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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 270


No.31214384 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post your epic .pdfs! Share links to .pdfs! Make requests! Be awesome!

The pic shows my collection, and I can post anything from it that people want, as well as a list of links to tons of things (that's the .txt file)
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No.31223861 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I have some questions /tg/

Let us say I want to make a "warmage", a class in The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, for D&D. How would I make it balanced...and just how overpowered is Richard Rahl now?

Or should I just go away?

Modern/Fantasy-Modern RPG General

!!H5XdMKmBv5G No.31148366 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What Modern systems/settings do you like? What do you use? What don't you use? Why? What kind of modern type games do you like to run/play?

Have any advice for new Modern RPG players/GMs?

Picture is only slightly related.
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No.19846021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I kill a bunch of guards working for an obviously evil mad scientist type, does that make me evil? If not, does absorbing them to fuel my horrifying powers make me evil?

No.31155979 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You can pick one animal/monster companion from any setting and bring it here to our world. Your companion will stay loyal to you and your family for 5 generations.

What do you pick?
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No.31164028 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup, /tg/. Currently replaying Wh40K: DoW2: CR, and thought about you. How did the release of DoW affect the tabletop Warhammer community? Do you think its release was a good or a bad thing for WH in general?

Also, general DoW discussion thread.
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The Whole Board

No.31172536 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's that time of year, /tg/

I love all humans
I love our smog-filled hives
I love crusading
And taking xenos lives
I love the galaxy
With all its sights and sounds

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No.31175668 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /tg/.

I will be hosting a game of Deathwatch shortly for a group only partly familiar with the 40k setting. Some members know bits and pieces while other are completely clueless.

What is the best way to introduce them to the setting? I am planning to read some sort of abridged introduction about the Imperium and the Astartes and Inquisition as well as a brief few sentences about each of the 9 founding chapters which their character may be from, while revealing the rest of the information as the game progresses so as not to overload their tiny minds.

Any tips?
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No.31175511 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After years of service on the Imperial Guard you are finally allowed to go home. Having fought the enemies of the Empire you only desire to go back and meet again your girlfriend whom you promised to return to. But upon reaching your homeworld you find out she is hidding.

Upon asking why, you learn she has mutated and she is hiding to avoid being executed. You still wish to see her, and upon meeting her again you see she looks like this.

What you do, Guardsman?
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No.31157607 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I enjoy Hearthstone but i want to try something with a little more depth what do you recommend /tg/ I must be playable online (since i live in a dead place for these kind of games) but if it have a physical version it would be nice as well (So i can try to get others into it). I am open for everything
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