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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 285


NSA Quest

!cgnF/3t.Qs No.25925838 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Peter File analyst for the NSA, and you hate your name, but more importantly you are waiting for a Mr. Drew Curry to scan and translate the Oh No I Poop From There Sensei~ manga. He put up the first three chapters, and you've been hooked since by the hard hitting combination of young free spirited girls love, incisive philosophical commentary, and hard core anal ravaging held between those electronic pages. It's like someone made the Mona Lisa in to a realdoll that lactated Ben & Jerry's Half Baked brand ice cream.

But regrettably, you also found out that Drew Curry downloaded the latest attempt by Axl Rose to milk money from his fans without paying for it, a penalty which would warrant an immediate hellfire missile from the Predator drone orbiting around his house. You've got the button right there- all you need to do is hit the enter key, and kerpow, America is safe, Uncle Sam gives you a high five, and you get another Freedom medal to put on your night stand.

But you REALLY want to find out what Umineko-sempai is hiding in her colon.

Normally, you'd sweep this under the rug and ignore it, but you're pretty sure Marc (Fucking MARC, who the fuck spells that without a k?) snuck a peek at your monitor on the way to his cubicle. Typical Marc shit. He's probably hammering away on his fat little fingers trying to find Mr. Curry's address right now to hellfire that no good hippie pirate piece of shit. And you'll be damned if you'll let MarC get away with that.

Do you:
>[ ] Deliver a scorching pile of liberty to Drew's bed room?
>[ ] Cover up for Drew, in hopes of getting some sweet 'me' time with a bottle of lotion and shame later?
>[ ] Throw things at Marc over the cube wall.
>[ ] Oh no don't you dare think of a custom choice that would make me so mad.
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The Helheim's Chosen One (Kamen Rider Gaim Quest)

No.30048871 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You wake up one morning and found yourself in the Forest of Helheim. Beside you is a blank Sengoku Driver. Do you take the driver and spurn your own power or take the fruits and change yourself forever? But be warn, fate will not be nice to you in the end.
>All Lockseeds are available. There may be multiples of the same (The more, the merrier the suffering will be)
>Energy Lockseeds will be kept on hold until the game comes to a level they are needed
>All stats from the show will not be used.
>If you die you have a chance to reroll a new Lockseed after your killer falls.
>You can play as multiple characters.
>Rules will change if the situation calls for it.
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Mr strikeforce is legit

No.30019236 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Got my order in today. 10/10 would buy from again.
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No.30035311 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


What do?
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Pathfinder general

No.28082266 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Best Monster manual ever?
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Attack On Pokemon Hunter Quest 25: The Wanted Lilac

!p4.oUl2qF2 No.30002131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Previously: A young rocket declines an invitation to a most platonic outing with the hope that she doesn't interfere in someone's love life!
A trip to the spooky tower reveals that a young rocket is at fault for the punishment of a friend, she offers her own self in return for her spooky friend to go free!

Alas she returns home alone and depressed as she begins to experience very notable evolving pains as her body shifts and pushes against her wishes!
Within her room, she finds her spooky friend, claiming that she had a secret that she could only tell to her only living friend.

A spooky young lady wants to run away from home! How will our Young Rocket stop her? Will Agatha of the Elite Four stop her!?

Tune in to ATTACK ON POKEMON HUNTER to find out!

Known characters

Monster Index

Character Sheet


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Quest Thread General

No.29993406 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Join us on IRC : #ques/tg/enerals @

Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Player's Topic: Why do fetish quests always seem to attract the worst fanbases?

QM's Topic: Why do you decide to run your fetish quest on /tg/ instead of somewhere more receptive of such things like anonkun or /d/?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag (If no reply via PM try Twitter).

Stuff about writing things :
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No.29985073 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Warcraft RPG thread #7, Purple, blue, or green bitches edition. Cross-faction love for bonus points, but is also welcome.

Old thread: >>2996318

No avatarfagging/roleplaying in the thread please.

Discuss Warcraft lore.

Hate on Warcraft lore.

Plan games.

Discuss games.

Don't enable the Scarlet fag.

RPG, board games, card games, miniatures game enthusiasts welcome.

Lead question: what is your faviorite city and why.
375 posts and 47 images omitted

No.29995984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A Goblin invasion has broken through the entrance to your great Dwarven city! A call to arms resounds throughout the halls and beckons you join in the defense!

Looking around your small cramped room, you quickly outfit yourself.

>The object to your left is the material your makeshift armor is made from.
>The object to your right is your lucky battle trinket.
>Behold! The object behind you is your great-great-grandfather's Goblin slaying weapon.

Did you repel the Goblin horde?
46 posts and 9 images omitted