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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 284

No.30074564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Another new thread. Mr. Huang is on vacation and won't return for business until February 10th but that doesn't mean we have to be too.

New Developments: Less than 4 days until Mr. Huang's vacation ends. Also, a new American trip, ProxyPrinter !!lM26OgmZg3w claims he's recently purchased the materials necessary for creating passable proxies of very high quality (higher than Huang's operation). ProxyPrinter wants to sell and he'll let us choose the cards, but won't sell in massive bulk.

Counterfeit cards are not only more prolific than ever but also more realistic. While they aren't perfect, they are virtually indistinguishable to an unskeptical eye, especially while sleeved. Most people interested in them don't intend to sell or trade them, but instead want to play with them casually or semi competitively (many MTG cards are incredibly expensive). These proxies not only as passable in play, but generally cost less than 10% of what a authentic card is priced.

Ask and answer questions about proxies. Share new and old photos. Talk about the ethics of proxies, how they might affect the market, LGS's, the competitive scene, why people choose to buy them, and so forth.

Here's an FAQ, please refer to it before asking a question:

Let's try to stay on topic as well as be mature and respectful (no need for personal attacks and name calling). We're adults here, not silly 14 year olds.
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No.30099127 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So what went wrong with 4th edition?

It came out in 08 but it was basically dead in the water in 11. Releases dried up and wizards announced Next.

I don't have a ton of xp with D&D, but I knew that it was head of the market until recently. I went to my LGS and it and negative word of mouth was everywhere.
456 posts and 19 images omitted

IA 2: Second Edition

No.29814248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, I know this isn't a request board, and I know that generally these posts are flamed etc, but has Imperial Armour Volume 2: Space Marines and the Inquisition second edition been uploaded anywhere yet?

I've been searching for ages and checking week after week, but haven't fount a scan yet.

I know that Forgeworld books take a lot longer since they're less popular and don't have digital versions yet, but I thought I'd ask.

Thanks all.

No.27368794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to ask the pros and cons between a ranger and zen archer monk.

Also would there be a way to obtain gravity bow for a zen archer?

I am most grateful for the help.
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Space horror thread

No.30082217 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /tg/, so about 2 weeks ago, there was this really good thread about space RP, in the vein of space horror, and a lot of really good settings, campaigns were thought up, it was probably one of the best threads I’ve seen on /tg/, hoping we can get the same great writefags that there was last time, an idea that really sounded interesting to me would be like an diary that you find also your experiences on playing space themed campaigns would be appreciated, as I might be interested in playing one sometime, over skype or roll 20.
Here’s a link to archived threads:
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Infinity Thread

No.30031208 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ariadna edition.

>Everyone's trying to steal the last known recipe of Coca Cola. Ariadna what do you do?
Play it TactiCool.
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No.29930087 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time on Hero builder...

Gile feel to Naga...

The only one willing to stand against the wolrds coming doom was killed!

The dwarf town was wiped off the face of the map!

Kingdoms of the west of south grow in power!

We are ending the near game- What is worth the world to you?

We are accepting new applications!


Be sure to fill in your Name, Color(for placement on the map!) Race, Fluff and Equipment! Depending on what you put I'll go ahead and give you a bonus- Cool!

All actions are dictated by a 2d100 roll, you may begin your action after you receive your bonus from yours truly! Right now I'm only taking in nine heros, if you come too late check back again in a future hosting!

Rules are ran FAST and LOOSE, just do what you think is heroic (or not so heroic) and roll! Many things are possible!

Your FIRST roll pre-combat is counted!

Go ahead and join our mibbit server too

The map is a mess, a rookie mistake on my part! Apologies! If you see a mistake point it out (via a picture) and I'll fix it!
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No.30067027 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the best 4e class for a newbie player?
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Quest Thread General

No.30059610 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
#ques/tg/enerals @

>Quest Runner's Directory

>QuestMaster Starter's Guide by the elusive guidefag
(Contains links to the Simple Solo System)

>Stuff about writing things

>QM Question: Have you ever wanted to revisit an old quest or setting?

>Player question: Have you ever loved a quest, but hated the setting? What about the opposite?
769 posts and 40 images omitted

Quest Thread General: I Think I Figured It Out Edition

No.30047781 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
718 posts and 91 images omitted