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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 288

No.29778452 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/tg/, Mr. StrikeForce here! A few questions for you:

1. Someone from Australia, get in touch, I'd like to see if there is anything I could do to help you folks.

2. Anyone in the UK, get in touch, especially if you are going to any Forgeworld or Black Library events this year. Or if you'd like to go. I'd pay dearly for a copy of Horus Heresy Book Three as soon as it becomes avalible.

3. To all my 30k players, would you react poorly to someone who built their army using plastic bits instead of all Forge World? How about someone who used a tastefully printed copy of the army list instead of carrying a $115.00 book around?

4.Tyranid players, how has the new codex been playing? As bad as first believed? Or have you found some fantastic new senergy?

Finally, anyone have any questions for me? I'll be around for a bit.
92 posts and 9 images omitted

No.29772957 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the strangest magical realm (to a normal person who doesn't go to websites like this) you've dared enter or create?

captcha: but ermgee
95 posts and 15 images omitted

Princess Guard Quest -question and answer thread-

!4UjY1di7KI No.29761933 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It was asked for, and so here it is- I am doing a Q&A thread for the next few hours.

Questions about the setting or characters or whatever are welcome, though the ones I answer are up to my own discretion. Responses may be slow at times since my attention is split between several things right now.

And so, let the show begin.
800 posts and 55 images omitted

No.29625493 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need a scan of this book, in return I will deliver a battlescribe catalogue for Siege Assault Vanguard. Alternatively, clarification that the "28 Aug update" for IA2 has the same updated rules as the full IA Vol 2: 2nd ed release. All these books are killing me!
2 posts omitted

Orgomancer - The Dicking

No.15049616 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
65 posts and 6 images omitted

Breaker Quest 17

!6gsnTG3P2E No.29732564 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport Previous threads! Twitter! Character sheet.

You are Micheal Groves, and you're in a pretty good mood. You woke up with your girlfriend, you made yourselves breakfast, and you've been pulled from magical girl duty, apparently, according to a text from Atropos on the matter. Thomas owes you a few cores and will be hunting in your stead.

You relax on the couch as Carrie sits beside you, on your armed side. You have nothing to do today, but Bismark, the magus of flesh and mind, should be around soon.

What will you do in the interim?

>Call/text (someone)
>Visit (someone)
>Talk to (someone)
430 posts and 9 images omitted

Writefag Thread

No.29701349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Got Something you're working on?
Something you're planning on?
Something you want critique on?
Post here, and let's get a writefag thread going.
18 posts omitted

Magical Girl Noir Quest

No.29724134 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You wave the carefully-folded, carefully-illuminated parchment at Kyoko's direction.

What the hell is this? Some fancy-pants Officio from overseas trying to steal your aide AND best friend? No, no, and no. This shit does not fly in your Officio. Just because they went all-out with the presentation and the language does not mean you'll be saying yes to this kind of bullshit.

So, no, the uppity bastards can just forget it.

Kyoko seems stunned for a second, before managing a rather bashful grin.

Somehow, you have the feeling that she'll remember you saying no without asking for her opinion first.
605 posts and 92 images omitted

Princess Guard Quest 113

!4UjY1di7KI No.29716750 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Reinhold, master swordsman and victor of the Royal Swordsmanship Tournament. The King was so impressed with your skill, he personally requested that you be transferred out of the army and into the Royal Guard! Not bad for an orphan who was raised in a brothel in a poor fishing village.

The only issue at this point is your assignment... you've been charged to be the personal guard of the King's only daughter Marianne. While she is the vision of loveliness that you'd expect from a Princess, her personality is... well... she seems to have some issues.

You're finally awake... though everything still kind of hurts, you're back in one piece at the very least.

>Sorry, but you've been stripped down to the rank of DOG!
>Though dogs are loyal, they're not all that smart...
>Though she still considers you her friend, she thinks a little less of you... and also herself.
>And while dogs are man's best friend, they still don't count as people.

Thread archive:

Character list + descriptions (in progress):

List and descriptions of the spells shown thus far:


Quest compilation that's kindly maintained by a person who isn't me:
1420 posts and 69 images omitted

No.24050029 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
These threads are always fun.

Choose one, you know the drill.
323 posts and 38 images omitted