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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 283


Dead Space thread: The Ride never ends

!Xq2jnxe0ro No.30195387 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Mr Clarke's wild ride, folks.

Pastebins, bluh.





Aspiring Partridge

Previous Thread: >>30151473
340 posts and 71 images omitted

No.30210187 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright guys, I've decided it. I'm *writing* up the biggest documentation resource on game design ever, and you guys can help me.
32 posts omitted

Quest Thread General

No.30211503 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Quest Runner's Directory

>QuestMaster Starter's Guide by the elusive guidefag
(Contains links to the Simple Solo System)

>Stuff about writing things

#ques/tg/enerals @
(If you're having trouble connecting, try an alternate server from
>What is IRC and how does it work

QM Topic: Things you regret doing in crafting the mechanical systems you used in your quest.

Player Topic: Things QMs do in their mechanical systems that you, as a player, hate.
752 posts and 27 images omitted

Riptides are old news

No.30208365 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>It seems that someone knows something, or is really jumping the gun on it. A store has announced it is accepting orders for an Imperial Knight Titan and the White Dwarf with the rules in it. Does this mean that the next week's White Dwarf will have the Imperial Knight Titan in it? Looks that way.

>The store in question has announced to its customers that they can order these now. Even though the store has made this public by posting it on their facebook page, I have decided not to mention the stores name, just in case it would result in problems with GW. I will mention that it is in Arizona.

>Please remember that this is still considered a rumor right now.
409 posts and 56 images omitted

Magic the Gathering Passable Proxy Thread

No.30137351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Another new thread. Mr. Huang is on vacation but that doesn't mean we have to be too.

New Developments: Less than 24 hours until Mr. Huang's vacation ends. For this thread we should consider prioritizing important questions to ask Mr. Huang and finalize our set lists for Modern.

Counterfeit cards are not only more prolific than ever but also more realistic. While they aren't perfect, they are virtually indistinguishable to an unskeptical eye, especially while sleeved. Most people interested in them don't intend to sell or trade them, but instead want to play with them casually or semi competitively (many MTG cards are incredibly expensive). These proxies not only as passable in play, but generally cost less than 10% of what a authentic card is priced.

Ask and answer questions about proxies. Share new and old photos. Talk about the ethics of proxies, how they might affect the market, LGS's, the competitive scene, why people choose to buy them, and so forth.

Here's an FAQ, please refer to it before asking a question:

Let's try to stay on topic as well as be mature and respectful (no need for personal attacks and name calling). We're adults here, not silly 14 year olds.
117 posts and 5 images omitted

Servitor Bot

No.30143108 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I fix Servitor bot to calculate DoS/DoF BC/OW style>

CYOA Thread

No.30132773 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Remember, kids: Less dumping makes for a better thread.
Kicking this one off with a CYOA I like from the last thread, edited for legibility.
329 posts and 49 images omitted

No.29753977 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you guys think of Corruption of Champions? I don't play it seriously, having edited my save to get 100 in everything but Libido and Lust, and just enjoyed the story. I've tried my darndest to not get buttfucked at every turn, but I've come out a partially dragon/shark man.

Favorite lover is Kiha. Something about fighting to prove your love makes me feel good.
5 posts omitted

No.27375814 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What chapter should I paint this marine as? I like to paint new chapters, but I thought I'd leave this one up to the citizens of /tg/

Chapters I've already painted: Angels of Absolution, Knights Gryphonne, Space Sharks, Flesh Tearers, Salamanders, Dark Angels, Raven Guard, Fire Angels, Crimson Fists, Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Celestial Lions, and White Scars.
26 posts and 9 images omitted

No.30074564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Another new thread. Mr. Huang is on vacation and won't return for business until February 10th but that doesn't mean we have to be too.

New Developments: Less than 4 days until Mr. Huang's vacation ends. Also, a new American trip, ProxyPrinter !!lM26OgmZg3w claims he's recently purchased the materials necessary for creating passable proxies of very high quality (higher than Huang's operation). ProxyPrinter wants to sell and he'll let us choose the cards, but won't sell in massive bulk.

Counterfeit cards are not only more prolific than ever but also more realistic. While they aren't perfect, they are virtually indistinguishable to an unskeptical eye, especially while sleeved. Most people interested in them don't intend to sell or trade them, but instead want to play with them casually or semi competitively (many MTG cards are incredibly expensive). These proxies not only as passable in play, but generally cost less than 10% of what a authentic card is priced.

Ask and answer questions about proxies. Share new and old photos. Talk about the ethics of proxies, how they might affect the market, LGS's, the competitive scene, why people choose to buy them, and so forth.

Here's an FAQ, please refer to it before asking a question:

Let's try to stay on topic as well as be mature and respectful (no need for personal attacks and name calling). We're adults here, not silly 14 year olds.
59 posts and 4 images omitted