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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 269

No.31316208 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


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No.25324045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Having read a lot of the drow sourcebooks, it's obvious that newly-ordained drow high priestesses and other specially privileged drow females get the opportunity to copulate with a glabrezu with the ultimate goal of birthing a draegloth.

What is not obvious to me is: just how in the world does this work? Glabrezu are huge-sized creatures, 15 ft. tall and weighing 5,500 pounds. Drow are medium-sized creatures coming in at a maximum of 5.5 ft tall by 3.X rules. The question I'm posing is: how do the females survive these encounters?

tl;dr: How does this:

fuck this:

then birth this:

and live?
12 posts and 2 images omitted

PDF and Begging Thread

No.30486648 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I myself am looking for Mutants and Masterminds stuff, Nobilis if that even exists as a PDF, and Spelljammer stuff for 2nd Ed.
Hell, any core book for anything is fine. Starting with the big list 'o links in a second
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No.31307293 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hips for days!
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I'm a 40k player who won't buy GW minis

No.31172528 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does everyone at my local gaming store make a face whenever I show my IG army to them, point out the lack of Imperium insignias, and say I've fluffed them as a non-Imperium, non-Chaos human army?

On that note, why does everyone give me a dirty look when they notice all my minis are non-GW conversions?
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Warhammer Lizardmen 8th ed

No.26463846 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any proper scan available dear Sirs?
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Forgeworld's Horus Heresy: Book 3

No.30933980 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Teaser for it went up this morning. Anyone else excited about it?

Apparently has the Iron Warriors, Fists, Raven Guard, and Alpha Legion.
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Warhammer 30k General

No.26177317 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's talk about 30k armies, and tactics!

Future Books.
>[The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre]

Iron Hands
Word Bearers
Night Lords

Other forces:
Mechanicum - Legio Cybernetica (Robots).
Lesser Known Titan Legion - Firebrands

Return of:
Emperors Children
Works Eaters
Death Guard
Sons of Horus. Additional unit for each in book two.
* History of the four new legions
* Rules for the four new legions plus:
Special units
* Rules for new Mechanicum units
* Scenarios & Campaign System

>[The Horus Heresy Book Three - Extermination]

Raven Guard
Iron Warriors
Alpha Legion
Imperial Fists

This book will come out within 6 months of Book Two. There won't be a big gap between books like between 1 & 2.
Part Two of the Battle of Isstvan V & the Battle of Phall

Space Wolves
Sisters of Silence
Legio Custodes (Yes, full rules)
Thousand Sons

Imperial Army (First of several different Regiments, Traitor and Loyalists)

>[Signus Prime]
Blood Angels

>[Book 7]
Dark Angels or in a later book.
White Scars or in a later book.

Supposedly a full Mechanicus army list.
131 posts and 33 images omitted

Worst playerbase

No.31068507 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So in the wake of crackgate 2014, I'm truly convinced that shy of the bronies who play that MLP card game, MTG players are the worst, between the shitty hygiene, terrible attitudes and being whiny pissbabies, I will honestly avoid the gaming shop any of the 4 nights a week they run MTG events.
My question for you /tg/, why does this game attract the worst people you'll encounter in a gaming store?
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Paradox Interactive General

No.16647204 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Paradox Interactive General

Sup. After playing too much EU3 I've been messing around with Hearts of Iron 2 for a while and then decided to get Arsenal of Democracy. I'm rather new to it.

Planning to play as Nazi Germany. What do you guys think of this plan: 50% IC for develping the industry (building factories), other 50% goes towards everything else (supply, reinforcements, upgrades, consumer). I plan to concentrate on the navy, air, mechanized and panzers mainly, so I can move across land quickly and make sure the British Navy doesn't fuck up Baltic and North Atlantic convoys.

Also, is there a way to get a country to join you peacefully? I'm best buds with Austria and really don't want to invade.
(inb4 hurr back to /v/, Paradox Interactive has always been /tg/)
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