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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 279

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure with FATE?

No.30574140 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I've been checking FATE lately and JoJo came back to mind since the second season is coming up pretty soon. I used to consider Mutants & Masterminds but perhaps FATE would be a better pick because it's more rule-light/narrative and might fit JoJo's style better?
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Quest Thread General

No.30568997 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QuestMaster Resources
[Stuff About Dice]
[How to English]
>Player Resources
[QuestMaster Directory]

>Topic of the Day
QMs: How do you try to set the mood/atmoshpere in your quest?
Players: What are some of your favorite first thread openers for quests? It takes a lot to catch the eye of /tg/ when you're starting a brand new quest, so what are some quests you think did it right?
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No.29896401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, I need your help. I really need Vortex and Devil Spine adventures. I know they were posted since I've found links but they were dead.
As a token of gratitude here is folder with Numenera stuff I managed to find until now
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No.30401087 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/btg/ - BattleTech General
The old General is dead. Long live the new General.

We continue to wait for for Wars of the Republic. Hopefully it comes out before this thread starts to autosage!

Old Thread

/btg/ does a TRO.

Never heard of Battletech?
>Read this to get a brief overview of the game and the fluff

what is Alpha Strike?
>BT too slow for you? AS has simplified rules based on Quick-Strike and Battleforce. Aimed for miniature play, fast games and newcomers.

How Battletech works?
>A summary explaining a little of everything. Read this if you stopped playing a long time ago or if you are a newcomer,7783.0.html
>Battletech Wiki

>computer version of Battletech. Play with AI or other players

SSW Mech Designer
>create almost any mech you want. Useful to print existing mechs RS too

Battletech IRC
>come chat with whoever is online!
#battletech on

Rookie guides
>strategy and tactics

PDF links
>Want a book? Almost everything is here. We accept requests
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No.30534504 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, is there anything you actually like?
Just saw that monstergirl thread that ended in a sperg-out and was curious.
Post things that made you happy in tabletop. We need some good cheer up in here.

I think liches can be pretty fun.
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No.30509145 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Opinions on a pre-Eldrazi Zendikar as the setting of a D&D campaign?? Plot suggestions?
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For House and Dominion: Neeran War

!!cAsGzl185mF No.30455932 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For House and Dominion: Neeran War Quest

You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! While you are in direct command the Third Attack Wing, the newly formed Fifth Attack Wing lead by Daska Rna also falls under your leadership. Both are elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and Corvettes and since your deployment to the Shallan front have begun to rack up an impressive kill tally.

The Neeran Invasion fleets are slowly but steadily advancing despite the Factions constantly rotating in fresh fleets of their own. With their ability to continue their advance despite what must be staggering ship losses you've decided your Wings would be best suited to raiding behind enemy lines. Strikes on logistics and other support operations for the enemy main fleets should be less dangerous for your fast ships than direct battles. It should also help slow the enemy advance.

Shallan colonies in this galaxy tend to have outlying support infrastructure in neighbouring systems. This has given you some location data on potential targets. The Neeran have been making use of them, converting or improving existing facilities for their use, but this has not stopped them from bringing in additional stations and equipment.

Last time you split up into your respective Wings and began hitting targets on opposite sides of the sector you're raiding. The enemy have been using another sensor array to track your movements in parts of the sector and nearly intercepted one of your escapes using a heavy cruiser. Teams have located the sensor array by triangulation though you've held off engaging it thus far.

While searching other systems in the area you located the destroyed remains of a Krath scout ship and brought aboard a survivor.
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No.29274253 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Coolcast has a store!

Remember Coolcast? The original glorious Chinaman before Zhanchui usurped him?

In his last email update he solicted advice for improvements. Enough people must've mentioned a better system than his photo album.

You can't buy through it, still gotta take down the info then email him. But it's a fuckton easier to navigate.
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No.25113552 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can anyone of you elegan/tg/entlemen help a fellow out?

I'm arguing against a friend. IoM vs GE (roughly after empire strikes back).

and I seem to remember somewhere in Dark Heresy that it mentions the IoM holds a 'billion worlds'.

Does anyone have a scan of that?
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Double Cross: Angel's High Quest Part 6

!!oVL5tn19p2v No.30470454 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Today is a repeat of yesterday, tomorrow will be a repeat of today. Fitness Day is always a chore...

You find yourself setting up chairs on the vibrant green athletic fields, muttering under your breath about the unfairness of this situation. Just because you helped to resolve the terrorist attack doesn't mean you also agreed to help with all this set up. You thought the bleachers would be enough, but you've been setting up chair after chair for hours now. Do you really need to be able to sit the entire city? Surely some other people skip out on Fitness Day, just like you used to. You finish a row of chairs and have a seat, your laziness finally overcoming what little work ethic you had, and try to grab some rest.

You look up at the clear blue sky and find yourself slipping away. The last five days have really caught up with you. You used your powers so much recently, you feel like you're always on the brink of collapsing from hunger and exhaustion. You can't imagine how some people use their powers every day. You close your eyes and try to drift off...
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