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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 281

No.30335805 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just a quick reminder that /tg/ needs a proper rules abiding janitor. Applications are open this weekend. Can YOU be the hero /tg/ deserves?
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No.30373756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many of you are fucking HYPED for the purge that the new janitors would bring to /tg/.
We'll have a clean, pure /tg/ again, free from quests, smut, misguided creativity, and other filth.
Too bad the janitors can't ban people, otherwise it would be absolutely perfect.
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/tg/ Janitor General

No.30334732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Seeing as we have applications opening soon, lets discuss what we want from our new robot overlords. Also what we despise about our current ones.

Inspired by a thread where a janitor deleted it and blocked those who posted in it from posting for ten minutes for discussing how quest threads lacked effort, the apparent /pol/ raid, and janitor bias towards certain subjects.

Hot topic issues:
*Increased board negativity
*Delete or Derail reponses
*Segregation of the board community


No.30401741 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Heya, /tg/. HAve any of you had any experience with Runequest in any of its editions? What are your thoughts on it? I only recently found out about it, and everything i've read about it makes it seem like everything i could want out of a generic fantasy system, but it seems like it's not been so popular in recent years. Any particular reasons for that, beyond the fact that it's complicated? any thoughts on the previous editions? Spill your sword and sorcery guts at me, Elegan/tg/entlemen.
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Pathfinder Help!

No.30407957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey guys I'm playing Pathfinder tonight for the first time and I need to create a level 1 Sorcerer with 24 points to spend on abilities. I'm a little lost, can you give me a hand to create something really good!

Any and all help is appreciated
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Random 40k questions/40k general

No.30388373 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Have a random 40k question in your brain but you can never find the right time/place to ask it?
Lets dump them all here.

Do Space Marines brush their teeth?

Where on their person, and how much ammo does the average Space Marine carry?

If Eldar are so advanced, why are they such shitty fighters?

Are there more Space Marines in the Milky Way in M41 then in M31 before the Heresy?

If the entire communication network of the Imperium is transmitted via dreams which contain no language, only symbolism, how could an empire possibly function?

On that note, how can a language shared between a billion worlds stay stable enough for communication?

What happened to the WebWay project E was working on?

Which two pre-HH legions/primarchs were the most bro to each other?

How has countless generations of eternal war effected the genepool? Wouldn't "prime candidates" leaving the genepool make the population less prime?

If E requires thousands of souls to keep him alive now, what kept him alive before vegetable?

What happens if he stopped getting fed?

How on Terra can the Imperium stop the Tyranids if they are potentially limitless in number, AND adapt in a very short amount of time?

What happened to the Cabal?

Are the Watchers in the Dark agents of the Cabal charged with containing the deamon in Caliban's core (The Rock)?
I think this might be the case, considering Pandorax was a demon world, and Lion knew Caliban was corrupted. I don't think he is "asleep", I think he is fighting a demon forever.

Was the corruption of the Alpha Legion an almost instantaneous thing when Alpharius Omegon met the Cabal?

What would happen if a Tau Ethereal Caste became a Perpetual?

What are the chances of the Imperial Calendar turning from 999m41 to 001m42.

If so, how long till "the final battle"?
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No.30397669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quick couple of questions, /tg/ - you have the best minds for this sort of thing.

If you had the pick of any D&D-like swords & sorcery setting and any sort of mythology, what kind of creatures would you field as units in battle as part of a massive multiversal army? And what sort of roles could they fill with what sort of equipment?

Context - my fantasy game's sleepy little adventuring world is about to go into global war against a random mishmash of enemies, domestic and across the void. For a few sessions, the roleplay's going to turn into Fire Emblem/Advance Wars. I have some ideas - orcs, dragons, spiderlings and the like - but a bit of inspiration doesn't hurt.

Thank you for your help.
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Heroic Fantasy/Sword and Sorcery 101?

No.30378629 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, basically some friends of mine have a craving for some fantasy, and I wondering about a system to use. I've only GMed with Sherpa, Maid, and Tri Stat DX, which is basically my preferred system. I guess at the end of the day, DX should work fine, but I want to know my other options.

I know, I know, I'm already expecting "herp derp DnD this thread is done". Though, it seems like something I don't want to deal with. This seems to make ADnD seems out of the question. A friend recommended 3.5, and proceeded to link me to a a dozen gig torrent, and insisted that I needed to read every single book in order to GM the game well. Yeah... nope. I tried Old DnD too, but the version of that I got seemed really strange a broken, like how every weapon did 1d6, even two handed weapons, but knives hit twice while doing the same damage. Or how the only reason to use a human was to be a cleric. Which is sad, since I loved how the book was only like 50 pages long and could have been a nice rules lite game.

A lot of the linked free games in the link don't seem to work anymore, and I'm sure many of the are out dated. But I still don't know which to try. And, I haven't seen anyone here every talk about any of them, so I'm guessing they might be outdated? I AM considering Palladium or Lodoss. (since I saw that anime, and liked it.)Then again, I just casually lurk /tg/. So, may I have some help here?

Oh, also, while on the subject, are there any books I should read or general advice on doing a heroic fantasy or sword and sorcery (it seems they're different, but my placers seem like fans of both) campaign? It's not a genre I'm really particularity into or experienced with. I've mainly done things like Romance of the Three Kingdoms military/politics type stuff, kung fu flick/shonen anime type games, space opera, modern soap opera-esque games, silly comedies/slice of life/etc..

Pic unrelated
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The Story of How I Was Kicked From My Gaming Group 2: The Electric Boogaloo

!!RjW4gY/3jcX No.30373972 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A number of anons wanted me to make a new thread about the story of how I was kicked from my gaming group, cause they seem have contacted my GM and want his side of the story to be posted too. I suppose that's fair so here you go. I will repost my story in this thread too so people are not confused.

I hope the mods are not mad at me for making a third thread about this topic.

My Story.

So for the past six months or so I've been with a gaming group. We played A Song of Ice and Fire RPG and Monsterhearts every week. They were a pretty good group, had fun. Sometime there could be disagreements but nothing you wouldn't find in any other group. Then about a month ago this new girl joins our group, and then things start getting weird.

My first indication that something was amiss came during a Monsterhearts session. The party was down in the sewers fighting a Kraken that had been kidnapping teenage girls from the local highschool. In the middle of the battle two miniature versions of the Kraken come up out of the water and attack us. At this point I said "My god! So that's why its been kidnapping teenage girls!"
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Sigmar's blood

No.29392959 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any kind of scan available?
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