Less Magical Realm, more Pokemon
https://twitter.com/GobbleQMPokemon, items, and summary:
http://pastebin.com/tSNKt0WmFAQ and general concepts:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4jkHr2MaRo [Embed]
Nice playlist:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kJ9wp-mog8&feature=share&list=PL361E683BA95898C0 [Embed]
General rules:
There is a 10 minute voting period after each post, and 5 minute voting period for combat votes. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible. There are occasional roles to keep things organic, but mostly it goes by voters choice. Unless specified otherwise, the best of 3 rolls is the result, and rolling high is good.
Write-ins for all votes or always welcome and encouraged. Put your own spin on it, suggest dialogue, add an addendum, or anything else. Just because some options specify to write in, doesn't mean that they aren't welcome for anything else. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.
Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as it comes up.
You are Kat, an orphan, Pokemon trainer, skilled pickpocket and thief.
Badges: 3
Traveling Companions:
Robin - Fellow Trainer/girlfriend
Vance - Martial Artist/close friend
Jeanine - Aura Reader/friend
Current Party:
Devon (Houndour)
Destiny (Horsea)
Vlad (Golbat)
Zappy Dan (Magnemite)
Leviathan (Gyarados)
Nibbles (Tyrunt)
Won't be too long tonight. Exhausting week, but it's all finally coming together.