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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 287

No.29709380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So don't know if this has been discussed here but a Mexican Anon created a Free Print to Play Wargame called Scarf Heroine, it's currently in Beta and in need of Beta Testers, so anyone willing to try it just go and download it, it's free!!

>http://scarfheroine.wordpress com/

Bloodline Protector Quest 6

!cMnSf4yigs No.29863144 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Archive (Catch up on past threads):

Twitter (Get announcements for future threads):

Character sheet: (Please read before making combat suggestions! New and current)

You rush to your room and start to fret. Ten minutes to get ready. Ten minutes to dress. Okay, armor off, clothing off, let's start fresh. You look over the undergarments you purchased, thinking. There's even some nice sleepwear in here. What sort of message to convey, what to wear, how to act... Augh! You've never had to actually... seduce a guy. You've always been very drunk, they've always been very drunk, and you both always agreed that there was no regrets in the matter. But this is the first time, the very first time, you've been legitimately attracted to anyone without any... well, influence.

>Racy? Not racy?
>Wear something over it?
>>Resist panic (d100)
369 posts and 8 images omitted

What happened to the Lord Quest?

No.27969382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just finished reading through 30 archived threads.

It ended abruptly, though with what seemed to me, an optimistic OP and players.
Any oldfags here who can tell me if it just died, changed name or whatnot?

Thanks anyhows anons.
16 posts and 4 images omitted

No.24497186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well hey there /tg/, it's the tower 'o power, too sweet to be sour!

I got a question fer all you Macho Maniacs out there.

Are you up to the challenge of statting me? Any system, any time, any place! The Macho Man ain't afraid of anything!

8 posts and 4 images omitted

Quest Thread General - The Quest For More Waifus

No.29849281 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Join us on IRC : #ques/tg/enerals @

Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Player's Topic: The waifu you're trying to woo goes after another guy. How do you react?

QM's Topic: How do you handle waifu-ing and haremfagging in your quests?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag (If no reply via PM try Twitter).

Stuff about writing things :
620 posts and 31 images omitted

No.29848635 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aww shit... Is the hammer finally coming down on Mr. StrikeForce? I guess 30% off really was to good to be true.

Quest Thread General

No.29591901 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Question for tonight: What would be your ideal quest setting?

For QM: What is your least favorite part about running a quest?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag

Stuff about writing things :
463 posts and 36 images omitted

CYOA Fellowship Quest

No.22778439 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey TG...

I'm sort of pushing this CYOA project around. The idea is that your character is (finally) building a keep/covenant.

But as you can tell by looking at the image, I've got a bunch of blank spots.

any suggestions for filling them in? Any suggested graphics replacements or additions?

55 posts and 3 images omitted

No.27503807 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone ordered from this place before?

Shit's cheap, yo
19 posts and 3 images omitted

Princess Guard Quest 118

!4UjY1di7KI No.29813483 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Reinhold, master swordsman and victor of the Royal Swordsmanship Tournament. The King was so impressed with your skill, he personally requested that you be transferred out of the army and into the Royal Guard! Not bad for an orphan who was raised in a brothel in a poor fishing village.

The only issue at this point is your assignment... you've been charged to be the personal guard of the King's only daughter Marianne. While she is the vision of loveliness that you'd expect from a Princess, her personality is... well... she seems to have some issues.

Agnes lent you her sword!

It is a very nice sword, you'd best take care of it.

You were also offered a ride back to the castle, but declined in favor of walking back there by yourself.

>Sorry, but you've been stripped down to the rank of DOG!
>Though dogs are loyal, they're not all that smart...
>Though she still considers you her friend, she thinks a little less of you... and also herself.
>And while dogs are man's best friend, they still don't count as people.

Thread archive:

Character list + descriptions (in progress):

List and descriptions of the spells shown thus far:


Quest compilation that's kindly maintained by a person who isn't me:
1413 posts and 97 images omitted