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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 264

No.31750294 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As you step into the tavern you're faced with a crowd of elves, dwarves and various other non-humans. They're all dancing and singing this song at the top of their lungs:

What do you do?
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No.31359885 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /tg/

Let's build an alternative version of hell, that we can use in our games.
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PDF Request Thread

No.28074823 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
44 posts and 23 images omitted

PDF Share & Request Thread

No.31210290 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
205 posts and 96 images omitted

No.27199125 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Free candy in this thread.
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Space: The Convergence

No.17764641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It seems there's some modest interest in Space: The Convergence here on /tg/. I'd like to share the fluff for the setting that I've gathered and expanded from its roots at the MtG Salvation forums and the original WoTC joke article. I'd be thrilled if you'd join me in world building, fa/tg/uys.

In S:TC, the galaxy is constantly at war. But it's not the kind of grimdark onlywar that 40k is famed for, rather it's a number of relatively small-scale skirmishes fought by representatives of great powers to further their interests. These skirmishes, however, may involve several star systems, and have cataclysmic consequences.

A player of S:TC represents a Warlord, a general title for all the admirals, generals, CEOs, hierarchs and broodmothers that vye for supremacy across the stars. Unlike its parent game, Warlords don't have "life points", but rather "control points", representing their ability to control the flow of the war. Control can be drained by enemy action (units attacking the player directly), or it can be ceded to friendly units, representing anarchic factions, allied regimes or totalitarian overlords imposing their own order on the war.

Next: some major factions.
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Galaxy Quest Episode 2

!0/pF/jMgC. No.31690691 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Galaxy Quest!
You are a young human doctor, abducted by the K'tulu, and recently released by demand of the Galactic Senate. You've just finished a hearing with a release board, where you were coerced into signing a NDA, and negotiated the terms of your release. Now you're only a few short hours away from freedom.

Character Sheet:

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Last Calibur Quest Part 3

!!oVL5tn19p2v No.31665784 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time on Last Calibur:
You traveled to the city of Alpath to learn about your destiny. Sadly, it seems like neither you nor your magical sword have any particular fate about yourselves. After evading an Imperial ambush by destroying a large portion of the town and its waterways, you made your escape.


The tavern is full of noise and laughter as you and your friends, the witch Tayka and the demigod Rikki, take your seats at a table. You're feeling particularly confident and happy today, so you order the first round of drinks without even asking them their opinions on the matter. Tayka, always the more brash and outspoken one of your group, raises an eyebrow at you before beginning her usual lecture.

"Spending more money, Ekard? Did you knock your brains out back there? We don't have the money for luxuries when we're on the run like this!"

Rikki, your more soft-spoken, but earnest companion nods along with Tayka. It's not like her to oppose you, so even she must be worried about the group's expenses. But that's not really going to be an issue anymore. After all, you're a King now: One of the ten most powerful men in the world, given magical strength by your holy blade. You pat the weapon of legend hanging on your hip and tell them not to worry about anything.

"That sword isn't going to do you any good. It doesn't have the power of the Crown. You know, the absolute authority over commoners? Unless you plan to rob this place, you're still going to have to pay for all of this!"

Oh ye of little faith...

You pull up a canvas bag onto the table and let its contents spill out over the wood. Huge, fist sized sapphires and opals catch the candlelight of the tavern, glittering and catching the attention of all around you. You give Tayka an smug look and arrogantly cross your arms.
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Oracle Help

No.31667294 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm making an 11th level Aasimar Time Oracle as the cohort for my wizard in an every other week pathfinder game and I'm running into some trouble when it comes to spending my wealth by level gold on her.
I know I want a Headband of Charisma but I'm hesitant to blow my whole allotment getting the biggest bonus or if there are other items that would be helpful to me and truthfully the sheer amount of items to pick through is just intimidating.

I've checked the paizo boards and they're absolutely useless. So I'm turning to neckbeardy wisdom of /tg/ for help.
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Warhammer 40K on a budget

No.24848729 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As an end of the year "who-gives-a-shit" assignment, my ROTC teacher is holding a series of Warhammer 40K games.

I'm now addicted. And so I was wondering, does anybody know where to get figures and scenery for a smaller price? Everywhere I find is expensive as hell, but me and my friends really want to get into this.

Any help is greatly appreciated
70 posts and 13 images omitted