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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 268

Fixing Casters in D&D/Pathfinder

No.31435435 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, /tg/. I hear a lot of complaints about how melee characters are underpowers compared to spell-casters.

How can this be fixed?

For example, combat classes get given 18, 17, 16, 15, 12, 10 as their ability scores and casters get 18, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 as their ability scores.

This focuses more on the idea that a combat character relies generally on all of their physical stats while a caster character can rely on any single mental stat.

What about a point spend system where melee characters are given more than spellcasters? What about classes that do both?

For point-spending, maybe have a base cap of 18 for any stat, a starting stat of 10 and then give combat players more points than casters so to even it out.

Perhaps each class, to account for the varying levels of reliance on magic and combat, get different "spend" modifiers.

So for example, a wizard has a spend modifier of zero and is given 14 points to play with. A pure fighter class might have a spend modifier of 8, so he gets 22 points to play with. Paladins, whilst having magical abilities, need to rely on physical stats as much as the next knight but they also need charisma. Maybe they get a spend modifier of 12 points.

What ideas are there out there? How do YOU handle this problem in your games?
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No.31274676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, an update.
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No.31380724 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Things you should immediately EJECT from a game after hearing your GM say

I'll start:
>"You do X" or "You feel X"
>"Does everyone know how 10-point buy works?"
>"I just want all the players with female characters to know that I will be taking a highly realistic approach to the rape of women in a medieval historical setting."
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No.31362754 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How much backstory is acceptable to turn in? 2 paragraphs? 3 bullet points? 5 pages on Word?

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No.31351792 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey there /tg/. We had a bait thread a couple days back that turned into freeform discussion, and me and a few other fa/tg/uys decided that we were going to muck about in Gaia and show them what good roleplay looks like or, barring that, just Oscar threads until they die.

tl;dr let's go all Edgardo on these guys. Any takers?
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No.31338670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So are there any scans out for Militarum Tempestus yet?
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No.31345884 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, I'm told my friends that I'll be running a game for them. Not sure which one yet.
However, I have also found out that one of my friends likes monstergirls. Monstergirls! MY FRIEND IS A FUCKING FURRY!
So /tg/, what is a good game that I can run that would focus on making him kill his beloved filth?
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Militarum Tempestus Scan

!Q5taavazbM No.31327758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Brought to you by The Provider !!xsY3HXjG87F, Internet Super Pirate. Rules only, I'm afraid.

The Giant Requests a song/ Music Thread.

No.21528575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You have just commissioned a Giant to Craft you a complete suit of armor.

The forge is ready, the materials have all been gathered, the measurements and molds have been made and he has his anvil, pliers, and hammer ready.

The Last thing he requires of you however is a song. "Although my craftsmanship is beyond compare: Without a song I may as well be crafting a scone with a light fluffy crust for you to wear."

What song do you offer to the giant?
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Heresy: Victory or Death!

No.31338494 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't see any thread with the scans from Extermination. Did Scanon get to Raven Guard?
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