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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Hey guys, does anyone here play Bolt Action or Hail Caesar? I come from a 40k background and would like to know which one of these games is the most solid and fun to play (convinced a few mates to join with me).
If Bolt Action I was thinking Soviet (Would like German but want to mix it up a little) and Roman for Hail Caesar.
Would you recommend bundles like pic related or the starter sets? Any help would be fantastic.
Has anyone heard from Mr Strikeforce recently? I had some stuff on order from him that he charged my credit card for. But now its been 2 weeks since I have heard back from him and he has not responded to emails or phone calls. Did I get scammed ?
Make requests, make those some requests, and moan about not getting the artist you wanted! If you're going to contribute with art, please make an effort to tackle what requests you can in chronological order.
I had a dream. I swear this is exactly how it happened. I typed it up as soon as I got out of bed, so it's not in greentext. Sorry.
I am a follower of Nurgle. I'm attacking a huge stone building, maybe a church. I'm diseased and am spreading pestilence everywhere. There are some Khornate daemons around, too, who are attacking everyone, including me. But whenever I'm in danger, I cause flies to spew from my hands that swarm around, killing my opponent and healing me. After a while, a couple of other Nurgle followers meet up with me, along with a Great Unclean One, who is very jovial and greets me with a big hug.
We end up in a big, fancy looking room, with wooden panelling on the walls, paintings, a big bar at the back, and a few pool tables. Suddenly, my comrades are gone, and now the room is filled with well-dressed people who are smoking cigars, drinking cocktails and talking amicably among themselves. I go to the bar, at which is sat an unassuming looking man in a grey suit. A little way up the bar from us is sat another unassuming looking man, also in a grey suit. He doesn't seem interested in us when I sit down, and doesn't say anything. The first man explains to me that all the people in the room are powerful people, and are the ultimate cause of the decay of society. As he's talking about decay I realise that somehow this is Nurgle in disguise.
How do you think Ivory is shaping up? I feel bad for Spider as they're getting crossfired by Fudoism aimed at Fallen Duelling. Apart from that, Crane Honour seems super strong, as does Scorpion Dishonour.
What's the best military deck?
It feels kinda sucky that all the Ivory personalities are so lacklustre compared to Aftermath/Coils (esp. Coils). RPG time.
What's happening in your campaign?
I know its an old discussion, but how do you feel timeline-neutraility has affected the game? I'm personally in favour, and I'm impressed by the way Spider have been handled.
The expanding sourcebooks are really good aswell, sad that some of the Imperial Families got neglected in Secrets of the Empire.
Also, why is it called secrets? Ronin and the Imperial Families aren't a secret. It feels like it should be called Servent of the Empire or something.
Finally, a request. I'm missing a few PDF's of the books, and can't afford to buy them having bought the books. Does someone have a super secret link to: Book of Fire, Book of Water, Secrets of the Empire. If so, that would be tip top - I like having the PDF's to show players etc
LAST TIME ON SUCCUBUS DAUGHTER QUEST! Flidais, our explosive elven mage girl found it fit to sexual the devil born tiefling Talsi, a member of the your adventuring group. During the lewdness, the caravan your party is guarding was beset by bandits.
After exploding a man's head and blasting a few more, you were struck on the head, knocking you out. You awoke to a room filled with treasure and the bandits team leader, whose head you exploded after french-kissing him.
After escaping your bindings you find Torvic being charged the guards. Having nothing left you drop a shaped fireball at your feet. To pass out from the exertion.
Waking up the following afternoon, you find that your ruby, which have recent started calling 'the baby' is missing. After a short panic, Torvic comes to you and returns the ruby. Sharing an emotional moment causes the gem to glow, and as the light dies you find a small girl with a shock of long red hair, hidden under which is a tail and a pair of bat wings. Torvic, unsure of her, suggests taking her to a cleric to have them look at her.
Hello /tg/ I dunno if time is right, but I recently aquired Book of Fire so how about a L5R discussion ? Plus I could provide you with any info you wish to know about the book itself.
Hi /tg/, has anybody heard from Mr Strikeforce recently? I gave him an order a few weeks ago, and he confirmed the order but I haven't heard anything since. I've tried contacting him again, but no response to that.
Is Mr. Strikeforce okay? Did the GW assassins finally get him?