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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 266


Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 8

!!ajsXkCZdKeV No.31570913 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Today, we witness the aftermath of a revolution.

At least Rei isn't hung over.

This is what Ragyo gets for trying to make us do chores.
544 posts and 103 images omitted


No.23404688 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Where are my playtest docs?

They've been out since October, someone /rs/ that shit!
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No.30600491 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do any of you fa/tg/uys play Bolt Action? If so what do you think of it? It looks neat to me, and I want to get into it, just not sure if very many people are around to play with. Bonus points if you're in Maryland/DC
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No.31186184 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any board game engine like Vassal, but in 3D?

I've seen pictures of one some years ago, but it seemed to have disappeared from the internet.
1 post omitted

Elder Scrolls lore and RPG

No.28474337 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last thread is dead, and it got a little crazy in a few parts.
New topic: how would you feel about playing as Talos himself? Or any other historically relevant character, maybe Kagrenac or Vivec.
314 posts and 23 images omitted

No.30989431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello guys. Has anyone got pdf or pic or smthing abouth Helbrute dataslate?
Any ideas how good or bad it will be?

Witcher 2 RPG

No.22702915 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anybody know where I can obtain an English translation of the original Witcher Role Playing Game (Wiedลบmin: Gra Wyobraลบni) or the updated 2nd edition guide? Preferrably an English version, as I don't speak Polish.
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EO General

!!VN2/b+wvLSW No.20605474 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, what do you think of Etrian Odyssey? I understand that we stole Wizardry from /v/, so I assume we took the derivatives with them.

If you don't know what EO is, it's a DS game where--hey, hang on I'm not done. It's a first-person turn-based roleplaying game where you have to draw your own map using the bottom (touch) screen. It's also a Wizardry clone, so it's hard as fuck, and grindy. Art style is anime-cutesy, but I think it looks like Disgaea which is also hard (not counting NG+ bullshit), and the music is authentic old school cool, being composed on an NEC PC-88.

The games are interesting because they've visibly evolved, following a path not unlike that of Might and Magic. First game is mostly a dungeon crawl, and new elements are added in each installment. Most recent one had an oceanic overworld that had quests (boss fights) that could be done cooperatively, and served as a means of making some spare change. The games also have a neat twist as far as plotless dungeon crawlers go, in that they have plots that either show up or start twisting around floor 20).

It's not a system seller, though I'm glad I own the hardware to play it. Anyone else play?
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Zombie Outbreak Quest - Improvised Edition

No.20693744 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Zombies! Zombies everywhere! You are at your home. What tools you have handy and what can you make with stuff you've got ?
I have a machete and a Sog Fasthawk, a Leatherman Wave multitool and probably no materials to make something worth to help me survive.
Your turn!
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Girls und Panzer Quest: We're the Best... Around... Edition

!!hcUSYLDTxkV No.31549904 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Target." You say calmly. You squint as you do mental trigonometry to figure out distance. "Distance twelve-sixty. Partial cover. Crosswind six nauts West." Long distance shots are the bane of tankers- past a thousand yards there are dozens of things that can affect a shell's trajectory- windage, relative elevation, ambient temperature. Hell, even things like air pressure and humidity could affect the shell's drag and therefore it's ballistic drop. Modern tanks have computer-aided targeting systems that are largely able to control most of those variables and allow more accurate shots at distance. "Bringing you on target." You say calmly as you hit the commander's override on the turret controls. "On target."

You are Commander Russells of the M26E1 Pershing Heavy Tank "Black Jack" and with late-WWII era sights, most of what you have is training and hope. And your gunner, Rose, who responds evenly. "Target acquired." She tends to count for a lot. "Firing."

Aside from the sound of a Ford V8 engine rumbling and the whine of the turret servos, the turret was silent. And then Rose hits the trigger and your world rocks backwards and up under the counterweight of a 90mm HVAP shell leaving the barrel at nearly four-thousand feet-per-second. The tank isn't even done rocking before your eyes are glued back to the scope watching the HVAP shell arc delicately towards the target and impact The cardboard cutout- roughly the size of a Tiger II's front profile.

>Take another shot- finish the target.
>Move to the next firing position.
>Move back- how far can we make the shot from?
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