>>27505116At the risk of sounding like the dreaded /v/-goer, it's the Kotaku effect. A contributor to some mainstream site happens to stumble upon something funny, creative, or interesting on 4chan/YouTube/etc., throws up a link and a generic paragraph about how cool it is, and sits back while their high traffic generates ad revenue.
The problem is that a majority of the users being referred will have absolutely no idea what they are looking at beyond being told that it is "awesome", and are going to flood the source with the usual array of lazy questions - because who has the attention span for Google these days?
It's when this surge of new users decides to stick around and keep asking questions and making uninformed declarations - or, worse, decide to import their other obcessions to this new unrelated site where "awesome things" belong and drown out the original topics - that shit really gets cancerous.
In this specific case, we end up with another stream of "greetings fellow ca/tg/lompers, prithee divulge the secrets of the fabled Chinaman" threads.
Not really the worst things happening on /tg/.