It's been a long time since I bothered doing this (and it usually doesn't gather that much attention anyway) but hey, I'm going to bring up 1d4chan again!
It's been almost three years and three months since I begun operating the wiki and in that time the wiki reckons it's had almost 36 million content pageviews (of course, that doesn't include edits made or views of special pages and what-have-you). If my numbers are right, that's almost as many posts as /b/ gets in a week.
Over the last year and a half in which I've had usage tracking, the site's seen a steady month-on-month rise in traffic, pretty much doubling between March and October of this year. In fact, we get so much traffic that I've had to upgrade my hosting package because we were continually exceeding our bandwidth limits by almost double the default. I optimistically assume that the majority of 1d4chan's browsers are still browsers here too, though we get a lot of traffic from random google searches and links via TVTropes. At any rate, October saw a grand total of approximately 2.4M real pageviews and 80K unique users, and I am hyper-excited that so many people make use of the site.
As usual, I'm interesting in hearing anyone's opinions or suggestions on the site and how it's run, if there's any cool things you think I should try and do with it, insults you wish to make concerning my parentage, etc. I'll also answer questions if there's something about 1d4chan you happen to have a burning curiousity about!