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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 286

No.29985073 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Warcraft RPG thread #7, Purple, blue, or green bitches edition. Cross-faction love for bonus points, but is also welcome.

Old thread: >>2996318

No avatarfagging/roleplaying in the thread please.

Discuss Warcraft lore.

Hate on Warcraft lore.

Plan games.

Discuss games.

Don't enable the Scarlet fag.

RPG, board games, card games, miniatures game enthusiasts welcome.

Lead question: what is your faviorite city and why.
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No.29995984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A Goblin invasion has broken through the entrance to your great Dwarven city! A call to arms resounds throughout the halls and beckons you join in the defense!

Looking around your small cramped room, you quickly outfit yourself.

>The object to your left is the material your makeshift armor is made from.
>The object to your right is your lucky battle trinket.
>Behold! The object behind you is your great-great-grandfather's Goblin slaying weapon.

Did you repel the Goblin horde?
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Quest Thread General

No.29981085 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Join us on IRC : #ques/tg/enerals @

Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Player's Topic: Would you rather have a QM veto an option that has majority rule but is out of character or go entirely by majority vote?

QM's Topic: Do you prefer pre-established character personalities or do you hand /tg/ a blank slate?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag (If no reply via PM try Twitter).

Stuff about writing things :
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World of Dreamlands online quest temporarily postponed

!jv6NWX86uo No.29904630 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sorry guys, something unexpected came up that promises to tangle up my entire weekend. I'll run an extra long session next time to make up for it. The next time I can run is Monday, 5PM Central time.


No.29974148 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request shit, maybe get it drawn.
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No.24769864 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have made a compilation of maps, 1 page adventures and a 20 page pdf with tips for DMing I found here on /tg/.

I also have plans to include the various homebrew systems made here, such as Simple d6, RISUS and what else I accidentally find.

Here is the link for anyone interested:

For anyone willing to help me get more free space on dropbox so I can continue hosting this for /tg, feel free to sign up with a fake mail. I will add the link in a pic in next post since 4chan regards it as spam

Pic related, its some of the stuff in the dropbox
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No.29491303 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So why are there two missing primarchs? Were they part of chaos? Were they just evil?
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No.29851439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is a fair price for a wargaming starter set? currently DV is about $100, $120 if you go full retard and buy the "special edition" with the chaplain like I did

I say $40, here's why
1) it's less than a new video game, which wargaming is somewhat competing with. would that kid rather buy extremely expensive plastic dudemans or the much cheaper cowadooty?
2) I'd say a *fair* price would be about $50, but the point is making it a really good deal, even if the company takes a loss at first just to hook new players in, so $40 works here. also, the REAL price of a starter set is going to include extra for paints, tools, etc., not to mention if the new player decides to buy their army's book immediately
3) wargaming miniatures are already overpriced as fuck anyway, if these companies had any damn sense they'd make them cheaper. if a box of CSM was $25 instead of $40 I could justify buying 2 boxes instead of one, then they'd make $50 off me instead of $40
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For House & Dominion: Salvage Sidequest

!!cAsGzl185mF No.29826404 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For House & Dominion: Salvage Sidequest

Previous sidequest thread:

Your name is Beryl, a Kavarian who signed on with Renard Salvage Solutions some months ago. Like most of your species you've gone out to seek your fortune. Hailing from the region known as the Smuggler's Run, joining a salvage company seemed like a relatively safe bet now that the Pirates have been driven out of the area. The company owner wasn't happy with just staying back where the steady but lower paying salvage work was available, instead taking the fleet into the South Reach Cluster where a salvage rush is taking place.
What was supposed to be a quick side trip turned into the find of a lifetime meaning your pension is already paid, you just need to make it to the end of your contract in one piece. You now command a squad in one of the company boarding teams and it's the job of you and your people to sweep wrecks for anything dangerous before the salvage workers come aboard.

Last time your scout ship discovered the wreck of an average looking Y-Type transport, essentially a kilometer long cargo block with engines and control systems strapped on. A seemingly average sweep of the ship found little more than the few dead crew you usually expect on a crippled starship.

When you and your teams met up to compare notes on the sweep of the ship however you realised you were a man down. After activating your suit locator beacons your team found the missing man, now a desiccated corpse that looked like he could have been dead for years. At the time you failed to realise that his helmet was nowhere to be found. Things only got worse from there.

Sorry for the late start.
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Actual Adventures/Real life encounters

No.29924002 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Have you ever had an actual, honest to god adventure? I don't mean going off to mystical lands; I mean, a situation where you're riding from one thing to the next by virtue of your wits and sheer luck, coasting towards a goal or just for the journey, an adventure. Someone on /tg/ must have had one.

Barring any of those, let's share real life encounters, heard this one from a friend

>Be working at fair ground
>See girl ~16 with electric blue hair, with a guy that looks like Mr. Smith
>They walk around doing regular fair ground stuff, figure they're just a weird couple
>Tail end of shift, suddenly see Mr. Smith tackle down a guy and flash a badge, while the girl cuffs the guy
>They take him out of the fairground, never hear word of it again
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