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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 273


Exalted Quest (session 18)

!fKufr32NAI No.30950604 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
[Healed 1 HP] [Recovered 2 Essence]

Yesterday was a horrible day.

You slowly force yourself awake, not out of any feeling of restfulness or natural "waking up" process but because of the uncomfortable sensation of being touched and pricked with needles during your sleep.

You're still in the improvised infirmary on the Bloodshark, the admiral ship of your (improvised) pirate fleet. Now landlocked in Tianna's Wyld zone, but you should have brought enough iron on board to feel a bit safe.

Zaan has peeled the blankets away and, as your bleary eyes slide him into focus, you slowly notice he's suturing the wound open in your chest. Both your hands are bandaged as well, as is your head. You feel the fresh aroma of herbal remedies and medicines hanging in the humid air of the ship's belly.

"Oh. Welcome back, Maka." The Lunar smiles his characteristic sawtoothed grin. You see that he's not in perfect conditions himself, having some black and blue bruises on his chest, neck, and forehead. "You had me worried."

You look around the room. Tia, your Lunar Mate who was sleeping in your same bed, is nowhere to be seen. Prince Samiel's bed is also empty.

"Where... where did everyone else go?" You mumble.

"Wellll..." He averts his eyes. "Your crew is all here. They repelled a minor Fae counterattack a few hours ago with Samiel's help. Just a few hobgoblins, probably something improvised without any leadership behind it. Talon is out there fighting a three-headed... thing, deeper into the Wyld. We took out another Noble while you were resting, by the way. That means that this Tarien Dorian character now only has one retainer left, though we still don't know where his main fortress is."

"...Tia?" You ask.

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No.30932084 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So will the Sisters of Battle ever get new plastics?

Also: frustrated Sisters players general
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Return of the Primarchs #4

No.30894565 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
See 1d archive for info. Drawfags wanted.
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No.24248016 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Travellers! Walter Macphearson, Walter Anders! and Sir Walter Brackingham!
I have created a post-by-post game at:

So come and join me. No longer have to worry about 404's and bothering the other /tg/ users with out space shenanigans
(don't worry /tg/, we'll come back with synopses on occasion)
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Double Cross: Rules of Nature Quest Part 3

!!oVL5tn19p2v No.30924151 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Today is just like yesterday, tomorrow will be just like today. It's starting to look like you'll never escape the UGN and their strange protocols, events, and even weirder membership. Case in point, you are in an elaborate ballroom in the middle of a veritable castle. You were sure that no matter how strange things turned out, you would never see something as out of place as a secluded castle on New Zanzibar Island. The ballroom is absolutely shining with crystal, jewels, fine silks, and furs. The floor is a meticulously waxed and impossibly clean slab of granite, covered by strips of bright red carpet that's so plush you can feel it through your shoes. Long tables filled to the brim with food are placed along each of the walls. You've been told that they would be brought out for dinner, but it doesn't look like the tables have been set upon casters. Are they planning to lift those massive things up and set them in place when the time comes?

You cast your eyes across the room and see the Chief lavishing more attention on her idol. "Flawless" Sniper Hawkeye...a fellow branch Chief. Your initial impression of him is something of a wimp, but something about how seemingly perfect he is makes you lock your jaw tight whenever you're forced to look at him. It doesn't help that Chief hasn't shut up about how amazing and great he is from the moment you've arrived. You begin to wonder if this is how Seven, the suspected terrorist now living in your basement, must feel whenever Claire decides to have a word with her.
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Eisenhorn: Xenos...for ipad

No.30920469 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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!!SE08Bv/gZZR No.30899490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how is zhanchui?

thinking of buying

4 venom
3 ravager
4 haemonculous
1 archon

total will be 195$ shipped i think

chinaman (coolcast?) has no dark eldar stuff as far as i can tell, and yoymart is almost as expensive as gw (warriors squad is literally a dollar less)

what about poland man? cant find anything on him
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Zhanchui / Recasts General

No.30612279 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
General thread for talking about recasts and interesting findings you want to share (like if someone sells a model no other recaster does).

Question: have any of you placed an order on zhanchui recently? I paid for mine 16~ days ago, and he hasn't been answering my two mails I sent. One was to make another order, and the other one asking about my first one.
Has anything happened to him?

I'll bump with a couple zhanchui recast models, and will try to find my CCON pics
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Caster slaves in Pathfinder

No.30868952 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The group being put together for the Mummy's Mask campaign I'm running is going to be all Osirian(think Ancient Egypt and you're there) and fully immersed in that culture. They're mostly good, but they hold close to Osirian views on slavery too. So they strive to be merciful when they can and view slavery, temporary or permanent, as a less harsh punishment than death. Especially since slaves are treated relatively well in Osirion after new laws were put in place to ensure protections and banning hereditary slavery. Most slaves are either imported or those being punished for criminal behavior.

Their outlook is also shaped by the fact that two of the PCs used to be slaves of another PC(who took the Pharaoh descended trait). There's still a lot of devotion and loyalty tying them together because of how they were treated, so their views on station and slavery are pretty alien to most foreigners.

Anyway, the point: What reliable ways are there to securely keep a low-level caster slave? Specifically a level 3 cleric and level 4 wizard(pic related)? WITHOUT maiming them. They could either have their casting disabled completely or have it restricted to be used only at their master's wish.

The local churches of Abadar and Pharasma could supply a Mark of Justice charging them with not using magic without their master's approval, but I'm wondering if there are any better ways to do this that aren't cost-prohibitive or inhumane. Well, more inhumane.
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/Traveller General/

No.25781245 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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