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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 278


For House and Dominion: Neeran War

!!cAsGzl185mF No.30610011 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For House and Dominion: Neeran War Quest

You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! While you are in direct command the Third Attack Wing, the newly formed Fifth Attack Wing lead by Daska Rna also falls under your leadership. Both are elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and Corvettes and since your deployment to the Shallan front have begun to rack up an impressive kill tally.

Last time you signed on to take part in an operation lead by Shallan Admiral Rasarm. The objective was to draw as many enemy ships away from the front lines as possible, or failing that badly cripple their reserve forces. Two asteroids were converted with engines, shields and holographic projectors to resemble Isolationist Neeran city ships then flown within detection range of enemy occupied territory.

While the Admiral had considered taking the fleet all the way to the main Neeran staging area for the galaxy cluster, most of his subordinates were against this. Instead the fleet diverted towards one of the handful of planets that had been completely destroyed by Scorcher attacks. Within the debris field you found that they were not just mining and building shipyards for their smaller ships, but constructing twenty new super heavy cruisers.

The Alliance fleet split up into two groups, the Admiral's half engaged the local defenders and destroyed the shipyards while your half of the group attempted to ambush the pursuing enemy fleets that had been drawn away from other sections of the galaxy.

In a short period of time the fleets crippled or destroyed 19 Neeran Super Heavy Cruisers and 2 of their moon sized command ships. Under threat of being overwhelmed you're now attempting to escape with the other surviving ships.
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Kill la CYOA Thread: Ryuuko Route Conclusion

!!2otPsJrxIww No.30658703 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome, newcomers. Welcome back, loyalists from the previous threads. As promised, here is the continuation and conclusion. If there's enough time and a desire for it, we will restart after wrapping this up and explore different routes. To calm any worries, no, we will not be an edgelord for a second time.

Like last time, decisions will be made on a "x number of posts first" basis. For now, the number will remain 10.

Choice merging is not out of the question, but I will not be doing it every time. Make your choices wisely, and with the intent to not back down from them.

With that out of the way, we can resume where we left off.

Many thanks to the anon who created the recap image:
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No.26746848 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are elves always depicted as being good archers?
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Warhammer 40K Rules eBook

No.30619646 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have the iPad/mobi/epub version of the 40K Rulebook?

No.30353398 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

> Two weeks ago I turned 43. I've reached the halfway point of my life, and it's a time for self-reflection.
> I have been at Paizo for almost six years. That's longer than any company I've ever worked for, even Wizards of the Coast. I've made friends at Paizo and I've learned a lot about different aspects of the publishing business. And it's time for me to move on. This is an amicable end to my time at Paizo. There are no hard feelings here, no burning of bridges. There will never be an ideal time for me to leave the company, but doing this now works out in terms of what Jodi and I need to do. The design team knows I am available to help them on future books, even though we won't be sharing an office any more.

> Living in the city is taxing, and now we need some peace and quiet. We have decided to move to Jodi's home state of Indiana. I'll be focusing on my writing and other projects while Jodi is getting ready to go to law school.

Hopefully "other projects" means "hitting myself in the dick with a hammer."

What thinketh ye, /tg/?

No.24851123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, with Cockatrice dead, how does on play Mtg online without giving Hasbro money?
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No.30584273 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Who have this?¿
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No.23825067 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How many attempts would it take the chosen undead to defeat a space marine? Assuming he is the boss of the area, and is singular.
83 posts and 26 images omitted

No.30605140 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mfw all cadets in Enders game are:
- male
- korean

... i mean really, this racial/sexual heterogeneity is just silly.

had to say it on my favourite board

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition - Quickstart PDF

No.26531969 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here you go, mentlegen! The PDF for the 7e quickstart rules.
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