So, basically some friends of mine have a craving for some fantasy, and I wondering about a system to use. I've only GMed with Sherpa, Maid, and Tri Stat DX, which is basically my preferred system. I guess at the end of the day, DX should work fine, but I want to know my other options.
I know, I know, I'm already expecting "herp derp DnD this thread is done". Though, it seems like something I don't want to deal with. This seems to make ADnD seems out of the question. A friend recommended 3.5, and proceeded to link me to a a dozen gig torrent, and insisted that I needed to read every single book in order to GM the game well. Yeah... nope. I tried Old DnD too, but the version of that I got seemed really strange a broken, like how every weapon did 1d6, even two handed weapons, but knives hit twice while doing the same damage. Or how the only reason to use a human was to be a cleric. Which is sad, since I loved how the book was only like 50 pages long and could have been a nice rules lite game.
A lot of the linked free games in the link don't seem to work anymore, and I'm sure many of the are out dated. But I still don't know which to try. And, I haven't seen anyone here every talk about any of them, so I'm guessing they might be outdated? I AM considering Palladium or Lodoss. (since I saw that anime, and liked it.)Then again, I just casually lurk /tg/. So, may I have some help here?
Oh, also, while on the subject, are there any books I should read or general advice on doing a heroic fantasy or sword and sorcery (it seems they're different, but my placers seem like fans of both) campaign? It's not a genre I'm really particularity into or experienced with. I've mainly done things like Romance of the Three Kingdoms military/politics type stuff, kung fu flick/shonen anime type games, space opera, modern soap opera-esque games, silly comedies/slice of life/etc..
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