>>31668723In the giant robot action game, there is no sympathy for the weak-willed.
>Everyone hates the pacifist in the giant mechaHe was okay with shooting other soldiers, and would attempt to do so himself on many occasions. He was just bad at it, and never even tried to improve.
>She's so much better than him at combat>That's all that matters, right?He had literally zero useful skills. Everyone else in the game was better than him at everything. Normal people might *try* to get better; he did not.
AI lady at least went out and socialized and made friends, while spineless boy was inactive or totally spineless.
So what the other players end up seeing is this neat lady who's kinda weird and the scumbag she's fawning over.
>We could have talked down the final boss peacefullyCyborg Lady was reasonable enough to see that "bitch be crazy yo" and helped the rest of the PCs against AI lady. She then left without harming the rest of the PCs, because honor n' shit. AI girl had no further influence on interactions with her.
>Implying liking stories about being desired by someone stronger than you isn't cathartic as fuckNot when they do it because they have to
>Implying stories about feeling worth-while isn't catharticHe wasn't worthwhile, he was a load that slowed down AI lady-and this was the other player's idea!
>Implying he probably isn't a cool guy with low self-esteemThis is demonstrably false. His other character in the game was a successful adult space nazi (though the player didn't see anything wrong with space facism...which did not improve our opinion of him) and he left the game for a month or so to visit his girlfriend abroad.
...This was one of the game's least liked players, for behaviors too numerous to detail in one post. But after all was said and done, everyone liked the ending to the arc, and the other player thanked me for how I warped it-even after I told him not to.