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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 275

No.20362971 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well guys, I went and did it. I've joined my first roleplaying group. Apparently we're going to be playing in a setting that's kind of "based" on Shadowrun (and uses its rules) but with a different metaplot, so the guy running it says.

I've determined that I'd like to play a big guy. And when I say "big", I mean Shaquille O' Neal if he had the frame of a linebacker. GM tells me I'll be golden if I go Troll, so that's probably what I'm after. I'm a little torn though for a good "big guy" weapon, because I have a thing for both shotguns and miniguns, as these are weapons I grew up loving the most in any given FPS (of which I was an avid player up until the last few years).

I'm kind of leery about flipping a coin over it, since I wonder which one will be more useful in the longrun in Shadowrun anyway? Because really, I only have a passing familiarity with it. As far as I know it's just if you took 80's cyberpunk and added fantasy to the mix. Oh, and aesthetics for badassery are important to me, as well, of course.

So, /tg/... should I be Doomguy or a goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus?
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No.30856021 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
WHY are there so many fucking quest threads? Couldn't you guys have given it a rest after Joan and Ruby Quest? Holy fucking shit. Why the fuck are there so many loli weaboo text adventures lazily shitting up this board?

I used to love /tg/ for tabletop discussion and interesting ideas. Why would you soapbox your shitty railroaded adventures instead of delegating them to a private space?

What the fuck happened to you, /tg/?
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No.25560545 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the firing mode of Lasguns?

Single shot a la bolt action rifle or semi-auto/auto like modern assault rifles? Or something else (i.e. Megaman-style Charged-up shots)

>Why not multiple modes like modern assault rifles?

Because the hellguns of Imperial stormtroopers imply that automatic laser weapons are for specials.
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No.30844056 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/

Why don't space marines use camouflage?
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new CS rumour

No.30827758 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>All models in the Crimson Slaughter Detachment have Fear.Crimson Slaughter can ally with as Battle Brothers with Chaos Space Marines
Choose one unit of chosen to be upgraded at +10pts. Gain preferred enemy.
Possessed are Troops. Roll a d3 at the start of the CS players turn. 1: Unit and Vehicle if embarked are shrouded 2: Unit type becomes Beast 3: Gain a 3+ invul save and rending

Warlord Traits
1. Warlord and unit gain hate, extra bonus's against Dark Angels
2. All enemy units within 12" of warlord suffer a -2 to fear tests
3. Warlord has Rage and Furious Charge, but must charge attempt to assault if within 12"
4. Warlord and unit gain Crusader
5. Enemy models in base contact with Warlord take d6 S3 ap hits at the beginning of each assault phase
6. Warlord has shrouded

1. Replaces a powermaul on a Dark Apostle S +2 AP4 Concussive and all CS units in 6" gain Zealot
2. Soul Siphon gains powers based off of enemy models removed in close combat. Effects last the rest of the game 1. +1S 3. AP 2 5. +1S 10. Instant Death
3. Furious charge, Hamer of Wrath and rage
4. Gain Divination and can re-roll failed psychic tests. No Deny the Witch bonus's
5. Cannot be taken by a Daemon Prince. Gains 2+ save and it will not die
6. Gain Daemon, Fearless, and fleet, and gains the Crimson Slaughter possessed mutation-roll a d3.
i actually kinda like the sounds of this. the armor is sweet, means i can have a 2+ bike lord
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Animal games

No.30846962 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /tg/ I just finished reading pic related and I was wondering if there are any systems with mechanics for playing animals as PC's
I'm not talking furries here I'm talking legit animals. Running a post apoc campaign with the party as a group of escaped zoo animals or their descendants in a crumbling city landscape could be fun
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Monster Girl Adventure Quest Part II

No.23545849 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here it is! Back by (lack of) popular demand.
No archive, so, here's our events so far.
Yesterday, our young Hero, William set out from home on his first adventure! He smote an evil water fairy, and saved a harpy from certain death at the mandibles of spider beasts.
Now, the next morning, William must decide where he's going and what to do with the Harpy he saved.
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For House and Dominion: Neeran War

!!cAsGzl185mF No.30760992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For House and Dominion: Neeran War Quest

You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! While you directly command the Third Attack Wing, the newly formed Fifth Attack Wing lead by Daska Rna also falls under your leadership. Both are elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and Corvettes and since your deployment to the Shallan front have begun to rack up an impressive kill tally.

It's been two weeks since your return to friendly lines following a large scale operation put together by Shallan Admiral Rasarm. While it seems the Admiral was killed in battle and many other ships were lost the operation has been deemed a success, drawing dozens of battlegroups away from the front lines.

The main thrust of the Neeran Invasion of this galaxy has ground to a halt with so many of their ships out of position or undergoing repairs at once. To prevent a full counterattack by the Factions the enemy have stepped up their attempts to raid convoys, installations and civilian evacuation ships.
Daska and 5th Wing have traded in their previous mission of raiding outposts and logistics for defending them. Their fast ships ar just as usefull in this role as they were on the attack. They're not alone in their efforts. With the lines beginning to stabilize Shallan fleets along with mercenaries and ships from other Factions have poured into the region even while the locals continue efforts to prepare equipment to be evacuated or scuttled.

3rd Wing has been busy rebuilding, replacing lost ships with those on loan from the Alliance and corvettes from the reserves. Mike's squadron have been split off into it's own unit seperate from either wing and stocked up with afterburner equipped forces. Everyone has been busy training with their new ships.
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No.28295972 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We rate each others backstories on our current rpg characters

>Human fighter
>in his late 50's (aged him as he was apart of previous campaigns that started when he was 20)
>Retired, with his children now out of home and wife owning a small market stall
>drinks with another fighter he used to work with years ago
>both are just scraping by with the money they have
>young inexperienced adventurer comes to him and tells of a huge bounty on a rouge court wizard.
>fighter and friend saddle up for one last job.
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Battletech General

No.30815380 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The old General is dead. Long live the new General!

Heavy Metal is light in SPAAAAAAAACE edition.


Old Thread

/btg/ does a TRO.

Never heard of Battletech?
>Read this to get a brief overview of the game and the fluff

what is Alpha Strike?
>BT too slow for you? AS has simplified rules based on Quick-Strike and Battleforce. Aimed for miniature play, fast games and newcomers.

How Battletech works?
>A summary explaining a little of everything. Read this if you stopped playing a long time ago or if you are a newcomer,7783.0.html
>Battletech Wiki

>computer version of Battletech. Play with AI or other players

SSW Mech Designer
>create almost any mech you want. Useful to print existing mechs RS too

Battletech IRC
>come chat with whoever is online!
#battletech on

Rookie guides
>strategy and tactics

PDF links
>Want a book? Almost everything is here. We accept requests
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