender lovemaking. -You got a soothing massage from Mom. Ms. Carte and your older sister Cerise both saw.
Mentlegen: With about $235 I could purchase 2 Lego Kingdoms chess sets, with about 32 minifigures each, and another Vikings chess set also with 32. With that many lego soldiers/period figures available, the wargame/board game possibilities would be *endless*. I would have to go 14 days without spending a dime to buy these things on my current budget, which I could do by eating food that's already around the house and biking/walking everywhere. On the downside, that would mean no steak, no lattes, no beer, no cruising for babes, no kombucha (jk), no nothing for 2 weeks. What would /tg/ do? Bumping with Lego chess materials.
I'm bringing a GW Standard Hatebear list. It started as white weenie splashing for Selesnya Charm, then I kinda went off the deep end with my 2-drops. The idea is that by lowering my average P/T slightly, I get access to cards that are both disruptive and aggressive (Keening Apparition, Judge's Familiar, Imposing Sovereign, Selesnya Charm, etc). Can't afford Brimaz or a 4th Voice, plus Brimaz doesn't really fit the game plan. I know the 2x Scavenging Ooze seems extra weird, but BG graveyard is becoming a real thing at my LGS. The only matchups I'm really worried about are control and anything with access to Anger post-board. I think Boros Elite and Mutavault would improve the control matchup, but Judge's Familiar is more disruptive than Boros Elite and the mana base can't handle Mutavault. Lastly, I'm considering a 3rd Spear just so that I see it more often. Thoughts?
4 Soldier of the Pantheon 4 Dryad Militant 2 Judge's Familiar 3 Voice of Resurgence 3 Imposing Sovereign 2 Keening Apparition 2 Scavenging Ooze 3 Banisher Priest 3 Loxodon Smiter
4 Brave the Elements 4 Selesnya Charm 2 Spear of Heliod 2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride